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Another Malaysian airliner crashed in Ukraine

Really? I've been wondering what happened to him but hadn't noticed anything conclusive of it being debunked or confirmed. What's the debunking story?

Conveniently disappeared eh? Putting aside reports from both Ukraine ATC and the Spanish embassy who stated there is/was no such person in such a role in Kiev, that the twitter account had been around for months periodically issuing pro-Russian statements that were used by Russia Today from time to time and apparently prior to that he had stated in May he was leaving Ukraine as his life had been threatened...

Just on facts instead of claim/counter-claim: the ATM radar presented by the Russian Ministry of Defence contradicts the claims in the tweets: strangely they never saw the 777 being tracked by 2 fighters, as 'Carlos' asserted. It's certainly not part of their thesis. The tweets also don't tie in with what unfolded that afternoon (eg immediate claim that air space was closed yet commercial traffic continued to transit the area for hours after the event).
Conveniently disappeared eh? Putting aside reports from both Ukraine ATC and the Spanish embassy who stated there is/was no such person in such a role in Kiev, that the twitter account had been around for months periodically issuing pro-Russian statements that were used by Russia Today from time to time and apparently prior to that he had stated in May he was leaving Ukraine as his life had been threatened...
There's nothing really conclusive in those links, is there?

Just on facts instead of claim/counter-claim: the ATM radar presented by the Russian Ministry of Defence contradicts the claims in the tweets: strangely they never saw the 777 being tracked by 2 fighters, as 'Carlos' asserted. It's certainly not part of their thesis.
I thought the Russian MoD presentation was "debunked", for being comically shit. Surly the details of their presentation can't then be used to conveniently debunk another :confused:
Are you actually now endorsing the data the Russian MoD presented?

The tweets also don't tie in with what unfolded that afternoon (eg immediate claim that air space was closed yet commercial traffic continued to transit the area for hours after the event).
I remember seeing the twitter account as somebody here provided the link just after the incident.
The tweets from over the past couple of years certainly pointed to someone heavily involved in the aviation sector - lots of references to ATC data etc... Also, as you mention many references to Ukraine.

It's a weird one for sure.
There's nothing really conclusive in those links, is there?

Much like the tweets then?
I thought the Russian MoD presentation was "debunked", for being comically shit. Surly the details of their presentation can't then be used to conveniently debunk another :confused:
Are you actually now endorsing the data the Russian MoD presented?

Most likely the raw radar data is valid - it shows MH17 routing towards TAMAK and then breaking up and the debris distributing towards the NE. The presentation of the data though was either (a) ignorant or (b) incompetent or (c) intentionally misleading. I'm not inclined to think their military are (on the whole or any more than any other military authority) either ignorant or incompetent.
A representative of the Onderzoeksraad Voor Veiligheid (OVV) has stated that they expect the preliminary crash report to be published in September (later than the typical one month for reports under ICAO rules due to the difficulty in accessing the crash site).
I doubt it. Do you really think they are stupid enough to be goaded into exposing the details of what their systems are capable of/what assets they have trained on Ukraine/western Russia in response to a comedy presentation by the Russian Ministry of Defence?

whats stupid about revealing that your satellites can take pictures of missiles being launched, as they claim they can ? Theyve released such imagery plenty of times in the past, for example showing much smaller Hamas missiles at the point of ignition. And the Russians were happy enough to release their satellite imagery . Revealing that your satellites can take detailed photos isnt exactly going to come as a surprise to many people.

