Urban critical thinker
Well given i've not argued for no platform i'm still wondering who you're referring to.
the world just isn't about you Fed.
Well given i've not argued for no platform i'm still wondering who you're referring to.
the world just isn't about you Fed.
Where did anyone portray this as a BNP victory? What would give the IWCA member the impression that anyone said it was a BNP victory?
This position is also a way of scapegoating people of different ethnic groups and ignoring the problems that there is as much an account of such anti social behaviour in the 'indigenous' population. This position also soesn't take into account that for many people in this country who are not white and/or have different cultural backgrounds confronted with the onslaught of racist xenophobic bigotry speilled out and repeated by much of the white working class for their own sense of superiority identfying with cultural and national bqackground gives a sense of self worth.Really important stuff from Stuart C based on a decade of successful work in a working class community. No-one on here (after 5 pages of debate) seems to have engaged with the points made which seem to me to be directly relevant to the issue at debate.
stuart craft said:
While some posters on U75 seem to base their concerns on the impact of our stance on multiculturalism purely hypothetical, academic (and very patronising) assumptions about working class people, the IWCA uses a tried and tested empirical approach.Our position on divisive multiculturalism has been explained not just on the doorstep, in the local media and within the council chamber, but also several times over the last decade in our popular newsletter the ‘Leys Independent’ which was regularly hand delivered to all 5000 homes across Blackbird Leys over a ten year period. This has left very little room for any misunderstanding amongst the electorate (although it’s true that the ‘left’ have done their best with very limited success - other than within their own ever depleting circle - to portray us as racist/fascist etc).If our electorate had been convinced that we were indeed racist or anti-immigrant, we would not have returned four city councillors (one having been voted in 3 times) off the back of the most ethnically diverse electoral ward in the city. Many of our voters, supporters, activists and IWCA Athletics Club members come from ethnic minority backgrounds. Many of these are attracted to us because of our position on multiculturalism – i.e. the fact that unlike other parties we treat them as unique individuals whose interests are best served by working in common with other working class people.Parties such as the BNP, Labour and Respect have everything to gain by playing different ethnic groups against each other as their end game is power at all costs (with an increasingly Balkanised, easier to manipulate, society into the bargain).The IWCA seeks to genuinely unite working class people for the greater good, so any strategy that delivers electoral success at the expense of social cohesion would be counter-productive. Even the electoral route itself has now been ditched (for the time being at least) as it has proved to work against local working class interests (i.e. because time-consuming work in the council chamber began to take us away from the very grass roots work that got us elected in the first place).We hate the likes of the Islamists, Jamaican and Somali drug gangs and Pakistani men who prostitute under-age girls, and we have no qualms about raising these issues in the same way as we have confronted the extreme anti-social behaviour of groups who happen to be white. We understand that our feelings towards these scumbags are shared by the vast majority of decent working class people from these particular ethnic groups (who are often the biggest victims of the groups’ violence and intimidation) and we make sure to also publicise this. We will not be brow-beaten into either ignoring these issues because the fear of being accused of racism trumps any desire to actually do anything to address them (as is the case with Labour and the rest of the ‘left’) or of racialising social problems by tarring all members of these ethnic or religious groups with the same brush, in the hope of sparking a race war (ala the BNP/EDL etc). Both of these positions are racist, both complement each other.From our experience, explaining our position to working class people from across the ethnic spectrum is an almost effortless process. The fact that some on the ‘left’ assume that this is an area fraught with danger merely exposes their own lack of practical experience in this field, their own lack of genuine empathy with working class communities and above all their own lack of faith in the intelligence of working class individuals.
This position is also a way of scapegoating people of different ethnic groups and ignoring the problems that there is as much an account of such anti social behaviour in the 'indigenous' population. position also soesn't take into account that for many people in this country who are not white and/or have different cultural backgrounds confronted with the onslaught of racist xenophobic bigotry speilled out and repeated by much of the white working class for their own sense of superiority identfying with cultural and national bqackground gives a sense of self worth.
We hate the likes of the Islamists, Jamaican and Somali drug gangs and Pakistani men who prostitute under-age girls, and we have no qualms about raising these issues in the same way as we have confronted the extreme anti-social behaviour of groups who happen to be white.
This position is also a way of scapegoating people of different ethnic groups and ignoring the problems that there is as much an account of such anti social behaviour in the 'indigenous' population. This position also soesn't take into account that for many people in this country who are not white and/or have different cultural backgrounds confronted with the onslaught of racist xenophobic bigotry speilled out and repeated by much of the white working class for their own sense of superiority identfying with cultural and national bqackground gives a sense of self worth.
This is obviously a publicitty stunt too far for both the IWCA and Gary Smiths' 'Community Radio.
what is wrong with saying "we are against crime and drug dealers etc no matter who it's committed by?" you know full well that it isn't exclusively people from these ethnic groups who are doing this stuff. i know the iwca isn't racist but i think there's a better way of putting it than this.
And you don't think that there might be a difference between how things are expressed when addressing the public at large and addressing criticisms that have been specifically voiced on U75? i.e. the post that you quote is the latter.
yeah, i still don't think going on about "pakistani men who prostitute under-age girls" is the best way of addressing those types of criticisms tho whether it's in public or on here. why not say that you oppose that type of scum no matter where they're from and reject the idea that this could be seen as racist etc?
like seriously why mention these cunts' race at all?
yeah, i still don't think going on about "pakistani men who prostitute under-age girls" is the best way of addressing those types of criticisms tho whether it's in public or on here. why not say that you oppose that type of scum no matter where they're from and reject the idea that this could be seen as racist etc?
like seriously why mention these cunts' race at all?
thanks for that, its an interesting piece. The first thing that jumps out is what a fuckig prick the guy from that station is. Some people say they would vote BNP if they could. They cant, because the BNP dont stand there (yet). And then someone decides that the beat way to stop the BNP getting votes it to, uhh, invite them into a studio from where they can begin to organise a branch that will stand locally. Fucking madness. Doing so is clearly only going to benefit the BNP, no matter who is also on to oppose them.I asked Stuart to provide his own position on this - here it is:-
The idea that you could reply seperately, going on the station afterwards,
The idea that you could reply seperately, going on the station afterwards, is never even considered. Why not? Why is it sit down debate or nothing?
the bnp and fash do it themselves though. groom underage girls i mean.
you know full well that it isn't just pakistanis etc who are involved in this type of activity. so why put it like that? why not say "scum who prostitute underage girls"?
is there not a possibility that a pakistani guy for example could read that statement and feel a bit intimidated even though that wasn't your intention? is there not a possibility that they could be put off by stuff like that if it's not done sensitively?
This position is also a way of scapegoating people of different ethnic groups and ignoring the problems that there is as much an account of such anti social behaviour in the 'indigenous' population. This position also soesn't take into account that for many people in this country who are not white and/or have different cultural backgrounds confronted with the onslaught of racist xenophobic bigotry speilled out and repeated by much of the white working class for their own sense of superiority identfying with cultural and national bqackground gives a sense of self worth.
So the end result of this is that the BNP got a platform to speak upon with almost no opposition
Unfortunately for the IWCA, having rejected socialism , you have no national or international vision of an alternative to the capitalist system to offer, or indeed an understanding of how capitalism works
The issue is how to put across to working class people an analysis of their position/situation in a deeply unequal capitalist society which demonstrates how they have overiding interests in common with all other working class people DESPITE their ethnic /cultural, or religious differences , and that together they can build a better, more rational society with radically different ways to distribute resources and power, ie, Socialism.