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Dessie Noonan

Does anyone want to offer an obit of his anti-fascist activities? Because the papers are just concentrating on him as a gangster.
Cambazola said:
Same here.

Anti Fascist - Gangster is an odd combination. Like hibee, I'd be interested to know more.

Funnily enough 'gangsters' like any one else sometime have political views and I would rather that they be anti fash than pro fash like Joey Owens. Dessie came from a republican background and was involved in anti fash direct action in Manchester including defending the Manchester marytrs march and the resignation of the BNP organiser from a fledging South Manchester BNP branch. There's no list of single handed activities as it was a 'team effort'. Let us say that the fash in the North West were well aware of his political views and didn't feel able to fully engage in discussion.

By the way, Jack Spot ,who was one of London's leading gang leaders in the 40s, regularly joined anti BUF activities including Cable Street.
Cheers Chuck. I had read about him in Hann and Tilzey's book but was advised to treat it with caution...
Chuck Wilson said:
Funnily enough 'gangsters' like any one else sometime have political views and I would rather that they be anti fash than pro fash like Joey Owens. Dessie came from a republican background and was involved in anti fash direct action in Manchester including defending the Manchester marytrs march and the resignation of the BNP organiser from a fledging South Manchester BNP branch. There's no list of single handed activities as it was a 'team effort'. Let us say that the fash in the North West were well aware of his political views and didn't feel able to fully engage in discussion.

By the way, Jack Spot ,who was one of London's leading gang leaders in the 40s, regularly joined anti BUF activities including Cable Street.

I smell a rat! Does anyone else besides me find it just a tad odd that Noonan has been murdered just a few days before the MacIntyre documentary on C5? He's been involved in heavy stuff for years and not much has ever happened until now. That McIntyre is a complete shit head. See Larry O'Hara's Notes From the Borderland - O'Hara proves he's working with the state as a 'Journo-Cop'. I didn't think Dessie was strongly actively involved, but got involved when ever it was some thing serious or of particular interest to him (eg: Manchester Martyrs). He's done nothing about the fash recently has he?

Can anyone clarify one way or the other?
Was it the noonans who took a wannabe BNP organiser for a short ride, after which attempts to set up a branch swiftly stopped? The story I heard placed this in Salford...
From a previous post I understand that there are rules about linking to nazi websites so I've cut and pasted a section of a review of No Retreat by Steve Tilzey written by Peter Rushton, who was booted out of the BNP in 2002 for being a Searchlight mole - again, see O'Hara. This is taken from the Stormfront Britain forum where they're talking about Dessie.

Hann gives a partly accurate account of the collapse of South Manchester BNP in 1993 after an anti-fascist gang singled out the branch organiser for intimidation. One member of this gang is identified in the book only as Dessie, an anti-fascist from the Eighties who was by now a well-known local face about town. Hann gleefully tells the tale of how Dessie personally threatened the BNP organiser, ordering him to tell AFA everything he knew about the party in the region.

This gentleman’s full name is Dessie Noonan, recently described by a Manchester journalist as the underworld equivalent of Robocop. He was head doorman at the notorious Konspiracy Club in Fennel Street, Manchester, from November 1989 until police closed it in December 1990. This was the era of 'Madchester', when Salford s white gangs controlled the booming ecstasy and amphetamine trade, while the black gangs of Moss Side and Cheetham Hill dominated the heroin business.

Noonan has several brothers whose names all begin with the letter D - their father's tribute to Dublin, the city of his birth. Dominic Noonan is a convicted armed robber; Damian became head doorman at the Hacienda, the most famous club in Europe and centre of the dance music craze until rampant drug dealing forced its closure in 1991; Derek was a partner in the Penny Black pub in Cheetham Hill, headquarters of Manchester's leading criminal gang.

Dessie himself, in the words of Manchester Evening News journalist Peter Walsh, was a notorious enforcer who had emerged from a jail term for conspiring to pervert the course of justice by threatening to kill witnesses in a robbery trial - the witnesses were police officers.

In 1989 Dessie had joined members of the Manchester anti-fascist Squad in a brutal attack on a group of Ulster Loyalists in the Rusholme district. One of his cronies, Paddy Logan, infamously bit the earlobe off one of the Loyalists. Many years later in July 1999 Logan was shot dead by a hooded assassin at his home in the Withington area of Manchester, sparking off a bloody gangland feud. Dessie Noonan preferred life at the safer end of a gun.

