Left Of The Dial
Well yes and no. If he needs care for medical at any time for the rest of his life all he needs do is open his mouth. At this point he's more of a liability than he we when he didn't pay his tax.
More intelligent would have been to pick up his kids from school and then arrive at his house with them and enquire if he'd paid his tax... Or break his legs. Either way the message would be sent. Hell drive him out to the desert ala gus and tell him it's over and he's out.
I originally thought about the medical costs but that could be easily explained by some super insurance policy (I doubt Beineke would have it but its a get out clause for the writers).
As for the other point, you're forgetting Saul and his "A Team" were the ones planning to get the money back off Beineke not Walt the Ruthless.