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Did you enjoy the Blair Witch Project?

The blair witch project is...

  • Excellent

    Votes: 14 17.9%
  • Good

    Votes: 29 37.2%
  • Average

    Votes: 9 11.5%
  • Bad

    Votes: 5 6.4%
  • Total dog shit

    Votes: 21 26.9%

  • Total voters
I saw it at an afternoon showing at the cinema before all the hype
I've never seen it. After it had been out a few weeks it seemed like I'd heard too much about what happens for it to be worth bothering with.
^This. It ruined mailing lists for a good 6 months as there was wall to wall coverage of something which wasn't even going to be out in the UK for another 6 months. :mad:
I walked the dogs in clophill woods on Sunday after the films release and there were bloody stick bundles everywhere...proof the Blair Witch really lives in Bedfordshire.
watched it a couple of years after it came out on video at 4am in the dark....definitely got in it...its a pretty subtle horror film compared to others that leaves a lot to your imagination so if you have any reason to resist it you wont enjoy it
I think there must be something about it that I didn't get because I just found it boring and not creepy or scary at all. The found footage thing was a fine idea, but the end result was that they made a shit film on purpose and got praised for it.
watched it again the other day. Original, creepy, and brilliant non-scripted dialogue. Thought it was excellent.

I think it was one of the best horror films ever made, tbh.

How do you rate it?

I thought it was good. I'm not sure that what you do with a horror movie is 'enjoy' it, though. I think we get something else out of it.
I saw it when it came out and it had been hyped as the scariest film ever, because the people who saw it at festivals thought it was for real. When I saw the film, knowing it wasn't real, I was rather underwhelmed. I can see how it would be scary if you thought it was real footage, but the film never quite pushed the premise far enough. The best thing about it was that the acting felt very authentic. There was a mock-documentary about the "legend of the Blair witch" on the DVD as an extra (I think it was made far TV channel as a tie in with the film) which I found more effective and scary than the film itself. There have been many "found footage" horror films since, some of them like the already mentioned [REC] I found far more scary than Blair Witch.
I remember thinking at the end "why is someone having a piss in the corner". Asked someone and they explained something about the witch making people look away whilst he did whatever he did. Must have been out for a piss myself during that bit.

Ft films good, if you enjoy watching people moan about being lost in the woods. That's pretty much all I remember happening, apart from the end.
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