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Hundreds of women assaulted in German NYE celebrations

Exactly. And if one of those little black blockers, often not the sharpest knife in the drawer at the best of times, lobs the obligatory firework at police lines it'll look even worse. And frankly it shouldn't even be about providing a left wing outlet, but left wing leadership on an issue the left have supposedly been to the forefront of and most vocal for decades now . Otherwise what's the point ? If the ethnicities were reversed here it'd be a no brainer as to what to do . Instead it's just no brains . And moral and political cowardice frankly .

Similarly as regards the assaults in St Pauli. Had a bunch of boneheads been wandering about targeting women of non German ethnicity, or hassling gays or whatever they wouldn't have gotten out of there alive . No doubt about it . Yet seemingly everyone had taken the night off or gone deaf dumb and blind . And off the bastards wandered, on their merry way . After a string of repeat sexual assaults right in the middle of St Pauli , we're presumably the entire fucking local fan base would have been out celebrating NYE . Just meters away from that rape gang . Who walked off unscathed after targeting multiple women at their leisure . It's not exactly a huge area after all.

The assaults were in St Pauli, and no one noticed?

another article here

Among the more than one million migrants who have entered Europe over the past year, fleeing war and poverty in the Middle East and beyond, men outnumber women by more than three to one, United Nations statistics show. “The men dominate, numerically and otherwise,” says Heike Rabe, a gender expert at the German Institute for Human Rights.

Susanne Höhne, the lead psychotherapist at a center in west Berlin specializing in treating traumatized female migrants, says that almost all of the 44 women in her care — some barely adults, some over 60 — have experienced sexual violence. “We go to our own therapists for supervision twice a month to cope with what we hear,” Ms. Höhne said about her 18 staff members. Together they provide two weekly therapy sessions to each woman and up to seven hours of social work, including home visits, to help them with adjusting to life in Germany.
At the food counter, where volunteers hand out hot soup and fresh fruit, the women are often last in line. They stay in their rooms a lot and rarely sign up for activities advertised on the notice board, like museum visits or concerts. One Syrian woman has not left the building since arriving two months ago because her husband, who has not yet arrived in Germany, prohibited her from doing so.

In the laundry room, stories of domestic abuse circulate in hushed conversations among the women. There is a violently jealous husband on the fourth floor who has beaten his wife. There is a woman who has been beaten by her husband because they cannot have children. A couple of months ago, two Afghan men harassed an Afghan girl with lewd comments and pushed her off her bike before others intervened, a volunteer at the shelter said. But few incidents of violence are reported.

Its not hard to see why men of military age would be the first to flee a warzone, but yeah worrying stuff.
Sorry if it bores you. The reporting rate in say uk compared to say in a context where a raped woman is a source of shame to her family forever .. Those are slightly different things is all.
I agree large with what you say. The issue I have is how not to get too wound up about it, fundamentally I'm powerless and it's not even my country. I think a lot of people on this forum put hope in the goodness of humanity, there is much love and kindness in the world. People from Arab countries are generally the most kindest and hospitable you'll ever meet. The question I asked myself is how do I deal with my genuine concerns without letting them overwhelm. I may be wrong about the Islamic element is just that mosques are generally segregated and large groups of males are used to meeting together regularly which I should imagine creates a very powerful bond and a power base. A much more unified community than the usual Western family and a few mates.

Unlike huge swathes of the men, young and old, in this country that meet weekly (at least) at certain events.
Those events having a strong historical link to violent crime.
Becoming life time obsessed to the extent that it controls a lot of their lives.

Yes, I am talking about football.
Unlike huge swathes of the men, young and old, in this country that meet weekly (at least) at certain events.
Those events having a strong historical link to violent crime.
Becoming life time obsessed to the extent that it controls a lot of their lives.

Yes, I am talking about football.
you mean saturday prayers
Saw on Twitter that Helsinki police apparently claiming to have foiled similar coordinated assaults there on NYE.
"Bluster and blame fools nobody. But neither, it turns out, does queasy silence."
Good little article that one, stating the blindingly obvious:
Let’s not shy away from asking hard questions about the Cologne attacks | Gaby Hinsliff
a good little article which leaves out in its discussion of the 'allegations of older asian men preying on white girls' in places like rotherham the fact that the police did fuck all about it: saying instead only that 'journalists and politicians instinctively shied away, wary of giving the BNP publicity'. nothing about the abject failures of the police or the abject failures of local authorities and their social services departments. it's a typical guardian piece which affects to be challenging but is in reality a typical tissue of liberal angst pretending not to be a typical piece of liberal angst.
a good little article which leaves out in its discussion of the 'allegations of older asian men preying on white girls' in places like rotherham the fact that the police did fuck all about it: saying instead only that 'journalists and politicians instinctively shied away, wary of giving the BNP publicity'. nothing about the abject failures of the police or the abject failures of local authorities and their social services departments. it's a typical guardian piece which affects to be challenging but is in reality a typical tissue of liberal angst pretending not to be a typical piece of liberal angst.

Well, yes, the article did seem to shy away from asking that hard question and others too.
The assaults were in St Pauli, and no one noticed?
Yes, there were a few on the Reeperbahn apparently (which as I mentioned before isn't so uncommon) but other assaults were reported on the Alster and Landungsbruecken in Hamburg. 60 incidents in total reported to the police as of this morning.
Unlike huge swathes of the men, young and old, in this country that meet weekly (at least) at certain events.
Those events having a strong historical link to violent crime.
Becoming life time obsessed to the extent that it controls a lot of their lives.

Yes, I am talking about football.

that's not entirely true though, is it? even hooligan violence is nowhere near as bad as 20 years ago?

i was at the terrace at the WWFC game shortly before christmas with the vast majority of other spectators being men and i didn't experience anything like this, whereas i have experienced harassment just walking on the street.

i'm not saying it hasn't happened but when was the last time a group of football fans organised something like what appears to have happened in cologne?
that's not entirely true though, is it? even hooligan violence is nowhere near as bad as 20 years ago?

i was at the terrace at the WWFC game shortly before christmas with the vast majority of other spectators being men and i didn't experience anything like this, whereas i have experienced harassment just walking on the street.

i'm not saying it hasn't happened but when was the last time a group of football fans organised something like what appears to have happened in cologne?

That was kind of my point as well.
One point being that yes men gather in mass groups in this country too, not just in the Islamic world and the other being that it's easy to portray the situation as something it isn't iyswim?
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