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Rotherham child rape gangs: At least 1400 victims

And that's the key thing you take away from that article is it? Aside from that, it's a perfectly relevant quote illustrating something the article is designed to address and that she has been working towards for some time in Bristol.

No, just making the point that including that kind of quote means I'm unwilling to take the article seriously.

I'd have the same reaction towards any religious text being used in the same manner.
No, just making the point that including that kind of quote means I'm unwilling to take the article seriously.

I'd have the same reaction towards any religious text being used in the same manner.
Why? She's Muslim and takes the Quran as a point of reference for lines of inspiration. So what? I'm guessing you wouldn't have taken Martin Luther King seriously then, as he quoted the bible.

That's just silly. Being atheist personally doesn't mean you ought to dismiss anything someone religious says just because they quote religious texts as an aside.
She talks about the Quran at the end, if I make a post mentioning the bible in a similar context it would quite rightly be derided.
I think you're wrong about that. If someone made a long and thoughtful post on here and ended it with a verse from a religious text that gives them inspiration, I don't think it would be derided. Certainly not by me.
This is the quote from the Koram used - it's perfectly relevant to her argument before it. i think it would take a special effort to claim that an argument that islam is not inherently pro-child abuse and subject to cover-ups should not use quotes from the founding texts of islam to make the case.

“O you who believe! Stand out firmly for justice, as witnesses to Allah, even if it be against yourselves, your parents, and your relatives, or whether it is against the rich or the poor...” (Quran 4:135)
Benefit of the doubt, I guess, that CF doesn't know who Charles Murray is.
If you like reading the output of a racist academic fraud.

You really need to read what people write, what the thread is about and so on. Incredible. And thanks very much I know exactly who Charles Murray is.

Now go back. Read it again. Maybe it will make sense to you a second time around.

If you need it spelling out - and it appears that you do - Butchersapron was making a point about `social dumping` practised by councils/municipalities etc.
I then pointed - in agreement - to what I regard as a pretty seminal ultra right wing article in the Times from nine years ago called `the advantages of social apartheid` which is in favour of exactly this (cites the `clean up` of Manhattan as an example).

Hopefully you get my point now.
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You really need to read what people write, what the thread is about and so on. Incredible. And thanks very much I know exactly who Charles Murray is.

Now go back. Read it again. Maybe it will make sense to you a second time around.

If you need it spelling out - and it appears that you do - Butchersapron was making a point about `social dumping` practised by councils/municipalities etc.
I then pointed - in agreement - to what I regard as a pretty seminal ultra right wing article in the Times from nine years ago called `the advantages of social apartheid` which is in favour of exactly this (cites the `clean up` of Manhattan as an example).

Hopefully you get my point now.

Ooh! Someone is a bit thin-skinned regarding perceived criticism!

Amusing that you lecture on comprehension while lacking it yourself. My point wasn't anything to do with whether you knew who Murray was, it was (fairly obviously) that Murray writes for a particular milieu, and has a poor record for standing up what he writes with actual non-fabricated evidence.
You really need to read what people write, what the thread is about and so on. Incredible. And thanks very much I know exactly who Charles Murray is.

Now go back. Read it again. Maybe it will make sense to you a second time around.

If you need it spelling out - and it appears that you do - Butchersapron was making a point about `social dumping` practised by councils/municipalities etc.
I then pointed - in agreement - to what I regard as a pretty seminal ultra right wing article in the Times from nine years ago called `the advantages of social apartheid` which is in favour of exactly this (cites the `clean up` of Manhattan as an example).

Hopefully you get my point now.
do you have a link to this seminal article?
Ooh! Someone is a bit thin-skinned regarding perceived criticism!

Amusing that you lecture on comprehension while lacking it yourself. My point wasn't anything to do with whether you knew who Murray was, it was (fairly obviously) that Murray writes for a particular milieu, and has a poor record for standing up what he writes with actual non-fabricated evidence.
I'm a very sensitive flower. Murray is a massive massive cnut just to be clear.

Didn't he write the bell curve and also suggest that high crime areas should just be left to rot and forgotten about?
Didn't he write the bell curve and also suggest that high crime areas should just be left to rot and forgotten about?

"The Bell Curve" was co-written with Richard Herrnstein. Murray's journalism (published by rightwing newspapers and tedious "house journals for people like The Heritage Foundation, mostly) plays on the old theme that poverty is the fault of the poor, and that if only they showed a bit of gumption and entrepreneurship, they too could have been born into a well-off family who paid their way through college made their own way in the world like he did.
So three months on what has happened to all those investigations into events in Rotherham ?

Louise Casey's review of the Council's governance, children's and young people's services and taxi licensing arrangements, which Eric Pickles announced last September, was due to report back to him about now and is due to be published in the spring. A more detailed list of what Pickles instructed her to look at can be found here.

Yesterday the National Crime Agency announced (press release here) that they have appointed Steve Baldwin to head Operation Stovewood, the independent investigation into non-familial child sexual exploitation and abuse in Rotherham between 1997 and 2013 which was commissioned by South Yorkshire's Chief Constable some months ago.

