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Pride (movie) - when Welsh miners and gay activists teamed up to fight Thatcher

Just watched it at a preview with my teenage daughter thanks to the heads up here.
Never seen a cinema full of people moved so much by a film. Tissues everywhere and people standing up crying, laughing and clapping their hands. Pretty much a standing ovation. Some fucking brilliant performances.

Top notch fillum:cool:
of course there are paying
there's not 1000's of tickets being given away and imagine people going from tomorrow will be paying
Just watched it at a preview with my teenage daughter thanks to the heads up here.
Never seen a cinema full of people moved so much by a film. Tissues everywhere and people standing up crying, laughing and clapping their hands. Pretty much a standing ovation. Some fucking brilliant performances.

Top notch fillum:cool:

As a matter of interest, was that London ? Sound like heartwarming response, look fwd to seeing how our gloomy ol N devon audience responds.
As a matter of interest, was that London ? Sound like heartwarming response, look fwd to seeing how our gloomy ol N devon audience responds.
No I watched it at Cheshire Oaks on the Wirral up here in the North West. I honestly think any audience will have the same response. It's such a very moving, touchingly funny, gutsy and also quite a sad film. I remember that era only too well and there was massive support for the minors in our region, we had our own manufacturing industries decimated by the witch as well but the homophobia of the times was I think the part of the emotional tear pull for a lot of people in the audience. Obviously I can't really speak for others but you could see the tissues coming out and hear the sighs.

There's a part in the film where one of the miners wives stands up and leads the cast in song. If the hairs don't go up on the back of your neck at that point and your tear gland doesnae flinch then it's over for you :D

If you're not moved by that film down in Devon there's nothing left for ya :D or maybe I'm just a big softy :hmm:
Are any paying though? films like this won't get made if no one coughs up
It's a BBC job. It's definitely got money behind it. I predict a blockbuster response, they know exactly what they are doing with the freeview previews ;) Good marketing IMO.
No I watched it at Cheshire Oaks on the Wirral up here in the North West. I honestly think any audience will have the same response. It's such a very moving, touchingly funny, gutsy and also quite a sad film. I remember that era only too well and there was massive support for the minors in our region, we had our own manufacturing industries decimated by the witch as well but the homophobia of the times was I think the part of the emotional tear pull for a lot of people in the audience. Obviously I can't really speak for others but you could see the tissues coming out and hear the sighs.

There's a part in the film where one of the miners wives stands up and leads the cast in song. If the hairs don't go up on the back of your neck at that point and your tear gland doesnae flinch then it's over for you :D

If you're not moved by that film down in Devon there's nothing left for ya :D or maybe I'm just a big softy :hmm:

probably going to be about 12 people in there like when i went to see the Ian Dury fill, will see !
Saw it this afternoon and loved it. Only around 20 people in the cinema though, probably because it was work hours.

Definitely want to see it again. Few moments of grit in my eyes, and having not read this thread or anything about Ashton, the end was a bit of a surprise
I remember being reduced to tears by a welsh miners wife who spoke on the main stage at London Pride in Jubilee Gardens (in 1985?) she said something about having no idea what lesbians and gays were when they first contacted them - but how she would be proud if a child of hers come out to her as lesbian or gay. She was an ordinary woman from the valleys who had never given a speech before the strike - but she was eloquent and it was emotional message. Non of this sort of stuff made the mainstream media back then.
if the woman in question was quite young then, then there is every chance her name is Sian james, and she is now the MP for Swansea East
Saw this tonight. I was blown away by it emotionally, partly because of my own memories of supporting the miners and gay rights and the general feel of the time, and partly because of the film's theme of different communities coming together against a common oppressor.

There have been comparisons to 'Billy Elliot' and 'Brassed Off'. Not having seen these films I can't make a direct comparison but had mixed feelings about the interpretation of it as a 'feelgood' film. It has many upbeat moments (the scene at the benefit gig made me want to join in!) and the overall message of solidarity is upbeat, but there is darkness in there - real darkness which is not overcome as it might be in a 'feelgood' film. The portrayal of Mark by Ben Schnetzer really gives a feel for his anxiety about what is to come. The two homophobic women (Maureen the committee chair and Joe's mother) are also chillingly realistic. I found myself really detesting Maureen, then saying to myself 'but she's only a character in a film' then thinking 'no, she was real'.

The film is really well-made (some great shots of landscapes and the Severn Bridge) and the acting impressive – especially Schnetzer.

It will be good to see this important film get the audiences it deserves. There was an ovation at the end where I saw it (The Gate, Notting Hill). Can't recommend it enough really.
As a matter of interest, was that London ? Sound like heartwarming response, look fwd to seeing how our gloomy ol N devon audience responds.
In The Ritzy in Brixton it got a round of applase.

I also loved the bit where the women sing Bread and Roses, and was curious as to who it was with the wonderful voice, who sings the first verse. Now I know, so am sharing :)

She is called Bronwen Lewis.

