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Cardiff City 2014-2015

So, you going to go back now editor? Or has Dulwich Hamlet taken that place in your heart?
I'm afraid the whole thing has left a sour taste in my mouth and all of what I wrote last year holds true:

But the final straw for me was the despicable way in which some Cardiff fans just rolled over and let Vincent Tan do his worst. For them, it was a case of anything for success and I ended up hating them.

So I don’t even recognise Cardiff City FC any more. I don’t care about the Premiership and its endless corporate sponsorship deals and I don’t want to pay for an effing ‘gold’ membership.

I’ve no interest in paying £40 to watch a game in a soulless stadium and being compelled to sit in a designated seat and forced to be a passive consumer for two hours..
I'm not interested in all seater stadiums, paying £30+ for a ticket, not being able to watch the game with a pint in my hand, being pushed about by coppers and stewards and all the rest of the shit that comes with higher league football. So yep, it's Hamlet all the way for me. :)
This is a what a friend posted elsewhere:
My personal opinion - the club died three years ago and Tan's team wearing blue won't change that. Tan knows his project has failed irretrievably and is on his way out one way or another. He wants to maximise revenues so as to reduce his losses when he does exit - so if backing down on the colour means the club sells more merchandise and more season tickets next season, then that's what he'll do. When Tan does go, lord knows whether there'll be any kind of club left afterwards. Reverting to blue won't improve Cardiff's players or make Russell Slade a better manager and I suspect that the elation following any "victory" on this issue will soon dissipate for most of the club's fans when they realise that the side is not going to reach even the standards they achieved during the Ridsdale years.

Sorry to paint such a bleak picture, but sadly it's the only one I can think of which makes sense in the context of the events of the last few years.
I agree.
I didn't care whether we unified behind red or blue so long as we unified.

It's taken too long and we've become damaged goods. I doubt we'll ever meet the potential that thought we had. We're just too much trouble. Our own worse enemy often.

I've run out of emotional investment. Been on the roller coaster too long. Fallen out of love. Not cared about results one way or the other. Someone else can have my place on the insanity bench that is being a football fanatic.
I didn't care whether we unified behind red or blue so long as we unified.

It's taken too long and we've become damaged goods. I doubt we'll ever meet the potential that thought we had. We're just too much trouble. Our own worse enemy often.

I've run out of emotional investment. Been on the roller coaster too long. Fallen out of love. Not cared about results one way or the other. Someone else can have my place on the insanity bench that is being a football fanatic.

I went down today, after many years as a season ticket holder, this was my first game of the season. After marching for blue and helping to run meetings, I felt I had to go. There was a frisson of excitement at the beginning and it felt good to be back, but that soon disappeared. It is what I have hoped for and dreamed of for two and a half years, but it has come too late. It was like getting back together with a lover that I had spent a long time getting over. The love has gone. The band is back together, but I have moved on from the scene.
Cardiff slump to another home defeat and are only seven points clear of the relegation spot. And off the pitch:
Cardiff City refuse to pay nearly £6m to creditors Langston

Cardiff City could face a legal battle for withholding nearly £6m to creditors Langston.
The club are demanding details on the exact identity of the corporation before handing over £5.75m, which was due last Friday.
Club president and former owner Sam Hammam has been widely seen as Langston's representative.
Chairman Mehmet Dalman said: "It is bad governance not knowing who is the owner of a debt we are trying to honour."
He added: "Right now I want to know who it is."
Dalman said former owner Hammam had told the club he was "not" a representative of Langston.
The original debt of £24m was in the form of loan notes issued by The Langston Corporation when Hammam was at the helm of the club.
In 2013 Cardiff and Langston announced "an amicable resolution" to the longstanding debt issue.
Hammam became life president of the club as part of the settlement and his representative Michael Filiou also took a seat on the board of directors.
"Michael Filiou represents Langston on the board, but he cannot tell us who he represents," said Dalman.
I like this from the 1927 Club facebook page:
So, er... what is the, er... current status of the 1927 club? ‪#‎askingforafriend‬.
Some refuseniks planning on popping back for a game, some staying away til Tan leaves, some staying away forever. I think we have even more factions than we do members.
Behold, the new crest featuring a weird red squiggly stretched dragon at the bottom. Like an Oriental dragon. Or a red ferret.



Here's that weird dragon thing:


And here's what a Welsh dragon should look like:



Still, the crest overall is better than Tan's folly thing:

A=There's lots of talk on City forums about how Cardiff fans should accept this compromise.

Why the fuck should the badge of Wales have to be 'compromised' into a sausage dog/ferret?
As a Dulwich Hamlet FC supporter why are you reading the Cardiff city forums and worrying about another club's badge?

The moment they stated that the new badge would have a nod towards Tan's heritage it was blatantly obvious an oriental dragon was on the way. My only surprise is how ugly the shield shape is and that horrible red inner border.

Reminds me of the Sam Hamman crest which looked rather 'franchise' with 'Bluebirds' slogan and no mention of Cardiff anywhere.
Just discussing the new crest with a friend. They could have had the Welsh dragon AND the other dragon. No reason why they couldn't have had both. Everyone would have gotten what they wanted.

Why do they never think these thing through properly?
As a Dulwich Hamlet FC supporter why are you reading the Cardiff city forums and worrying about another club's badge?
Oh, I don't know. I cant think of any reason why I'd be interested in what's happening to my hometown club or wanting to comment on my country's emblem being mangled up.

I'm sure there's a brilliant point in the somewhere.

It was a gentle reference to other things that might be consumed by DHFC supporters during the game. Does that count as trolling? I do feel a bit compelled to tease DHFC a bit. I'll stop when I get anywhere being sent to the naughty step.
It was a gentle reference to other things that might be consumed by DHFC supporters during the game. Does that count as trolling? I do feel a bit compelled to tease DHFC a bit. I'll stop when I get anywhere being sent to the naughty step.
That was so gentle it had as much impact as a moth fluttering by. :D
Unsurprising really. If you start a cost cutting exercise on your squad you will lose bums on seats. Conflicting business strategy to spurge on stadium capacity whilst cutting on the thing that people pay to see (whilst alienating half your fan base with a stubborn refusal to reverse a branding decision until its well too late).

Tan had the opportunity and resources to do something with the club and he's pretty much fucked it up.
Unsurprising really. If you start a cost cutting exercise on your squad you will lose bums on seats.
You'll also lose bums on seats if you embark on a whimsical, ego-driven rebranding campaign that is guaranteed to alienate and upset a large chunk of your fanbase...
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