The NCA is this month establishing a major incident room, having been given management and control of secure accommodation in a South Yorkshire Police building.

Only officers and other staff employed to deliver, or support, the investigation will have access to the major incident room, which is being equipped with both NCA systems and links to access necessary South Yorkshire Police information. This may include a number of selected and vetted South Yorkshire officers and staff.

Operation Stovewood is still in its initial phase; to identify and examine relevant material held by South Yorkshire Police and other bodies in order to scope the nature, scale and requirements of its investigation.

One strand of Operation Stovewood is to carry out a detailed review of those investigations into historic abuse currently being conducted by South Yorkshire Police. This is due to begin next week.

Originally it was announced that the NCA would be looking at possible misconduct in public office by non-Police Officers including Council officers, Councillors and Shaun Wright the former PCC. There is no specific reference to this in the NCA Press release.

The cost of Operation Stovewood, expected to run into millions, will fall on South Yorkshire Police. The new Police and Crime Commissioner Dr Alan Billings has already asked for a 1.95% increase in the policing element of Council Tax for 2015-16 to cover increased costs.

No further word on the IPCC's investigations into the conduct of ten South Yorkshire Police Officers since the announcement in November. Operation Stovewood is likely to lead to further officers being referred.

According to this story last week in the Sheffield Star, the Home Office investigation into missing and stolen files, including those removed from the Risky Business offices at the time of the unpublished research project the Home Office commissioned in 2002, is still in the 'scoping phase'. It was unknown when the investigation proper, to be conducted by Richard Whittam QC and Peter Wanless, might start.

Rotherham Council, meanwhile, has lost a couple more senior officers, appointed a new head of children's services (but not yet a new Chief Executive), rejected a FOI request to publish the 2003 and 2006 reports which it had ignored because they currently form part of Police investigations, and decided to look at employing the kinds of High Court injunctions banning suspected abusers from contacting victims which Birmingham Council obtained in November.
The report of Louise Casey's inspection has been published today. (Downloadable here as a pdf). Just started reading it but it's extremely critical of Rotherham Council.
Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council is not fit for purpose. It is failing in its legal obligation to secure continuous improvement in the way in which it exercises its functions. In particular, it is failing in its duties to protect vulnerable children and young people from harm.

This inspection revealed past and present failures to accept, understand and combat the issue of Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE), resulting in a lack of support for victims and insufficient action against known perpetrators.

The Council’s culture is unhealthy: bullying, sexism, suppression and misplaced ‘political correctness’ have cemented its failures. The Council is currently incapable of tackling its weaknesses, without a sustained intervention.
Our investigations revealed:
• a council in denial about serious and on-going safeguarding failures
• an archaic culture of sexism, bullying and discomfort around race
• failure to address past weaknesses, in particular in Children’s Social Care
• weak and ineffective arrangements for taxi licensing which leave the public at
• ineffective leadership and management, including political leadership
• no shared vision, a partial management team and ineffective liaisons with
• a culture of covering up uncomfortable truths, silencing whistle-blowers and
paying off staff rather than dealing with difficult issues

Rotherham Council 'not fit for purpose over child abuse failings' - BBC
Rotherham council in denial on child sexual exploitation failures, report says - Guardian
Rotherham Borough Council’s cabinet is to resign in the wake of Louise Casey’s damning report “as soon as transitional arrangements can be put in place”, the council said.
Guardian site

This is the reconstructed cabinet after a number of the old members stood down. I suspect the 'transitional arrangements' may be difficult for them.
Apologies. I should have read the article first.

Do you think there is an element of political bullying here, or can we take this as fair?
Not sure - i do think there's an element of get me out of here quick on the part of the recomposed cabinet. Maybe a bit of both then - bully me out of this please.
From the Casey report :
The clearest manifestation of denial was that Member after Member and officer after officer disputed the methodology of the Professor Jay’s report. The numbers of victims were challenged, the cases she referred to were questioned and the interviews she had undertaken were queried.

When asked, 70% of the current Rotherham Councillors we spoke to (including those in the Cabinet) disputed Professor Jay’s findings.
Even following the publication of last year's damning report the council are still in denial and still trying to distance themselves from the evidence.
The opportunity placed before the executive and the cabinet to accept and move forward to resolve the issues was lost by the inability they have in pulling their laissez-faire socks up.
To be honest I am not in the least shocked.
This is what happens when front line staff are ignored, bullied and in some cases re-deployed when attempting to raise concerns.
Two Rotherham councillors and police officer accused of having sex with abuse scandal victims - Independent

Two councillors and a police officer in Rotherham have been accused of having sex with victims of abuse in the South Yorkshire town, it has been claimed today.

The allegations against the two politicians and a police constable have been reported by The Times as an independent inspection report into Rotherham Council was due to be published today.

The police officer has been also accused of passing information on to abusers in the town. A colleague has reportedly been accused of failing to take appropriate action after receiving information about the officer's conduct. Both have been reported to the Independent Police Complaints Commission.

The allegations against the two councillors, one of whom is still reportedly serving, are understood to have been passed on to the National Crime Agency (...)
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