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Is their a practical alternative to the con dems?


It's becoming increasingly obvious that all tax credits did was to allow big business to not increase their wages to enable their staff to live on the wages they get paid, which then helps them to undercut any businesses that actually paid a living wage so that they either have to shut down, or adopt the poverty wages + tax credits and housing benefit methods of big business in order to survive.

Meantime big business are making massive profits, and the differential between the wages of the common employees vs senior management and directors has got dramatically wider. Effectively it's the tax payer subsidising these profits, and performance bonuses and wage rises for those at the top.
Of course, if you're working 16 hours a week, they want you to increase your hours and if that's not possible, they withdraw your working tax credits.
Even Sure Start was lifted from an American policy (like so many other nulabour ideas) called Head Start that goes back to the sixties.

I didn't mention that because nuLabour at least had the decency to aim SureStart at a broader demographic (Head Start was, IIRC, aimed primarily at kids from "housing projects" until fairly late in its' life, when bureaucrats realised - Shock! Horror! - that you don't need to live in the projects to be poor), so that it exerted an effect on most of the demographic it was intended to assist.

But yeah, our neolib would-be governors do have a history of borrowing crap US policies. Dunked-in Shit more than most. Basically, if the Heritage Foundation gives a policy the nod, IDS will happily cream his chinos over it.
I'm proposing myself as minister of justice.
Worry not, comrades! My justice shall be the justice of the people, not of the elites (who shall be hung from lamp-posts with nooses made from their own entrails, after a trial in the Peoples' Court)!

You have my support for the Minister of Justice as long as you use the sort of technques used by my favorite comic book hero Judge Dredd when dealing with tories, libdems, banksters and fatcats
Don't vote.

You've just said your vote will make fuck all difference, why give the cunts a mandate? If no one voted, they'd have no mandate and fade away.
People always will vote though, won't they? So the "don't vote" idea is on a hiding to nothing. IMO, obvs.

But... if people were able to vote for a "no confidence in any of the above" option I can see that having more impact, as long as it was officially tallied in the results.

Even better than merely registering it would be if "no confidence in any of the above" won, the constituency polling would have to be re-run, with none of the previous candidates allowed to stand again.

It would cause chaos and cost shitloads in rerun ballots, but it might stir shit up for a limited amount of time at least.

Edit: Changed "none of the above" to "no confidence in any of the above"
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You're directly descended from Cromwell's mob, right?

Some are, the posh lot like the life guards take their heritage from blokes who went into exile with the some of the royal family istr.
TBH the formation of the army and the regiments and corp that make them up is a complicated affair.
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