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Change a movie title by one letter to create an entirely different film

A Time To Bill

that akward moment where you realise the overun of costs on a job is going to make the customer turn purple with rage
Silence of the Limbs - heartstrings are tugged as our plucky researcher pursues her cure for creaky knees despite the machinations of Big Pharma
Prude - A significant minority in a north east mining village tut and hoik their bosoms when a group of gay people come to support the strike and bring their louche ways with them.
Minsters University - a historically accurate and exceedingly dull historical drama about a monk's time at York Minster in 1532.
In Brogues - Colin Farrell is stereotyped in this Bord Scannan backed flop (I know it's two letters, Cinzano :mad:)
Scar Wars

they basically did this already in the shockingly under known aussie crime drama Underbelly: Razor
The Gland That Time Forgot
A dashing endocrinologist and a crew of German submariners discover a mysterious island populated by a species of unevolved humans and incredibly sweaty dinosaurs
Dirk Shadows - moody 40s private dick caught up in vampire gang killing

The Expandables - The old team are reunited for what should be an easy paycheck but they've all got out of shape and beer bellies - hilarity ensues.
I Shit On Your Grave

a heartwarming tale in the vein of Pride or The Englishman Who Went Up A Hill But Came Down A Mountain. Pathe production, in conjunction with funding from Film4. A group of determined yet incapable lads decide to go curl one out on top of maggie thatchers grave. We follow their trials and tribulations as they try to raise the money (kitchen sink stuff here) from their hardworking mums and avoid the attempts by their dads to make them get a job. Eventually they get to london and can't find maggies grave but have found nelsons column and decide instead (music swelling here) to shite one out at the base of the column. Along the way the boys have avoided blakey ticket masters, officious truancy officers and had themselves a big gutful of jalfrezzi and polish lager. In the glorious finale they spray vile excrement all over britains most loved monument while people look on bemused at the soaring string sounds and the public defecation
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