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Hurricane Sandy - "Perfect Storm"

There has been a lot of fakery and hype of course, however, there are shed loads of places under water, including parts of manhattan. Just not the movie-style rip-roaring super apocolypse the US news crews have been suggesting.
Americans are just so media savvy it's amazing. They've got one of the worst storms ever happening, and there's webcams up all along the coast, still broadcasting, some blokes driving around in a car in the eye of the actual storm, live streaming to the internet, and if that's not enough, there's even a live stream just for that crane which is potentially gonna snap. A crane gets it own broadcast, and people all over the world are watching it (myself included :facepalm:).
Ship down!

A replica of HMS Bounty that has featured in several films and TV shows has sunk off the coast of North Carolina after it was stranded in the path of Hurricane Sandy.

The 180 foot (55m) vessel was taking on water and had lost power 90 miles southeast of Hatteras, North Carolina. It was stuck in 40 mile-per-hour winds and 18-foot seas.


Twenty minutes and we're back on then!

Behind the statue and/or between front of statue and what looks like a bin. More starjumping this time please
Like I say, I'm off out in a minute, but I'll go via the Cohen statue at exactly 9.40 my time (it's 9.19 now).
Somebody let me know if he did, I really need to go and get some sleep before VP gives me grief about it.
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