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Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 vanishes without trace

Name a single deep ocean ditching, 1000+ miles from land, in force 7 conditions where 1 or more persons have survived.

Did you ever think man could climb mount Everest? Or swim the English Channel?

It hasn't happened because we haven't had a pilot good or skilled enough to attempt it. It hasn't happened because no one has ever attempted it. Don't be an ass and dismiss it out right.
Name a single deep ocean ditching, 1000+ miles from land, in force 7 conditions where 1 or more persons have survived.
George Bush Snr. And they managed to find him pretty quick before he died of hypothermia, even before GPS was invented. What more proof do you need that the Americans must have been behind the disappearance of the Malaysian jet?
George Bush Snr. And they managed to find him pretty quick before he died of hypothermia, even before GPS was invented. What more proof do you need that the Americans must have been behind the disappearance of the Malaysian jet?
Either you're 'aving a larf, or the batteries in my ironymeter are flat again :)
George Bush Snr. And they managed to find him pretty quick before he died of hypothermia, even before GPS was invented.

Military, prop, a couple of miles off the coast, bail out with other aircraft witnessing, submarine directed to pick up: not even remotely comparable.
Did you ever think man could climb mount Everest? Or swim the English Channel?

It hasn't happened because we haven't had a pilot good or skilled enough to attempt it. It hasn't happened because no one has ever attempted it. Don't be an ass and dismiss it out right.
A pilot is trained to look for better landing sites that the middle of the ocean, 1000+ miles from the nearest land mass, in force 7 conditions. It's not about the pilot being good enough, it's about being sensible enough not to have that as the only option.

Use your brain ffs.
The total area involved (original search area which theoretically should contain the debris) is something like half a million sq km. They are currently concentrating on 80 thousand sq km of that, I believe. Ultimately they need to nail an area of order a few thousand sq km or less for a sonar survey.

Suicide is strange though. You'd think that a suicidal pilot would just fly down. If this plane is far south the pilot seems to have tried to go as far as possible with the fuel available.

What kind of mental state would make the pilot delay their suicide so long? Seems more likely to me the plane was put onto cruise control and something else happened in the plane to everybody aboard.

As to landing, why would anyone try to land on the sea safely if they are comitting suicide...
what sort of cunt tops himself mid air while bussing a load of people?

One with a sense of razzmatazz.

If he's pissed off at the airline or government or whatever perhaps he wants to cause maximum fuss and hassle, which in this case has happened. Taking out all the other people is cuntish, but I guess suicidal folk don't think that rationally. Who knows? We don't know that this was pilot suicide any more than we know it was Godzilla.
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Malaysian press conference reports French satellite as having spotted 122 suspect objects in the ocean forming a 'debris field' in the current search area.

e2a: objects from 1m to 23m in extent and some described as 'solid' - again these could be SAR data as oppose to (near-)visual imagery.

Data 3 days old (March 23) though there have been rougher seas since.
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Did you ever think man could climb mount Everest? Or swim the English Channel?

It hasn't happened because we haven't had a pilot good or skilled enough to attempt it. It hasn't happened because no one has ever attempted it. Don't be an ass and dismiss it out right.
Fair play, you are continually redefining and expanding the parameters and boundaries of what it means to be a muppet. A true leader in the field :facepalm::thumbs:
Fair play, you are continually redefining and expanding the parameters and boundaries of what it means to be a muppet. A true leader in the field :facepalm::thumbs:
There's been a weird spree of long-time posters suddenly doing this recently, seemingly from out of the blue. There's something in the air.
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