Niall Ferguson's deep-cover sock-puppet
I think you can criticise the mode of action without denying reality or trivialising the impact it has.Ok...and I'm not disagreeing. So how do you feel about people making the point that some female writers...who are, as you say subjected to appalling abuse...nevertheless employ the fact of this abuse to disparage their critics when there is no misogyny in play so much as an awkward point they don't want to deal with?..because once you see the the Internet as teeming with male sociopaths you start to posit motivations behind justified critiques which simply aren't there. And most posters aren't fucked up misogynists...and most of what LP writes is completely challengeable on rational grounds but is dismissed on the basis that the person making the challenge has an ulterior degenerate motive.
Your dictum makes the above point hard to convey and plays into the hands of those who would use the existence of racism and misogyny as a coverall to opt out of ever defending or substantiating a contentious point...not that you're wrong.
And I think you have to acknowledge that being repeatedly abused by misogynists might make it hard to distinguish it from genuine criticism, if that criticism is robustly or poorly worded, or bundled in with a load of genuinely dodgy comments (eg this thread).
I do think she chucks around identity-based accusations far too easily (eg spineygate as well as this latest spat), and devalues the accusation in the process. But you have to deal with that in exactly the same way as the bigoted comments she's complaining about - delete them (ie ignore) or have the patience to respond without sinking to the same level.
This is why identity politics is such a headfuck. It devalues precisely what it is supposed to stand for.