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placing Red Action then the IWCA theorethically

No one ever accused RA of horizontal recruitment!! Horizontalism though check it out??!! See Sub Comandante Marcos et al. RA, the chips and garlic mayo of the left, dont know why it works but I like it!!
the great paradox and failing of RA and IWCA is that the literature they have always produced is well boring. You'd think with the pedigree and experience certain long-standing members have they'd have an idea how to produce something snappy and populist which would have struck a chord with , say the residents of the estate i used to stay on goswell road which they canvassed quite heavily. but even i, as someone who's not exactly a stranger to politics didn't bother to plough all the way through the IWCA newssheet thing they used to put through the door.

plus you'd think for all their understanding of the dynamics of the far right in britain they'd have sussed onto why their propaganda has a resonance with the demographic they are targetting (arguably the same as IWCA)

well said, i have been trying to get this through to Butchers etc for ages. Academic clap trap only appeals to the most boring of students
Dunno about horizontal recruitment (and I never heard RA accused of it) but I think you might find that RA successfully un-recruited many NF/BNP types from their own political activity by introducing them to the 'horizontal on the pavement' tradition

As for HR ... back in the day... I was deliberately targeted myself by a number of women who were members of various left grouplets and parties. Having discounted charisma and animal magnetism as possible explanations for my sudden attractiveness, I was left with a) a deliberate attempt at Horizontal Recruitment or b) They just fancied a 'bit of rough'

I never did not torment myself tooo much over the answer... just enjoyed the shags, and went for a pint next day to recount yet another 'you'll never guess who put it up to me last night...'
the great paradox and failing of RA and IWCA is that the literature they have always produced is well boring. You'd think with the pedigree and experience certain long-standing members have they'd have an idea how to produce something snappy and populist which would have struck a chord with , say the residents of the estate i used to stay on goswell road which they canvassed quite heavily. but even i, as someone who's not exactly a stranger to politics didn't bother to plough all the way through the IWCA newssheet thing they used to put through the door.

plus you'd think for all their understanding of the dynamics of the far right in britain they'd have sussed onto why their propaganda has a resonance with the demographic they are targetting (arguably the same as IWCA)

To be fair i think early red actions were miles miles better. And have read WE ARE RED ACTION? Its a really good easy to read pamphlet that everyone should have a look at.
Once MoF left RA i think the output became a lot more dogmatic and more typical of the left, but the early stuff was clear and made some strong points really well.
I found the two recent articles on 'Economic democracy: the need for a vision' from the IWCA well worth a read.

The quote from Milton Friedman in part one is important for these times, as we enter the battle for hearts and minds.

Only a crisis produces real change. When that crisis occurs, the actions that are taken depend on the ideas that are lying around.

Principly, we are afterall engaged in a battle of ideas.

Part 1

Part 2
I was involved in RA from 1992 to the end, I can't speak for the earlier period only reading the paper occasionally. However I found RA like a breath of fresh air after 8 years in militant, it was the first real thinking Id ever had to do politically, before that id just been learning off formulas. I was attracted to RA by the anti-fascism, having set up an anti fascist campaign in the area where I was working for Militant it was soon apparent that RA were the only ones genuinely engaged on the issue rather than running a front organisation. Reading through this thread and seeing references to Militants brief foray into anti-fascist direct action brought back a few memories. What posters on here failed to say was that some time later after the Militant version of AFA ,the away team(?? I think) was shut down forcibly by the militant leadership, some of the main players in that group joined AFA and some RA.
Dunno about horizontal recruitment (and I never heard RA accused of it) but I think you might find that RA successfully un-recruited many NF/BNP types from their own political activity by introducing them to the 'horizontal on the pavement' tradition

As for HR ... back in the day... I was deliberately targeted myself by a number of women who were members of various left grouplets and parties. Having discounted charisma and animal magnetism as possible explanations for my sudden attractiveness, I was left with a) a deliberate attempt at Horizontal Recruitment or b) They just fancied a 'bit of rough'

I never did not torment myself tooo much over the answer... just enjoyed the shags, and went for a pint next day to recount yet another 'you'll never guess who put it up to me last night...'

I think this account must have been hacked!!
Transvestite story? Is that in the book?
Seriously though really enjoyed the book and I for one hope there will be more like it to come, personal stories from those involved around the country. It looks like the other thread on the book is considered too toxic for people to post, either that or as I hope to be the case, all the genuine concerns people had about how the book was going to be done have disipated now its out?? looking forward to the launch.
or as I hope to be the case, all the genuine concerns people had about how the book was going to be done have disipated now its out??

definitely say this is a big part of it - was amazing the amount of 'reviews' that were put forward of the thing by the anti-book brigade before it was published - compared to the wall of silence now it's actually out

the indymedia thread was flowing with crap before 23rd October - now it's completely dead
Dunno about horizontal recruitment (and I never heard RA accused of it) but I think you might find that RA successfully un-recruited many NF/BNP types from their own political activity by introducing them to the 'horizontal on the pavement' tradition

As for HR ... back in the day... I was deliberately targeted myself by a number of women who were members of various left grouplets and parties. Having discounted charisma and animal magnetism as possible explanations for my sudden attractiveness, I was left with a) a deliberate attempt at Horizontal Recruitment or b) They just fancied a 'bit of rough'

I never did not torment myself tooo much over the answer... just enjoyed the shags, and went for a pint next day to recount yet another 'you'll never guess who put it up to me last night...'