And explain exactly what was comedic about the Russian presentation ?
I haven't had much time of late to watch or read BBC reports on this. Is the following article far more reserved when it comes to playing the blame game for propaganda purposes than many?


many of the initial BBC reports blaming both Russia and the DPR forces have now been very much toned down and backtracked upon, and not just by the BBC . Now the line appears to be simply both sides blame each other. Which strikes me as them getting ready for a possible u turn down the line.

as regards this bit

It's also worth remembering, even if all the black box data appears to tally with a missile strike, it won't tell us who fired it. Both sides in this conflict possess the same weapon.

theres still no proof been presented the DPR forces even possess the weapon , and thats despite their positions being overrun all over the place during the juntas offensive . Theres no sign of any of these systems being captured or photographed in their possession. Theres just no evidence they have it. And a mere 2 hours prior to the downing of the jet the Junta were insisting to the world media the DPR forces most definitely did not. Because the very next day they were due to present a dossier to the UN insisting the Russian jets were coming into Ukraine and shooting down their aircraft, because they were positive the DPR didnt possess the weapons capable of doing it. 2 hours later and its a complete barefaced uturn.
Much like the tweets then?

Most likely the raw radar data is valid - it shows MH17 routing towards TAMAK and then breaking up and the debris distributing towards the NE. The presentation of the data though was either (a) ignorant or (b) incompetent or (c) intentionally misleading. I'm not inclined to think their military are (on the whole or any more than any other military authority) either ignorant or incompetent.

explain how exactly

they made clear at the presentation the raw data was being passed onto the investigation. Therefore there simply isnt a lot of point in them having a press conference saying one thing when their own smoking gun will say another. Their radar data showed another military jet in the immediate vicinity. Witnesses on the ground claim to have seen it too . Even if the BBC are deleting their own reports carrying that info.
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Yes. Judging from the consistency of their presentation, I agree - I hope they do send it to someone who is qualified to interpret the radar paints.

It needs someone to scrutinise the raw data properly because it's pretty evident that they need help understanding their own air traffic management system.

no it isnt evident at all and you havent even attempted to demonstrate it, you just keep making these sweeping claims without even remotely backing them up. Youre engaged in deliberate disinformation. Fuck knows why but you plainly are and are doing it repeatedly.
whats stupid about revealing that your satellites can take pictures of missiles being launched, as they claim they can ? Theyve released such imagery plenty of times in the past, for example showing much smaller Hamas missiles at the point of ignition. And the Russians were happy enough to release their satellite imagery . Revealing that your satellites can take detailed photos isnt exactly going to come as a surprise to many people.

You really should try reading previous posts in this thread on the subject and applying some critical thinking.

Has it ever occurred to you that the US intelligence in this case is a dataset of IR targets and plume trajectories and distinct patterns (platform specific signatures) of geolocated radio emissions? This has been discussed previously. There are most likely no convenient 'photos' (IR let alone visible) for the mainstream media to get excited about or Joe Public to gawp at, argue over the date and time they were actually taken (see below). Try not to confuse it with the IDF still and video imagery of Hamas missile launches in Gaza purposefully taken from IR systems on surveillance drones and other planned, tailored overflights by the Israeli military. SBIRS is quite a different approach to data gathering. Just as the presentation of radar data is a representation of a situation and not imagery of the regional sky (see below).
And explain exactly what was comedic about the Russian presentation ?

As regards the Russian Ministry of Defence presentation let's recap the key points:

1. The presented flight route ("air corridor") represented on their map neither matches the filed flight plan or feeds of the in flight ADS-B data (eg flightradar24), ie the actual route taken. This was discussed in detail in post 674.

2. IR satellite imagery shows indistinct targets indicated to be BUK launchers but no one can corroborate the dates and times at which these were taken and no such supporting evidence is provided. They depict blurred objects in a field at a (claimed) moment in time.

3. Rather pointless bar charts of 'radar activity' which contribute slightly less to the sum of knowledge than a powerpoint slideshow at a pyramid scheme investors meeting.

4. Let's not forget the social media images they threw in at the end to pad out the presentation. A sadly not very convincing half-hearted claim as to the location of the transporter which was easily debunked by a little detective work (eg here and here).

