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Minnie's Gardeners' Question Time - help for the new gardeners

Were they the plants you got up Lidl?

I'm going to find some screws and wire when it warms up a bit and attach them to the fence. Not sure whether to do clematis or passion flower. It's a pretty shaded area. There's sweetpea of course, but I'd have to make a teepee (I think), in which case I'd need to get some longer sticks or can that be trailed along a fence?

Yep, going to plant the rest out today.

Passionflower needs loads of sun, so you'd be better to find a shade liking clematis
Passionflower needs loads of sun, so you'd be better to find a shade liking clematis

Oh, any recommendations for nice smelling ones?

I planted my nicotiana last night. One seed per cell, using a sweetcorn fork dabbed in water to pick seeds up and transplanting into cell. Two of the cells had a bit of loo roll in so I could see what I was doing. Half of them have been sprinkled with cinnamon. 4 have been sprayed with water on the top as well as watering from the bottom, so I shall see which out of the 6 cells survive. Will be an interesting experiment, especially if they all die :D
i've got a question.

i've finally given up on my poor cordyline tree which died in the last big freeze.
i've lopped off the main parts of the branches and now want to grow some climbers up it. wondering what to get.

i don't want ivy, but it needs to be fairly hardy to hang on in the wind 5 metres up. doesn't necessarily have to be flowering.
any suggestions?
i've got a question.
i don't want ivy, but it needs to be fairly hardy to hang on in the wind 5 metres up. doesn't necessarily have to be flowering.
any suggestions?
Have a look at some of the plants you get recommended for seaside places - silver leaved stuff tends to tolerate wind quite well (rosemary, lavender etc).
trouble is, we're only going to be living here for another 4 or 5 years, so it needs to be fast-growing for us to get the benefit of it.
i have a feeling we'll end up getting ivy.
I've been saving lots of questions up.

I've decided I might grow some cabbage.

This is the cabbage I bought last year, except it was just a tiny little cabbage sitting on top of the pot. It's shot up though. I left it to die over winter because I couldn't be arsed to chuck it out. I'm glad I didn't now, 'cos look how tall it is! I'm not sure if it's meant to get that tall though. :hmm:

Anyway, anyone know what type of ornamental cabbage it is? Do slugs like all ornamental cabbages or are there kinds they're not keen on? How much taller is it likely to get? Shall I repot it?

I've tried googling to see what type of cabbage it is, but look how many cabbages there are, and nearly all of them are photographed from above rather than a sideview


Another question

I recently had loads of little whitefly (that's what I was told on here) on my banana plant that had been sitting in my bath for the last few months. It was taking forever to wipe the whitefly off, so instead, I cut the leaves off completely :oops:

However, there's been a new leaf up there for ages that's not come out. I don't know whether that's because of the weather or whether it just doesn't like the fact that I cut all the leaves off or what. Shall I cut the banana stem right down completely and give up on the emerging leaf? It's pictured there in front of the fern on the left-hand side in case anyone didn't recognise a banana plant without leaves :D

Banana and cabbage.jpg
I have a garden now, so will be gardening. Expect more posts to follow.

First task is to kill and remove this big yellow bush thing that Sparrow's allergic to. Forget the name. It should be fun.
I've been saving lots of questions up.

I've decided I might grow some cabbage.

This is the cabbage I bought last year, except it was just a tiny little cabbage sitting on top of the pot. It's shot up though. I left it to die over winter because I couldn't be arsed to chuck it out. I'm glad I didn't now, 'cos look how tall it is! I'm not sure if it's meant to get that tall though. :hmm:

Anyway, anyone know what type of ornamental cabbage it is? Do slugs like all ornamental cabbages or are there kinds they're not keen on? How much taller is it likely to get? Shall I repot it?

I've tried googling to see what type of cabbage it is, but look how many cabbages there are, and nearly all of them are photographed from above rather than a sideview

https://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&sugexp=frgbld&gs_nf=1&cp=13&gs_id=24&xhr=t&q=ornamental cabbage&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&biw=1366&bih=624&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=mbxrT6KoHIjb8APv6_zABg

View attachment 17615

No idea about answers to this one, but I just wanted to say 'ooh, pretty' :)
I have a garden now, so will be gardening. Expect more posts to follow.

First task is to kill and remove this big yellow bush thing that Sparrow's allergic to. Forget the name. It should be fun.

Post a picture of this bush that's being nasty to Sparrow and a picture of your before garden so we can see what it looks like ;)
Lots of stuff in my garden is only just starting to come back to life. I'd leave it a while yet before you decide to ditch it.

Yeah, the other lily looks like that and I cut them down the same time but a shoot is appearing at the edge of the container. However, as I had loads of bulbs earlier in the year, I just walked around shoving them in all different containers for the hell of it, so as far as I konw, it could be a tulip bult or an iris or anything that's not remotely a lily :oops::D
Yes :) They will grow back. It's March ffs. Have some patience woman!

Patience is not one of my better traits :oops:

Are you sure. They feel very soggy and look very not alive(ish). Did you see the picture up there of the cut down lily? I was thinking of binning them :D

I've had bulbs in pots that have felt soggy so have chucked them. Was I wrong to chuck them? :hmm:
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