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Inside a New York book store - the gun magazine section

How is this different from magazines on computers or photography or model railways or aircraft or... ?
It's mad isn't it?

I joined a pregnancy forum recently and there was a thread on there about having guns in the house and pages and pages of people talking like it was the norm. I was gobsmacked!

It's unbelievable!
That's nothing. Go to an actual gun store. That's where you'll see how different things are from Britain.


Americans and their ongoing love affair of all things that blast people to bits continues to baffle me.

Its definiltey to do with history, the wild west and all...amazing how history hangs around....see uk class system for details
i find the technology of weaponry fascinating.

partly the same reason i did some martial arts and kendo

killing people is distasteful. the means to do so can be elegant

bit like this nuttery
Or maybe it's about normalising and fetishising assault weapons.

We have those mags here in our mag shops too.

Two things: one - my kids have seen those mags in those shops, and have not yet once asked me for an AK47.

Two: how many kids these days actually read hard copy mags, or ever go in a 'magazine shop'?
actually i would assume most magazines exist to exploit a market rather than perpetuate one.

gun magazines exist because people like guns not the other way around. i would understand if the content explicitly promoted widespread gun use there would be a argument for normalisation but the simple existence speaks more about consumer trends than brainwashing

reminds me of anime. tones of anime fetishists guns and gunplay. fuck it i watched uppote a series where the main characters were guns. they made techy gun jokes. yet japan has really tight gun controls and a tiny gun ownership.

i think interest in guns needs to be separated for desire to pop a cap in someone's ass.... or head
See, I'm not lying when I say its like the Wild West up here. That shop's been there years. There was one on Archway Rd called Pax Guns too. Brrrrrrrap!

It's a little bit different in the United States. This is a gun shop:







My first Cabela's was in Kansas, and I was totally blown away [god, I'm full of puns tonight]. They have one in Calgary now. It's actually a pretty cool store, something completely different. I usually buy something - but mostly it's t shirts.
i would love to visit one. esp[ecially if they had a testing range

I don't know that they do; but if you go to Las Vegas, there are places that will let you shoot off all sorts of guns.

There's one in West Edmonton Mall, or at least there used to be, but damn it's expensive there! The ammo for a Desert Eagle will set you back almost $3.00 per bullet, or 1.5 pounds, over and above the cost of renting the gun.
My first Cabela's was in Kansas, and I was totally blown away [god, I'm full of puns tonight]. They have one in Calgary now. It's actually a pretty cool store, something completely different. I usually buy something - but mostly it's t shirts.

Cabela's is always interesting. I've actually made trips to other cities just to see the Cabelas. The one in LaVista has an aquarium larger than my house and that isn't even a big store. They've also got a shooting range, a candy store, and a decent restaurant where you can order elk meat hamburgers. Their "big" store is in Sidney, NE where they started out. It has more animals than most zoos. If I want to draw animals, I can bring my drawing kit and sit there for hours.


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Just a short stroll from the kids section in Barnes & Noble, NYC.

Americans and their ongoing love affair of all things that blast people to bits continues to baffle me.

These mags look a lot more practical and focused than 'Guns & Ammo' - which a few mates used to subscribe to when I was growing up. That really was out and out gun porn.
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Just a short stroll from the kids section in Barnes & Noble, NYC.

Americans and their ongoing love affair of all things that blast people to bits continues to baffle me.

Shit loads more weapons hobby mags than that in Japanese book stores. The difference though is that they can't get themselves in to a lather and then actually buy the things.
I have no idea. Given that it's illegal to import ivory, I'd hazard a guess at 'no'.

Ivory already in the country was grandfathered in. If I remember correctly, the earlier members of that family were big-game hunters back in the day. Still no idea of its "real" or not. It could be plastic, but the stuffed elephants in other stores are real enough.
Is Ivory bad if the elephant has been dead a really long time?

edit: by which I mean morally bad, I know it doesn't go off or anything.
I went to a Walmart in Pensylvania, you could but pink rifles and bows, genius, utter genius.

I know.

I went shopping for a fly rod and the salesman walked me around the store showing me only pink entry-level gear. I already had a crap setup, but I couldn't get him to understand that I didn't want the girly model. I finally told him flat out I wasn't buying anything in pink no matter how many he showed me. He looked at me like I was a big feminist freak and walked away with his big boy feeling hurt. FFS. :facepalm:
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