At a New Year party in 1991 a gun-toting 22-year-old named Tony Johnson threatened some of Damian Noonan's successors on the door at the Hacienda. Known as White Tony because he was the white co-leader of a predominantly black gang of drug dealers, Johnson was already in trouble with members of the Noonan family because of a dispute over the division of the spoils from a £362,000 security van robbery at Mumps Bridge, Oldham, in November 1990.

White Tony was pushing his luck. On February 22nd he was driving with a friend past Derek Noonan's Penny Black pub when his car was flagged down. Johnson was shot several times, and then finished off at point blank range while lying on the ground in the pub car park. Manchester police were instantly aware that this was one of Manchester's most important gangland murders. They arrested Dessie and Derek Noonan, together with two of their known criminal associates.

The Noonan gang were tried twice for Tony Johnson's murder. The first trial in 1992 collapsed, the second in 1993 ended in acquittals. Greater Manchester Police are not looking for any alternative suspects. In 1999 Damian Noonan was shot while on the door at the Phoenix Club in the city. He refused to cooperate with police inquiries.

It s no surprise that the authors of No Retreat are economical with the truth about their good friend Dessie, but what angers me far more are the devious attempts to advance Searchlights disinformation agenda. Even while the authors (especially Hann) try to distance themselves from Searchlight the continuing connection is obvious. The book's first photo is of early Squad hero Graeme Atkinson - but readers are not told that Atkinson is the current European editor of Searchlight.
I doubt MacIntyre is anything other than the most prominent of a lazy strain of would-be Roger Cooks.

Some football hooligans follow Chelsea? Some West Africans practice a form of advance fee fraud? Stop the presses, gentlemen :eek:

Noonan was probably killed because someone got wind of his "noone would dare touch us" claim and thought there would never be a more oppurtune time for vengeance for some wrong Noonan or his clan did to them.
Whitey77 said:
From a previous post I understand that there are rules about linking to nazi websites so I've cut and pasted a section of a review of No Retreat by Steve Tilzey written by Peter Rushton, who was booted out of the BNP in 2002 for being a Searchlight mole - again, see O'Hara. This is taken from the Stormfront Britain forum where they're talking about Dessie.

Pete Rushton currently with the White Nationalist Party. Most of Rushton's review comes from Walsh's book Gang Wars and the Evening news paper. Another of Walsh's book Guvners deals with Mickey Francis whose door security firm were in a short competitive spell with the Noonans.
Chuck Wilson said:
Another of Walsh's book Guvners deals with Mickey Francis whose door security firm were in a short competitive spell with the Noonans.

can't find any mention of them in it - the door security phase is dealt with very briskly, though.
bristle-krs said:
can't find any mention of them in it - the door security phase is dealt with very briskly, though.

This occured after the book ( Guvners) was published, I think Mickey Francis got some time for it.
it was published in 1997, and goes up to when he was running door crews through loc-19, and the mkm scaffolding company. the last major event is getting set back to strangeways (1995) for doing over some chaps who'd apparently pulled a gun on his bouncers at the canal. he mentions a m.e.n. story that came out whilst he was inside, "...headlined 'the twilight zone', about conflict between different groups on the club doors in manchester" with his name and picture attached, but he doesn't really mention specifically who the other people were.
bristle-krs said:
it was published in 1997, and goes up to when he was running door crews through loc-19, and the mkm scaffolding company. the last major event is getting set back to strangeways (1995) for doing over some chaps who'd apparently pulled a gun on his bouncers at the canal. he mentions a m.e.n. story that came out whilst he was inside, "...headlined 'the twilight zone', about conflict between different groups on the club doors in manchester" with his name and picture attached, but he doesn't really mention specifically who the other people were.

I think what happened was that Mickey's boys kicked off in a club to show to the owners that the bouncers couldn't handle the job.There was a story going about for a while that there had been a personal incident between the two but you never quite know what is really what.
bristle-krs said:
tends not to be the sort of thing well-indexed books are written about i guess :D

Very true , actually I had heard before all this that a journalist had approached Dessie with view to a book, but again you never know.
agricola said:
I doubt MacIntyre is anything other than the most prominent of a lazy strain of would-be Roger Cooks.

