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EDL watch

Is that MAC scarfed up behind the meat wagon?
Yes, and that's apparently as close as they would allow the nice Muslim Peacemakers' lady to get to the 100-strong MAC & other wingnut whackos demo

Although it's a shame no-one has tried to persuade police to allow someone through the line to steal the megaphone off those MAC motormouths

Maybe Hundal will launch his flashmob & grab the megaphone :D
MAC and EDL are being moved away now.
oh, and her anger she displays about the dismantling of the welfare state is genuine and heartfelt, she has/had a partner who was on disability benefits..

any response to Butchers pointing out that PA, the paragon of socialist virtue, actually went private re: her partner ? I understand your reluctance to start responding to the point blank refutations of the garbage you spout on here - you'd be at it all fucking day long if you started - but it would be nice to hear your view on this one . Thanks in advance .
'The group of around 100 men shouted "USA terrorists" and brandished anti-American placards'

MAC seem to be growing 100 is a fair few..
100 - for their biggy? A national mobilisation, basically? You're away with the fucking fairies, chief.

More worrying (but no surprise, given the demographic) is that the reports of the stabbings are saying "Muslim youths" as the perpetrators - could be a bit of a coup for the EDL if they play it the right way (they won't).
'The group of around 100 men shouted "USA terrorists" and brandished anti-American placards'

MAC seem to be growing 100 is a fair few..

given that a few years ago (post 7/7) there were estimated to be about 4000 people in the various hard-line islamist groups - hizb, al-mujiharoun etc etc, and given that members of the vast majority of these groups did not turn up to the demo, i wouldn't call that "growing"
come on this is a major thing for them, this is their chance to "defend" "their" area etc etc - and only 100 of the fuckers turned up? if anything it shows the lack of support hardcore Islamism has among the british public and how that support has dropped in the last few years, rather than increased. i've been at demos against the bombings of gaza where there were a few of the fuckers - black/green flags, military-style clothing, shouting islamist slogans and so on. where were they today? they couldn't have cared enough to turn up to what could have been a "big day" for them to show their "strength", so either they've realised it's a total waste of time or they've changed their views, and a group like the edl should be a propaganda gift to them, enough for them to mobilise their activists etc - but this doesn't seem to have materialised.

i would also have thought that the leaders of these groups (although perhaps not Hizb because they're obsessed with appearing "moderate") would have put a great emphasis on turning up to an event of this nature and "building" it to make it a "success" and showing that the islamist groups still had some teeth. Maybe i've just spend too much time as a trot, but would the leadership of radical islamist groups really tell their members to stay away (or, if told, would the members really stay away by themselves, to the point where only 100 turned up??) You would expect that a significant proportion of the members of these groups would turn up? I just find this so hard to believe, and the only explanation I can think of is that either ideological islamists have come to the conclusion that groups like MAC and attacking the EDL are a total waste of time (altho you'd have thought that they'd have had some other presence somewhere else) and they're waiting for something better to come along, or there are actually significantly less islamists than there were a few years ago, or the original figures were wrong (or possibly a combination of both)

100 really is a surprisingly poor turnout ...
Radio 5 announced ( after broadcasting an excruciatingly bland speech by Prince Charles) 10 arrests, 2 stabbed .
Ta. Demotix (thanks Bob) are reporting police confirm 2 stabbed.

But none of the reports (Daily Fail, Demotix) are reporting the small but reportable presence of MuslimsAgainstExtremists and Muslim Peacemakers - some of whom travelled the length of the country (almost) because they felt so strongly that MAC should not protest w/o Muslims showing they were against their extremism.

e2a: Daily Mail do feature several lines devoted to MAE and MP but no photographs unfortunately, and citation is between two photos of extremist MAC and split by links to other articles.
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