5. A chart of the route of MH17 (MAS17), two other commercial flights in the region (SIA351, AIC113) and a supposed Su-25. I'm not sure who had the idea to paste in the mismatched plane graphics (RC135/707 instead of 777, MiG-23 instead of Su-25) - perhaps the intern they got to throw it together was gently mocking them? Irrespective, the paths of the objects of interest don't tie in with the air traffic situation they subsequently provide. Which brings us to…
explain how exactly

If you insist.

6. The Air Traffic Management (ATM) presentation. Note that this is a presentation of the situation ("air control information on air situation") and not raw radar data. The ATM hardware in question will almost certainly be a Vniira Sintez ATM system since the company makes it quite clear on their website that they provide unified ATM systems and air traffic surveillance across Russia, in particular the Rostov-on-Don area (stated as the source of data by the presentation commentary "from the Rostov Aerial Centre of the Joint Air Traffic Management System"). These systems aim to reduce the workload on ATC staff by combining both primary surveillance radar (PSR) data with secondary surveillance radar (SSR), ADS-B, WAM and filed flightplan information from parallel flightplan processing systems (also provided by Vniira) in a representation of the situation compliant with Eurocontrol HMI standards. One key feature of which is to associate filed flight plans with the SSR returns and maintain this labelling to help the operator manage the airspace. This is known as 'track by plan' (represented by a diamond with selected information mixed from those sources in an accompanying box label - which can be seen for all three commercial flights in the area in the first frame grab in post 628. Note each has a predicted 'velocity vector', the straight line and a recent history, the trailing dots).

Importantly, the ATM system also handles transient data outages by coasting the SSR/ADS-B/WAM data (such a state being represented by a square), attempting to reconcile it with PSR paints (circles) and the published flightplan until data returns. This is a "pseudoradar" representation of what is going on (precisely the words the vendor uses to describe the output of their product) and this is exactly what is being shown in the video.

Of course, the ATM system isn't designed to track aircraft as they progressively break up into an increasingly complicated shower of pieces of dramatically varying radar cross-sections, evolving ballistically and quickly modified by both drag and the prevailing local wind profile. The algorithm driving the pseudoradar representation hunts forlornly, trying to reconcile the flightplan and this expanding confusion of rapidly changing PSR radar paints (witness how the representation of MH17 turns from a diamond to a square at the moment of destruction, as SSR/ADS-B/WAM are lost, with the 'velocity vector' line initially turning to the NE as the velocity abruptly drops, consistent with the upper atmosphere winds at the time, before wandering and the subsequent 'recent history' dots are all over the place - the coasting code simply isn't designed to cater for this). More than likely many of the weaker, transient, PSR returns (the real raw data) are discarded early in the processing chain filtered by the system to remove clutter/anaprop/noise/wildlife/signals having non-physical behaviour (ie outside the expected parameters of the target sought), etc (in other words, that which distracts from the ATM role). After a short time the system gives up trying to interpolate the 'track by plan' (the system drops the flightplan labelling). The presenter would appear to suggest you consider that the stronger of the concurrent PSR returns is a Su-25 that has suddenly appeared (as chance would have it, at the moment MH17 started to break up). Note the lack of altitude data for the paint in question (check the frame grabs) - it's basic PSR. All you are looking at is a misidentification of part of what's left of MH17. Either the presenter doesn't understand the ATM system or they are hoping their audience won't.

(To add - I don't doubt that if they do actually provide the raw radar data, and not some processed version of it, the air accident investigation report will acknowledge and refer to such but I wouldn't be surprised if the civilian data is the post processed output of the ATM chain and consequently contributes little to the picture. The head end raw signals and/or military PSR would be far more interesting. Let's see if that turns up in the report - it certainly wasn't part of the presentation.)
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weren't 'Carlos's' tweets discovered to have been sent from London?

why are people even taling about tweets though...we need verifiable scientific data that people are prepared to stand over that can be analysed..that and actual eyewitnesses..not anonymous chatter from social media sites. All thats a massive distraction in my view. Anything else is bullshit.
You really should try reading previous posts in this thread on the subject and applying some critical thinking.