Some football hooligans follow Chelsea? Some West Africans practice a form of advance fee fraud? Stop the presses, gentlemen :eek:

Noonan was probably killed because someone got wind of his "noone would dare touch us" claim and thought there would never be a more oppurtune time for vengeance for some wrong Noonan or his clan did to them.

As it happens the programme in question was made with the Noonans cooperation. The idea that this was 'business' related is also nonsense.
Random said:
Was it the noonans who took a wannabe BNP organiser for a short ride, after which attempts to set up a branch swiftly stopped? The story I heard placed this in Salford...

There never was a a car ride. The would be BNP organiser was invited in for talks, held at his insistence in a public place. It was a prominent member of AFA, D.C. who brought the BNP organiser to the table. Dessie who had a backround role in the collapse of the BNP in Manchester put in an appearance but did not sit in on the meeting. Neither did Hann for that matter, who on the day, offered to hold someone's coat.
Flavour said:
He was killed 5 minutes away from my house...

Mersey Bank is only down the road. Shocking, and there's going to be some bad shit going down over the next few months in Stretford, Chorlton, the Range and Salford.

No there isn't.
agricola said:
well, i guess it will all kick off in manchester for a bit. a pity, because in most normal societies the death of someone like Dessie Noonan would be greeted with something approaching glee.

You obviously don't know the man.
hibee said:
Does anyone want to offer an obit of his anti-fascist activities? Because the papers are just concentrating on him as a gangster.

From very early eighties high profile street engagement through to 'canvassing' the BNP when they stood in Newton Heath 2002.

Roughly 20 years.
In my neck of the woods there were anti-fascists I was active with who had served prison sentences for a variety of reasons, including robbery and violence (not in the same league as Dessie). Some are now dead sadly. They hated with a passion all bullies, which is one reason they were not prepared to tolerate fascists operating in working class communities. I was proud to stand alongside them.
Welcome to the boards Demu.

I'm interested that someone should join up and start posting on this subject.

It seems you're putting yourself forward as a friend of/associate of/person in the know about Dessie.

I wonder how you see the family so far as their role in the community, were they a suitable alternative to the police and regular services or is there something better out there.
Edited to add: Just seen you joined almost a year ago. Obviously a subject close to your heart to make you start posting now.
Part2 said:
Welcome to the boards Demu.

I'm interested that someone should join up and start posting on this subject.

It seems you're putting yourself forward as a friend of/associate of/person in the know about Dessie.

I wonder how you see the family so far as their role in the community, were they a suitable alternative to the police and regular services or is there something better out there.
Edited to add: Just seen you joined almost a year ago. Obviously a subject close to your heart to make you start posting now.

I suggest you watch the programme tomorrow night and draw your own conclusions on the social services provided by the Noonans.

Donal Mackintre on BBC tonight made reference to Dessie Noonan's reputation for physical force confrontation against the NF and BNP with Anti Fascist Action prior to achieving notoriety in gangsterland.

I have commented only to clarify the erroneous guesswork of others who have seen fit to comment following Dessie's untimely death.
I hardly think the TV is the place to learn anything about such a matter.

Having watched the brief clips on tonights news I'm nor sure I can stomach an hour and a half of laughing about murders and bragging about personal armies either, but I'll tape it and see.
Part2 said:
I hardly think the TV is the place to learn anything about such a matter.

Having watched the brief clips on tonights news I'm nor sure I can stomach an hour and a half of laughing about murders and bragging about personal armies either, but I'll tape it and see.

Your not much of a fan of 'The Sopranos' presumably?
Good guess. I did try once, couldn't get into it. :)

It looks like the program might not get aired this evening, apparently the police are seeking an injunction as they reckon there are statements which might influence a prosecution.
Demu said:
I have commented only to clarify the erroneous guesswork of others who have seen fit to comment following Dessie's untimely death.

I don't mean to be rude lad but who the fuck are you, and what's with the cryptic "You are wrong, I'm right but I won't tell you exactly what there is to know" attitude?
Flavour said:
I don't mean to be rude lad but who the fuck are you, and what's with the cryptic "You are wrong, I'm right but I won't tell you exactly what there is to know" attitude?

What is it you want to know?
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