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Assange to face extradition

On Thursday or Friday someone posted a name here or on the other thread; I looked it up and found only conspiraloon sources... one blog pushing it in particular.

But I can't remember the name of the blog or of the alleged person.
It's a lot less clear why it was then picked up by a different prosecutor and restarted again. It's this part of the process that smacks of some pulling of strings behind the scenes.

the rape charge was dropped, investigations into one of the other charges remained open. the lawyer for the women appealed and the case was re-opened.
all Assange has done is publish information stolen by others. Something Greg Palast has been doing for decades without ever being locked up by the US. A man who incidentaly has this to say about Assange:

"Do you remember the reporter who put his by-line on the Pentagon Papers story?

Watergate? You mean Woodward and Bernstein? Only the most well-known reporting team of the era, thanks to their coverage of Watergate.

Watergate was one of the biggest political crises ever faced by a US administration. It resulted in the impeachment proceedings against Nixon, and caused his resignation. The work done by reporters on Watergate was a landmark, and paved the way for people like Assange and Manning.

Btw, the instigator of the leaks, Daniel Ellsberg, was prosecuted. A mistrial was declared because of bumbling by the govt attorneys. He was not cleared of charges under the Espionage Act.

This is a different time. Back then, the govt at least paid lip service to the First Amendment, habeas corpus etc. It doesn't anymore.
I am not a violent person.

However :D

If I was given the chance I would give Assange a full on headbut followed by a knee into the bollocks.

He is taking the piss. He is using the rights of a free press for self-publicity whilst giving people an opportunity to close those rights. His website never paid anyone, and never gave protection to anyone willingly giving information. He is in this for the cash and nothing more. No doubt his ghost written biography is already raking it in. Nothing good came from WikiLeaks. Assange has done nothing for anyone else. He is a selfich cunt who deserves a kick in the bollocks at least 5 times a day until he goes home.
As I understand it, the case was initially dropped, and then restarted..

One Swedish prosecutor
the rape charge was dropped, investigations into one of the other charges remained open. the lawyer for the women appealed and the case was re-opened.

One prosecutor, Eva Finne, reviewed the allegations and determined there wasn't enough evidence for a rape charge, but the Swedes said Assange remained under suspicion for molestation. A week later, another Swedish prosecutor, Marianne Ny, reopened the investigation into all the allegations.
I am not a violent person.

However :D

If I was given the chance I would give Assange a full on headbut followed by a knee into the bollocks.

He is taking the piss. He is using the rights of a free press for self-publicity whilst giving people an opportunity to close those rights. His website never paid anyone, and never gave protection to anyone willingly giving information. He is in this for the cash and nothing more. No doubt his ghost written biography is already raking it in. Nothing good came from WikiLeaks. Assange has done nothing for anyone else. He is a selfich cunt who deserves a kick in the bollocks at least 5 times a day until he goes home.
You'd have to get past his team of crack elderly film maker ninjas first.
Whistle blower and media type release years of US secret diplomatic cables. Yep, a non-story. :facepalm:

But, it wasn't.

The story that made Wikileaks came from a single serviceman who was exposed. The rest is just regurgiated crap. There was no expose. There was no contravention of OSA. It's not a story about freedom of information.
... Thankfully, I think this none story story has run it's course. Perhaps he will just fuck off quietly now.
Unfortunately he has manouvered himself into a very public corner, out of which there seems to be no escape, I predict he will be in this corner for more than months, perhaps even years.
I'll take that as an admission you believe johnny needs your assistance. Ok, perhaps you can explain, in his absence, what his point has to do with the subject of the thread.

I can explain. Can you understand?

It took them ten years to get bin Laden, but then, in the middle of the night, a SEAL team is landing on his roof.

we all remember tora bora. What similar attempts have the us made to secure assange?

How much knowledge did you have of the operation to get bin Laden, before the SEALs actually landed on his roof?

As much as most other people in the english-speaking world

And so you made his point.
I didn't think you'd understand.
You fucking don't, that is perfectly clear.

But I will try again.

It is well known that the united states used military means in their attempts first to capture and then to kill osama bin laden. What similar.attempts - what military methods - have been (not may be) used to secure assange?
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