Has it ever occurred to you that the US intelligence in this case is a dataset of IR targets and plume trajectories and distinct patterns (platform specific signatures) of geolocated radio emissions? This has been discussed previously. There are most likely no convenient 'photos' (IR let alone visible) for the mainstream media to get excited about or Joe Public to gawp at, argue over the date and time they were actually taken (see below). Try not to confuse it with the IDF still and video imagery of Hamas missile launches in Gaza purposefully taken from IR systems on surveillance drones and other planned, tailored overflights by the Israeli military. SBIRS is quite a different approach to data gathering. Just as the presentation of radar data is a representation of a situation and not imagery of the regional sky (see below).

blah de blah de fucking blah ..jesus

The yanks have presented absolutely jack shit as regards evdence Nether have the Ukrainians They dont even claim to have this type of evidence youre pulling that completely out of your hole. Whats occurred to me is that in the absence of any evidence they have got fuck all evidence which is why theyre relying on twitter and appeals to peoples common sense. And why your endlessly waffling on tryng to blind with absolutely non existent science they dont even clam to possess in the first place much less show people.

were you arguing these type of made up points at inordinate Delroy Boothesque length when Blair and Colin Powell were saying trust us folks ? There isnt even a dodgy dossier here but your doing a bang up job conjuring up a wholly imaginary one in the complete absence of it.

Essentially the point your making in about 2 million unnecessary words is very simple . NATO are wholly trustworthy so even if they dont produce a shred of evidence or even allude even to the nature of it it should be assumed they are telling the truth. Because them being inveterate liars with a very obvious preset agenda and unconcealed emnity towards Russia and the DPR shouldnt even be considered . That right now the DPR forces they are blaming with no evidence are the very thing stoppng NATO from advancing nto Ukraine whch is why there was a coup followed by war in the frst place. The DPR and NATO are bitter enemies .NATO wants DPR physically wiped out . NATO are physically assisting a puppet coup government to do exactly that .That glaring elephant doesnt even register as a blip in your hypotheses. NATO do not need to even spea about the nature of their evidence much less produce it according to your scenario .

While alternately ....Russians are inbred lying cunts as everyone knows and even when they make public the precise nature of their evidence in a press conference and then submit it to the appropriate inspection team for evaluaton it must be wholly discounted in advance ...essentially because..come on folks..theyre Russans. Russans..snigger...its us vs the Russians and we are the good guys as common sense dictates. Anything else is simply bonkers..pppfft

thats your entire fucking position in a nutshell and thats NATOs fucking poston too. Long and the short of it . A long winded Blairism and nothing else.
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The Malaysian press are reporting that the preliminary accident report has been delivered to the government there (and governments of other countries who lost citizens) by the Dutch Safety Board (OVV). Said board will publish the report in early September. The preliminary report should cover factual findings arising from analysis of the CVR, FDR, ATC data, radar and satellite images.
The Malaysian press are reporting that the preliminary accident report has been delivered to the government there (and governments of other countries who lost citizens) by the Dutch Safety Board (OVV). Said board will publish the report in early September. The preliminary report should cover factual findings arising from analysis of the CVR, FDR, ATC data, radar and satellite images.
Why the delay I wonder?
IIRC the transcripts of the atc from the MH370 incident were released much earlier.
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The handling of the MH370 event was something of an exercise in learning how to do this properly for the poor Malaysian authorities, I think. A bit chaotic at first until they got some advice.

Timeline for MH370:

07 March - Aircraft went missing
01 April - ATC transcripts released
01 May - Preliminary report released

So some 24 days until the release of ATC transcripts.

