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BNP & Far Right Round Up

Nail on the head .The far right should be seen as rivals to the left in building an alternative to the three party system .As in all rivalry there are things to learn .

I do not agree, they are not building an alternative to this system, they just want to run a harsher version of it without checks. if you want liberation and freedom, you learn nothing from fascists.
I do not agree, they are not building an alternative to this system, they just want to run a harsher version of it without checks. if you want liberation and freedom, you learn nothing from fascists.

Most of us would have a higher level of respect for academics if they could actually read. I said an alternative to the three party system not 'the system' ie capitalism
Here is a question for Friday afternoon . Who said after Mosley's Olympia rally:
What is exceedingly curious in the business, however, is the righteous indignation of the communists-who have glorified in meeting smashing for years and promised to suppress all discordant voices if they get power. In our view, hose who went to the fascist meeting with the intention of creating disorder and making the meeting impossible only got what they asked for and have no reason to complain if they were roughly handled.
Apparently an article in the Socialist Standard, July 1st 1934? Although, I could find no link to the original source.
Interesting by election result for the BNP and far right:

October 13th 2011. St Helen's Ward, Barnsley MBC. Lab hold. Lab 1257 (75.8%, -3.5), BNP 174 (10.5%, -1.6), ED 146 (8.8%, +8.8), Con 61 (3.7%, -4.9), Ind 21 (1.3%, +1.3). Swing of 1% from Lab to BNP since May this year.

nearly 20% for the far right
The BNP are holding their 'annual conference' right now in Liverpool - The Cricketers pub, Long Lane, Wavertree in Liverpool, England L15 4PG - i was there earlier this afternoon with about 25 anti-fascists - more protesters are hoped for tomorrow - we've been told it is a two day event.

It's in a small and rather run down function room / pub in Wavertree, which is south of Liverpool city centre, about 2 miles i guess. The venue reflects their decline I guess. Loads of their security and police at the car park gates.

BNP ideas conference have endorsed the idea of setting up a pan nationalist organisation which would include parallel part structures ( sounds a bit like the permanent faction situation advanced by Cockers et al for the Trots Socialist Alliance).Apparently quite a lot were in favour of a new organisation but this not felt viable at this point.
Interesting by election result for the BNP and far right:

October 13th 2011. St Helen's Ward, Barnsley MBC. Lab hold. Lab 1257 (75.8%, -3.5), BNP 174 (10.5%, -1.6), ED 146 (8.8%, +8.8), Con 61 (3.7%, -4.9), Ind 21 (1.3%, +1.3). Swing of 1% from Lab to BNP since May this year.

nearly 20% for the far right

the BNPs vote share was down 1.6% though. Are those votes going to the english dems?
At the political hustings I went to before the last general election, the English Dem guy didn't come across as a barking mad racist TBH, just slightly more bonkers than the UKIP guy.

The other parties (Con, LibDem, Lab & Green) on the panel didn't seem to have too much of a problem with the ED or UKIP guys, I am bloody sure they would have done if the BNP had been standing locally and were therefore on the panel.

Talking to a few people afterwards no one really knew much about the EDs, just took the view that they were a fairly harmless bunch of 'little Englanders', so I am not convinced those voting for them think of them as 'far-right' as such.

I am not even convinced the guy that stood locally thought of the party as such, although with so many ex-BNP members getting involved now, I guess that is changing the situation somewhat.
Most of us would have a higher level of respect for academics if they could actually read. I said an alternative to the three party system not 'the system' ie capitalism
Splitting hairs is par for the course around here tho':(

The 3 party 'system', or 'bourgeois democracy' IS basically a system, the 3 parties being so totally immersed within the system that it would make no sense if they were suddenly removed overnight (people would know 'the system' was being fekked around with majorly). We learn nothing from fascists per se when developing alternatives and liberation FROM the system, or systems, whatever. AS for being an 'academic', in what sense do you mean this, as an intellectual, or organic intellectual, or what? Is it defined by employment status, qualifications, and when, if ever, can you escape from such a label? How long do you have to be outside of the university to not be defined by it? I'm intrigued as to what your answer is going to be.
Splitting hairs is par for the course around here tho':(

The 3 party 'system', or 'bourgeois democracy' IS basically a system, the 3 parties being so totally immersed within the system that it would make no sense if they were suddenly removed overnight (people would know 'the system' was being fekked around with majorly). We learn nothing from fascists per se when developing alternatives and liberation FROM the system, or systems, whatever. AS for being an 'academic', in what sense do you mean this, as an intellectual, or organic intellectual, or what? Is it defined by employment status, qualifications, and when, if ever, can you escape from such a label? How long do you have to be outside of the university to not be defined by it? I'm intrigued as to what your answer is going to be.

I thought you were a lecturer , I know that these days with the over expansion of the FE sector and NVQs that doesn't necessarily mean academic . Don't get me wrong I think there is a place for the intelligentsia in the struggle but there needs to be some form of admission criteria.
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