Bump indeed...here's a bit more info on why we're doing this folks....
We returned from a friends wedding a few months back to find our normally very friendly, and slightly strange mog in a state of distress. She was very out of sorts, and upon closer inspection had what appeared to be a small puncture wound on her tummy....she was also missing 3 claws, and bloody in places.
We took her to the Blue Cross as after a day of enforced rest plus recovery food she showed no signs of improvement. Since I have been out of full-time employment for some time they accepted her as a patient. We left her there, and waited for news...
The next day we recieved a call from the vets outlining that they had completed an investigatory surgery, and were truly alarmed at what they had found to the extent that they were doubtful she could be saved at all. At this point me and Mrs TAB were to be found sobbing our hearts out in our back garden at this news. The very nice, and rather pragmatic vet suggested that we give her overnight to see how she fared, we would review the situation in the morning.
The next phonecall came late the next day to say that they had performed an emegency surgery to clear out the area, and remove infected and dead tissue. They went on to say that Cheech would be staying with them for at least two weeks, until they had her condition stable again. In the end she stayed with them for just under a month, we at last got her back late one friday night; she was to be restricted to a cage, and not allowed any excitement....she had an open wound that had to be kept as clean as possible, it was far too big at this stage to be stitched up....
The next 6 weeks required 2 visits per week to the hospital in Victoria, where every nurse and vet knew Cheech instantly such was her ability to love all the people who were helping to save her life. In that time two more sets of surgery were completed, and gradually the massive hole in her tum was closed over. To put in perspective what actually had to be done - before this happened she weighed 5.75kg. She now weighs 4.35kg - that is the weight of infected cat that had to be removed....
We have been singularly amazed at the degree of care (ostensibly offered for whatever can be donated) that the Blue Cross have provided. Quite simply Cheech would have been put down months ago were it not for their efforts. We even took a collection for them at our wedding recently, and this is another gesture from us on their behalf...
Please come and show your support, invite your mates and most importantly please chuck whatever you can in the Blue Cross box when it comes around.
If in the event that you cannot come, but would like to donate anyway please PM me, I'm sure we could work something out....