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Beating the Fascists: The authorised history of Anti-Fascist Action

Slightly off-topic but people might also enjoy Max Schaefer's "Children of the Sun".

It's a novel about Nicky Crane and is a bit odd (in a good way in my opinion). It includes an account of AFA defending the 24 hour picket of the South African Embassy one St George's day and some bits about the far right which seem to suggest that the author has done more research than you might expect. It was my holiday book last year...
Back to the present - the BNP have just done spectacularly badly in the local elections,losing most of their councillors. So where now for their "respectable" electoral strategy ? Possibility of a return to street politics a la the EDL ?
Back to the present - the BNP have just done spectacularly badly in the local elections,losing most of their councillors. So where now for their "respectable" electoral strategy ? Possibility of a return to street politics a la the EDL ?

Why would they want to do the latter?
Interesting article in The Guardian suggesting the BNP is breaking apart under pressure a range of financial, interpersonal and political issues. If the BNP splinters, it's only an IF, a restructuring of the extreme Right could well result in an increased focus on EDL-style street action, as new groups try to stake their claims to leadership of what at present is only a very generalised poor white working class response to the growing unemployment and welfare reductions resulting from the banking crisis backwash.

I accept that the Left generally don't seem to see EDL provocations as a significant part of the future trend of extreme Right activity, but I'm not sure why. After all, current electoral setbacks for the BNP must cast doubts in many fascists's minds about the long term stabilityof gains made so painstakingly, and future growth via the current respectable electoral strategy.
Interesting article in The Guardian suggesting the BNP is breaking apart under pressure a range of financial, interpersonal and political issues. If the BNP splinters, it's only an IF, a restructuring of the extreme Right could well result in an increased focus on EDL-style street action, as new groups try to stake their claims to leadership of what at present is only a very generalised poor white working class response to the growing unemployment and welfare reductions resulting from the banking crisis backwash.

I accept that the Left generally don't seem to see EDL provocations as a significant part of the future trend of extreme Right activity, but I'm not sure why. After all, current electoral setbacks for the BNP must cast doubts in many fascists's minds about the long term stabilityof gains made so painstakingly, and future growth via the current respectable electoral strategy.

No. NF, BNP, Libertas and EDP will carry on with electoralism.

The diehards don't matter it's the wider penetration of 'it's all the immigrants' fault' 'no immigrants=less crime' that matters. When things are getting tight the government /are doing/will do what the far-right wants but can't do - more deportations, a demand for B2 level English as a condition of citizenship, higher visa fees, fewer student visas, tougher citizenship test, deportation of all immigrant/asylum seeker/refugee penalised/criminalised.

The far right despite their best efforts they appeal only to a stratum and actively refuse/despise struggle alongside foreigners - they can never effect mass democratic struggle against austerity in places like London because so much of London is 'immigrant'. They will try in their efforts for a born-here only welfare-state to precipitate a race-type cold war but it can't get very far because a significant proportion of the urban centres of the country are 'mongrel'/have mixed relationships etc.

EDL will carry on marching and perhaps performing 'direct actions'.
This in their mind might mean occupying sites proposed for a mosque, attacking/picketing halal goods/halal shops, picketing/physically confronting, attacking far-left terrorist sympathisers/enablers. If they attack the left, it is because they are seen as 'weak', unable to handle themselves, full of try-hard smoking students who can't run very fast and types who've never done any exercise let alone self-defence. The EDL haven't as far as I know attacked the Muslims at the Islamist bookshops, although I might be wrong.
You may well be quite right Sihhi. However I think we are still at the early stages of the impact of the current crisis on poor working class communities - large disadvantaged communities which are often still remarkably all white in composition

--so I do wonder if we are still to see the phenomenum of poor White Riot in areas like the Midlands - where reports of large uptake of soup kitchens by white families does suggest we are entering a new ballgame. By a strange quirk of circumstances I was chatting to a large white working class family a few weeks ago - very long term BNP members and earlier NF, in the main - going back decades - and I was struck by how "up for it" on the EDL White Riot front the younger members of this extended family were.

They told me the BNP had absolutely forbidden any BNP members to involve themselves with EDL events - saying the EDL was a state set-up - they could be right. But the BNP is obviously worried about the appeal of direct action to its younger supporters/members.

Purely impressionistic I admit , but I think the fascist response to the crisis will tail the reaction of their potential support base to ever growing hardship, which could well lead back to the streets. Time obviously will tell.
You may well be quite right Sihhi. However I think we are still at the early stages of the impact of the current crisis on poor working class communities - large disadvantaged communities which are often still remarkably all white in composition

--so I do wonder if we are still to see the phenomenum of poor White Riot in areas like the Midlands - where reports of large uptake of soup kitchens by white families does suggest we are entering a new ballgame. By a strange quirk of circumstances I was chatting to a large white working class family a few weeks ago - very long term BNP members and earlier NF, in the main - going back decades - and I was struck by how "up for it" on the EDL White Riot front the younger members of this extended family were.