The Dutch are the lead on the MH17 investigation and they would appear to have decided that they will release the information when they publish the preliminary report and not before (this is common practice for most air accident investigations). Which will most likely be in the next 2-3 weeks. The delay to the preliminary report itself has been down to access to the debris field.
The Dutch Safety Board (OVV) have announced that they will issue the preliminary report on the investigation into the MH17 crash at 0800UTC Tuesday 9 September 2014.
Looks like the BBC have a Panorama on Putin thats enabled them to generate a news story about MH17 the evening before the prelim report:


Russians were operating a BUK missile launcher seen in the area where the Malaysia Airlines passenger jet MH17 were shot down, eyewitnesses have told Panorama.

One eyewitness saw the missile-launcher roll off a low-loader at Snezhnoye, around ten miles from the crash site, at around 13:30 local time (10:30 GMT).

"We just saw it being offloaded and when the BUK started its engine the exhaust smoke filled the whole town square," he said.

'Pure Russian accents'
The eyewitness told the BBC that the crew struck him as Russian soldiers: "Well-disciplined, unlike the rebels, and not wearing the standard Ukrainian camouflage uniform sported by government and rebel troops alike."

"They had pure Russian accents. They say the letter 'g' differently to us," he said.


I dont imagine watching it myself, they will be laying it on so thick and I'm not in the mood for ranting.
The pattern of damage to the aircraft fuselage and the cockpit is consistent with that which may be expected from a large number of high-energy objects that penetrated the aircraft from outside. It’s likely that this damage resulted in a loss of structural integrity of the aircraft, leading to an in-flight break up. This also explains the abrupt end to the data registration on the recorders, the simultaneous loss of contact with air traffic control and the aircraft's disappearance from radar.

In its preliminary report, the Safety Board presents the initial findings of an investigation that is still fully underway. More research will be necessary to determine more precisely what caused the crash and how the airplane disintegrated. The Board believes that additional evidence will become available in the period ahead. From this point on, the research team will start working towards producing the definitive investigation report. The Board aims to publish the report within one year of the date of the crash.

Interesting to note the discussion between Ukraine (Dnipro) and Russian (Rostov) ATC (page 15): Rostov describing MH17 as "falling apart" and that they subsequently "see nothing" on primary radar.
Interesting to note the discussion between Ukraine (Dnipro) and Russian (Rostov) ATC (page 15): Rostov describing MH17 as "falling apart" and that they subsequently "see nothing" on primary radar.
The Rostov ATC actually says its target (MH17) started falling apart. So there's even more potential for the statement to be misconstrued.
Im guessing he/she means the signal was breaking up whereby the signal represents the target. I dont understand Russian but could well expect that it's an unfortunate translation for this instance.
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I just hope you're wrong this time...

Unfortunately not wrong it would appear.
Dutch Foreign Minister Frans Timmermans has said that one of the 298 people killed in the downing of a Malaysia Airlines plane over eastern Ukraine was found wearing an oxygen mask.

His revelation casts doubt on the theory that all on board died instantly when the plane was hit by a missile.
Unfortunately not wrong it would appear.


I wouldn't be surprised if they found results similar to the Challenger disaster:

Mike Smith uttered his final words for history, preserved on a crew cabin recorder.


An ultimate epitaph.

Immediately after, all communications between the shuttle and the ground were lost. At first, many people watching the blast, and others in mission control, believed the astronauts had died instantly — a blessing in its own right.

But they were wrong.

NASA’s intensive, meticulous studies of every facet of that explosion, comparing what happened to other blowups of aircraft and spacecraft, and the knowledge of the forces of the blast and the excellent shape and construction of the crew cabin, finally led some investigators to a mind-numbing conclusion.

They were alive all the way down.

I wouldn't be surprised if they found results similar to the Challenger disaster

There are a few similarities but many (significant) differences. Suffice it to say a number of people will have survived the initial event (far more likely as one moves towards the rear of the cabin) and would be aware things had gone horribly wrong (this was also true for PanAm 103, which is probably a better example). If they were lucky they passed out but even from 30kft it's not beyond the bounds of possibility of being conscious all the way down (or even regaining consciousness at lower altitude).
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