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my dogs are fecking awesome

The woman i got my dog off used to foster dogs and said that it didn't matter how big the dog was, mine (cosmo, mainly border collie) would keep them in order. She now doesn't like dogs coming up to her though - particularly friendly ones. She used to always get the retaliation in first with a motherly 'fuck off and leave me alone' bite down on the back of the neck. Which is a bit of a shock to both dog and owner.

It's actually a fear reaction, but she's loads better now I have to say - when she sees a dog she gets a treat, if she doesn't go for the dog she gets another treat. So now when she sees a dog she mainly comes back for her treat so at least i can get her on the lead or to walk to heel. If we're on a winding path she trots ahead, sees the dog round a corner and comes back for the treat then trots off ahead again, sees the dog and comes back for the treat, trots off ahead ...

I don't think she got given a lot of space to herself because now she likes being on her own most of the time. Her previous owner also had three rather unpleasant and persistent boys who i think pulled her around a lot which has a lot to do with it.

you've done an excellent job with her sheds, you should be proud of yourself. taking on an adult collie with fear based aggressive tendencies as your first dog is no easy thing. for working with her in a way that works for you both and succeeding, you deserve a round of applause mate.
I think Breeze needs a bigger bed!! I <3 her!! Two of my favourite breeds merged!!

My sister's dog does that. You set them up all nice, and give them a headrest etc. but they just seem to prefer laying their heads on the floor with their body half out of basket :hmm:
grabbed with phone so not a great shot but Ben with his blankie. On the right is Katie and in the bed is the new arrival (Lucy)

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With "respect" Pingu those areas of Black could be anything

Apart from the area of black on the right hand side with two burning suns of "evil and hate" ;) (no offence . . . like) which is obviously a much loved doggie

We all know you are capable of producing wonderful photos of your pack of hell hounds . . . .

So . . . proper BLANKIE PICS at your earliest please
I will break out the proper camera and get him to pose with blankie one day next week.

he is one of those dogs though that when the camera is brought out decides its an evil dog soul* capturing device and this can only be thwarted by keeping extremely still and looking away from it

* dear people who follow the bible... look I know it goes against what you have read and been told but dogs do have souls mmmkay? and cats, hamsters, gerbils, fish, shoes, rabbits, ferrets and even the occasional human
. . . .he is one of those dogs though that when the camera is brought out decides its an evil dog soul capturing device and this can only be thwarted by keeping extremely still and looking away from it


Blatant bribery with treats . . . Fucks sake Pingu, you train dogs 'n' stuff

So, one day next week - can't wait - and we've only got cats, but your dogs are "special" (in a very good way indeed)
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