Yes that bit was lovely - really moving.
There have been comparisons to 'Billy Elliot' and 'Brassed Off'. Not having seen these films I can't make a direct comparison but had mixed feelings about the interpretation of it as a 'feelgood' film. It has many upbeat moments (the scene at the benefit gig made me want to join in!) and the overall message of solidarity is upbeat, but there is darkness in there - real darkness which is not overcome as it might be in a 'feelgood' film. The portrayal of Mark by Ben Schnetzer really gives a feel for his anxiety about what is to come. The two homophobic women (Maureen the committee chair and Joe's mother) are also chillingly realistic. I found myself really detesting Maureen, then saying to myself 'but she's only a character in a film' then thinking 'no, she was real'.
There are always dark moments in 'feelgood' films They're required to contrast with the good bits!

Pride follows the essential outline for any feelgood film pretty much to a T. But it does do it very well indeed, Dominic West, Ben Schnetzer & Faye Marsay are all excellent, the script dodges cliche, and it all looks great (well, except for the bits which are meant to look fucking grim).

Anyone who doesn't well up at the end has no heart or soul.
Saw the film with my freebie tickets last night. Very moving, very entertaining, very true to the spirit of the times. It's left me feeling somewhat depressed today though.

There are very few dramatic representations of what it was like to grow up gay in the 80s (in fact I'm struggling to think of anything apart from the video to Smalltown Boy) and reliving the virulent homophobia and dark shadow of AIDS was difficult, 'triggering' I guess is the word some people might use... The scene where Joe is confronted by his parents was a gruesome re-enactment, almost word-for-word of my own unmasking a couple of years later. I'm not sure though that a younger generation would quite pick up on all the references ('swirling in a cesspit of their own making' etc) and realise just how mainstream being actively homophobic was in those days.

I'm not sure if the making of this film represents victory or defeat. To my 15 year old self it would have seemed utterly remarkable that the 'loony left'/gay rights axis would ever be the subject of a heartwarming brit-com. But is that just because at 30 years distance all those ideas about solidarity are no longer a threat, a bit like how Tony Benn became a cuddly national treasure?

So yeah, really proud of those people and glad their story has been immortalised, still angry about the newspapers who ranted about perverts and now will probably give this film a 5 star review, and sad that we've collectively lost so much since those times, even if we've gained in terms of equality.

"My Beautiful Laundrette" is one film I rate about that period made in 1985. That film was a big hit at the time though seems to be forgotten now. Covered a lot of issues in one film.

Good post. I was not sure about seeing Pride as thought it might be romcom trivialization of that period. After seeing posts here I will try to see it.

I take your point about 30 years distance.

I had forgotten but in its early days Channel 4 did give a voice to minorities. Something it gave up on later on.

Conservative MPs regularly called for the station to be closed down after one queer programme or another had been screened and the tabloid Press nicknamed the station “Channel Porn”.
Saw Pride today.

Other posters have already mentioned that it moved the audience. At Ritzy (London) it got applause at end of film. It did move people. Including me. I did find myself swept along with it. Partly as I am sympathetic to its politics I think. A plus point of film is that it is made so that one is almost compelled to be swept along with it imo. As such I think its a great political film in the good sense of propaganda. There is good use of soundtrack.

As a film its not perfect. This is not a criticism of the films politics. This is a film not a protest or demo.

Some great performances made a lot of difference. The director managed to tread the line between feelgood movie and making some serious points.

I think that the beginning of film was excellent. Felt it sagged a bit in middle at times. Yes I got the message about gays / welsh small village culture clash. It did not have to be repeated so often. But was saved by some great set pieces. The disco dance in the miners hall for example. The last third tried to cram so much in that it was rushed.

The last third was interesting as it went more deeply into the politics. This tied in with some of ideas from the beginning and middle of film.

The gay movement was not one thing. The film is about those who saw gay rights and wider Labour struggles as linked. Others in gay movement wanted to get equality but did not want to link the movement for gay equality tied to a wider socialist movement.

I found it very interesting to see the 80s "Rainbow" alliance politics on screen. In long run those in gay movement who saw struggle for gay rights as part of a wider socialist politics lost out to those who went for equality before the law only ( ie right to be in army, be a openly gay business owner etc.)

In the films favour it puts forward a plausible argument the a socialist sexual politics is credible and not to be dismissed as out of date 80s.

The films message for this present day is that solidarity is all important. Not in the sense that one should show solidarity but its something that people need. A message that it puts across well. It is through others that we find our individuality and sense of self.

Its what has been lost since Thatcher.
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Watched this on Sunday at the Tricycle cinema in Kilburn. Good film, they get the period and mood right. The London scenes based at "Gays the Word" book shop were filmed in Kingsgate Road, about 80 yards from my house.
I haven't seen it yet but my Dad went last night and tells me it's brilliant and not far off the way things were. I knew the Imelda Staunton character was based on someone I knew but hadn't realised the Bill Nighy is based on someone I knew well as a boy.
Here we go. They basically took a whole "block" of Kingsgate Road almost outside my front door, and made up false shop fronts with old "01" London numbers on, brought in an 80s phone box, bins and other "street furniture".

They were filming here for around a fortnight last October. The main one being a replica of the "Gays The Word" book shop and flat above.

Saw it in Boro last night - fantastic film. As well as the politics and the feel good it was beautifully filmed, just great stuff all round. So many memories! Only downer was there were only about 30 there, in the film's first week (admittedly, the teatime showing, so would have been more later).

Fuck, I'm not normally a Billy Bragg fan, but finishing the film with Power in a Union pushed me over the edge! I'd been stoical and dry eyed all the way through as well. I even learned it on the guitar when I got home!
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