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Brixton violence and looting (7th Aug 2011)

Well let us get back to the real things... EMA needs to be reinstated, along with a serious reconsideration on Uni fees.I don't know if this is an answer, but well it could help.
You either didn't read or didn't understand what I just wrote. Try again. What connection might there be between the introduction of legalised abortion (Roe vs. Wade, 1973) and a massive drop in crime 20 years later?

J.R. Lott and John Whitley in a paper entitled
Abortion and Crime: Unwanted Children and Out-of-Wedlock Births

think just the opposite
Abortion may prevent the birth of "unwanted" children, who would have relatively small investments in human capital and a higher probability of crime. On the other hand, some research suggests that legalizing abortion increases out-of-wedlock births and single parent families, which implies the opposite impact on investments in human capital and thus crime. The question is: what is the net impact? We find evidence that legalizing abortion increased murder rates by around about 0.5 to 7 percent. Previous estimates are shown to suffer from not directly linking the cohorts who are committing crime with whether they had been born before or after abortion was legal.

J.R. Lott and John Whitley in a paper entitled
Abortion and Crime: Unwanted Children and Out-of-Wedlock Births

think just the opposite
Abortion may prevent the birth of "unwanted" children, who would have relatively small investments in human capital and a higher probability of crime. On the other hand, some research suggests that legalizing abortion increases out-of-wedlock births and single parent families, which implies the opposite impact on investments in human capital and thus crime. The question is: what is the net impact? We find evidence that legalizing abortion increased murder rates by around about 0.5 to 7 percent. Previous estimates are shown to suffer from not directly linking the cohorts who are committing crime with whether they had been born before or after abortion was legal.

Duly refuted by Levitt et al in 2005.
You suggested that a withdrawal of abortion and contraceptive services had a relationship to rising crime levels in the 1970's. The poor obviously had control of their fertility so this withdrawal has no relevance.

You really didn't read what I wrote. I argued, basing my arguments on Levitt et al, that the introduction of abortion in 1973 contributed to the decline in crime levels in the 90s.
Through my work I've received the following from the Cabinet Office on government next steps:
real efforts will be made tonight by the police to get control of any incidents; we can expect more robust policing and a massive stepping up of police action tonight critical in terms of assessing police activity and if other options need to be explored;
next flashpoint Friday and Saturday nights
focus remains on London, although very mindful of copycat incidents outside London;
determination to tackle looting and criminality;
Just wanted to say thanks to all urbanites: it's the only place that's given a calm and reliable description of the last three days in Brixton.

Yeah, don't bother with that Twatter nonsense when you've got people who live in Brixton and can give reliable info. You going to stay?
Through my work I've received the following from the Cabinet Office on government next steps:
real efforts will be made tonight by the police to get control of any incidents; we can expect more robust policing and a massive stepping up of police actiontonight critical in terms of assessing police activity and if other options need to be explored;
next flashpoint Friday and Saturday nights
focus remains on London, although very mindful of copycat incidents outside London;
determination to tackle looting and criminality;

Where do you work then?
In emergency planning Minnie. That has come from the Civil Contingencies Sectretariat. If I see anything Brixton-specific I'll pass it on.
The abortion theory has not much status. Get used to it.

Who gives a fuck about status? If you think status determines the veracity of findings you're sadly misinformed. Either evidence is supported or refuted - this evidence has not been refuted. So you get used to it.
can u take this nonsense to the why are these riots happening thread please?

anyone know if brix is alright at the mo?
can u take this nonsense to the why are these riots happening thread please?

anyone know if brix is alright at the mo?

gaijin said it seemed fine a while ago, don't know if that's still the case, but can't say I've been hearing loads of sirens, so I'm hoping so
can u take this nonsense to the why are these riots happening thread please?

anyone know if brix is alright at the mo?

I think I've said enough. Emet doesn't seem receptive to actual evidence as opposed to armchair opinionating, so fuck him. Oh, and I'll be down in Brixton later, will report back.
I was just just in M&S when it closed because, in the words of the young woman at the till, "they are coming down from Norwood". Most other shops seeming to be closing as well.
can u take this nonsense to the why are these riots happening thread please?

anyone know if brix is alright at the mo?
Brixton Hill > BWL > Effra Road triangle all peaceful.
Lots of sirens but that's not particularly unusual.

Would be nice if someone could get the road sweepers in. Glass still all over the streets from Sunday. Had to carry the dog for the last stretch!
Yes. Shops are closing early. One business was advised that it might kick off tonight. :(

Is traffic alright though, friend is supposed to be returning to Brixton from Old Kent Road/Walworth Road

Actually he drives, so I'm sure he'll find a way round any diversions anyway, so not to worry.
I had a friend tell me someone had texted him to say it was 'kicking off' in Camberwell, although I don't know this for sure.
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