They told me the BNP had absolutely forbidden any BNP members to involve themselves with EDL events - saying the EDL was a state set-up - they could be right. But the BNP is obviously worried about the appeal of direct action to its younger supporters/members.

Purely impressionistic I admit , but I think the fascist response to the crisis will tail the reaction of their potential support base to ever growing hardship, which could well lead back to the streets. Time obviously will tell.

'March and Grow' seems unlikely for the BNP - given the BNP has grown and not marched, and when it was marching it didn't grow.

What exactly does a 'poor white riot' mean?

Do you count Oldham and Burnley 2001 as a 'poor white riot'?

If you mean mass racial attacks, yes it might happen along the lines of

Although there usually needs to be a specific stigma group - Somalis and East European gyspies - seem the most obvious target - before.

The only thing that helps us in all of this is go to those 'large white working class families', ask them what the problems are and which strategy will work against the austerity/ poverty - making enemies of people in the same situation, or making allies of them. It's their self-interest at stake.

Individual cases of racialised harassment are still high - that's my impression. I spoke to an asylum seeker, absconded from his NASS dispersal room in Newcastle because kids pulled monkey faces, swore racially etc etc. He'd rather sleep on a matress on a church hall floor.
By "poor White Riot" I mean a widespread violent response to aspects of the current economic crisis as it impacts on poor white families on large all white housing estates - spark could be housing evictions - heavy police reponse to anti social behaviour or demo about closure of local facilities -with an added racial element and attacks on local non-whites seen as getting benefit or housing preference.

Whatever the precise spark it is the dry tinder of growing deprivation plus the poison of racialist scapegoating that could provide opportunities for the far right groups -who, unfortunately are often at present more of a presence in such areas as residents than the Left is.

But as you rightly say this danger once again raises the challenge for the Left to precisely engage on the ground with local concerns - all stuff experienced before by the Communist Party in the 1930's in the East End when competing for support with the Blackshirts.
Going slightly off topic, but I heard an old song on a Facebook site recently. It was by Tofu Loves Frogs and called Anti Fascist Fascist. There was lines at the end of the song that I could make out as anti-Red Action, can anyone explain what they were about?

Going slightly off topic, but I heard an old song on a Facebook site recently. It was by Tofu Loves Frogs and called Anti Fascist Fascist. There was lines at the end of the song that I could make out as anti-Red Action, can anyone explain what they were about?

Who knows what anti Red Action folk are on about?
Fucked if I can make out the lyrics but the bit without music at the end is quite clear. Anyone know them or their history?

IME most 'anti-Red Action' people didn't actually know very much about Red Action or indeed many people IN Red Action. much of the anti-RA prejudice I encountered was just that, PRE-judice.

I remember PK indulging himself in this "RA as bullies" fantasy on another thread. He was (politely at first) challenged to back it up. He could not. It was all Chinese whispers and he wasn't even around at the time. So naturally enough he conceded this and apologised... like fuck. He sulked and hid and pops up occasionally to snipe. Possibly a real nice fella IRL but a disingenous, lightweight liar on here
Fucked if I can make out the lyrics but the bit without music at the end is quite clear. Anyone know them or their history?

IME most 'anti-Red Action' people didn't actually know very much about Red Action or indeed many people IN Red Action. much of the anti-RA prejudice I encountered was just that, PRE-judice.

I remember PK indulging himself in this "RA as bullies" fantasy on another thread. He was (politely at first) challenged to back it up. He could not. It was all Chinese whispers and he wasn't even around at the time. So naturally enough he conceded this and apologised... like fuck. He sulked and hid and pops up occasionally to snipe. Possibly a real nice fella IRL but a disingenous, lightweight liar on here

You might not know that PK single handedly ran the fash out of Epsom
Fucked if I can make out the lyrics but the bit without music at the end is quite clear. Anyone know them or their history?

IME most 'anti-Red Action' people didn't actually know very much about Red Action or indeed many people IN Red Action. much of the anti-RA prejudice I encountered was just that, PRE-judice.

I remember PK indulging himself in this "RA as bullies" fantasy on another thread. He was (politely at first) challenged to back it up. He could not. It was all Chinese whispers and he wasn't even around at the time. So naturally enough he conceded this and apologised... like fuck. He sulked and hid and pops up occasionally to snipe. Possibly a real nice fella IRL but a disingenous, lightweight liar on here

Tofu Love Frogs are a crusty festival band.
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