What posters on here failed to say was that some time later after the Militant version of AFA ,the away team(?? I think) was shut down forcibly by the militant leadership, some of the main players in that group joined AFA and some RA.

I was involved in the Away Team and knew most, if not all of the major players in it. I know of only 1 who joined AFA, an absolutely top fella who cogg also knows, I didn't know any who joined RA. This isn't a disagreement with your point but if they did join it was either not an issue or never became a topic of conversation.

As for the shutting down of the AT, well yes there was some rather bizarre allegations made, including the hoary old squaddist line.
Or even better, you two exchange pm's and then decide on a mutually acceptable form of referencing these people without posting their initials or anything else without their expressed agreement.

Maybe you would prefer to do this with Fedayn, Jackie - as he seems a little less confrontational than dennisr - and a respectful private exchange might benefit this thread.

Whereas this descending into a bunfight... would be both unseemly and also be conflicting with the political legacy of what I presume is ye're shared history.
Pm sent to Fedayn , I laid a lot of cards on the table already to show good faith in my earlier post, if dennisr wants to pm me ill ellaborate, enough I think to say one was FT in FF dept one in print shop. I was looking to correct a hostile post from another person re Red Actions record not start a row with anyone.. However I notice you say nothing about my point that these militant members were an aberation soon sorted out by the leadership:p.
Pm sent to Fedayn , I laid a lot of cards on the table already to show good faith in my earlier post, if dennisr wants to pm me ill ellaborate, enough I think to say one was FT in FF dept one in print shop. I was looking to correct a hostile post from another person re Red Actions record not start a row with anyone.. However I notice you say nothing about my point that these militant members were an aberation soon sorted out by the leadership:p.

And replied, I know who jackie is, as would dennisr definitely.
Pm sent to Fedayn , I laid a lot of cards on the table already to show good faith in my earlier post, if dennisr wants to pm me ill ellaborate, enough I think to say one was FT in FF dept one in print shop. I was looking to correct a hostile post from another person re Red Actions record not start a row with anyone.. However I notice you say nothing about my point that these militant members were an aberation soon sorted out by the leadership:p.

Asking a blunt question is not 'starting a row' in my book. I worked for years with the fella in the print shop (and there are enough anarchos and others - including fed who could vouch for my safe identity here if you want to pm). Neither could be called 'leading lights'.

The point didn't really need answering but *sigh* if i must burst that bubble. There was a danger of folk losing a sense of perspective. Such disagreements would be quite normal in an organisation - there is no need to paint words with a small number of individuals as some SWP style, 'anti-squaddie witchunt' which we both know it was not. It might make you feel better given your personal choice - but it still does not turn the molehill of reality into a mountain. Similarly no need to distort the practise of Militant's anti-fascism. RA themselves had - eventually - drawn the conclusion that a single tactic (as a replacement for an alternative) was no longer effective - if it could ever have been effective on its own. The difference between the two organisations was that the Militants had never seen one tactic as the basis of all of the work that they carried out. As for 'aberations' the AT tactics may well have been used - on occasion - since your disappearance from the scene without any internal problems. Individuals members may well even have gone down as the result of the use of such tactics. There may well even have been a few cases of individuals moving towards this difficult activity over all others (understandably), luckily they were in an organisation that could offer a wider perspective and balance to their activity (but that is not to say it would not have resulted in disagreements over the weight or importance of such activity on occasion. Again that is a natural part of being in the Militant. You would not know about that because you were no longer around. If used - such tactics would not have been seen as a replacement for politics by the organisation as a whole.
Is it possible to explain what happened to the Away Team and what was there record?. Also what was the history of Panther UK or what ever Militants Black Section was called, as I remember it split into pretty much a seperate organisation on the grounds that the black struggle needed to be gree from a socialist organisation?

Years ago there was I think a thread on the Away Team in which Nigel Irratable pretty much came out with the line that those who did the fighting couldn't be in a position in the organisation where they called the shots.

Fed might remember
Is it possible to explain what happened to the Away Team and what was there record?. Also what was the history of Panther UK or what ever Militants Black Section was called, as I remember it split into pretty much a seperate organisation on the grounds that the black struggle needed to be gree from a socialist organisation?

The Away Team - if it existed of course - would not claim any record for obvious reasons :)

The Panther was seperate from the Militant or it's black members - they played a central role in setting it up though. Black members of the Militant had played a similar role on their previous work at various times - for example in the Jamaican PNP youth wing here in the UK (in very different times). It was a response to the contradictory 'seperatist' mood that existed at the time. Primarily to bring those black people drawing the conclusion that "we have to do this ourselves -we cannot rely on anyone else" towards socialist ideas. Was it successful - not really - not very. at least not imo and certainly not in the resulting numbers drawn into our organisation. It was different in different areas of the UK. It was, to an extent, an effective alternative to crude seperatism though - and the seperatists themselves were aware of that, trying to do their best to take control of the Panthers.

Years ago there was I think a thread on the Away Team in which Nigel Irratable pretty much came out with the line that those who did the fighting couldn't be in a position in the organisation where they called the shots.

Which would be sensible
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