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Zeitgeist: Moving Forward. communism/anarchism?

That should make it obvious there are quite a few threads that have dealth with various aspects of the Shitgeist then.
I kinda doubt there's much in that movie that differs significantly from the last one.
not seen anything so far, that actually debunks anything.

The link I gave to Lib con, seems a more serious response.

and none of the stuff mentioned above, racism, religion etc, is raised in this zeitgeist: moving forward
not seen anything so far, that actually debunks anything.

The link I gave to Lib con, seems a more serious response.

and none of the stuff mentioned above, racism, religion etc, is raised in this zeitgeist: moving forward
There's threads on resource-based economies, positive money and the anti-semitic/conspiratastic roots of this drivel. It's not my fault if you can't read.
Is this the film that gets every religion ever conceived wrong in order to claim that they all fit together?

That was the first part of one of their earlier efforts.
That's my favorite bit of the trilogy :D

I showed my kids that last November and told them I'd cancelled xmas:cool: I had them all the way up until turning up at their mothers dressed as Santa on Xmas morning and telling them their toys were in the loft where Jesus had put them the night before :D My mother says I'm a cruel bastard. Everyone else thought it was funny, well apart from the kids:hmm:
just watched the first one, oh dear. :D

read several of the Google anti-Semitic claims, which I found a bit tenuous, but this http://conspiracies.skepticproject.com/forum/2551/new-review-of-the-doomsday-cult-that-is-zeitgeist/ is better.

in fairness, it is recognised that the movies evolved away from the original movies "mirroring" of previous conspiracy theories, with 180 about-face from being against one world government, to advocating one world government etc. :D

I do find the maligning of apostates a bit Jeremy Kyle, but each to their own.
RMP3 in "I've just posted a bucket-load of ignorant diarrhoea" non-shocker!!!

Have a word with yourself, you two-bob twat! :facepalm:
you have made posts like this for several years now, and they've had no effect, what makes you think this one will?

For your own sake, don't get so angry and emotional, just click the ignore button.
you have made posts like this for several years now, and they've had no effect, what makes you think this one will?

For your own sake, don't get so angry and emotional, just click the ignore button.

I've also made posts responding to yours when they actually have a point for several years now.

That you are unable to discern the difference between abusing you for posting utter shit, and responding if and when you make a modicum of a point does not surprise me, though.
I've also made posts responding to yours when they actually have a point for several years now.

That you are unable to discern the difference between abusing you for posting utter shit, and responding if and when you make a modicum of a point does not surprise me, though.
leaving aside the fact I never ruled out the possibility of you making nonabusive posts, if you wish to continue wasting your time, feel free. YOU HAVE A BIG JOB ON>
After Joseph put Zeitgeist online, it quickly became an Internet sensation. Clips appeared on the websites of Ron Paul supporters, white nationalists, and, before long, some Tea Party groups. Anarchists and anti-imperialists embraced it as well. Stories about it appeared in newspapers worldwide. Some were admiring: South Africa’s Cape Times compared it to An Inconvenient Truth. Even the debunkers testified to its reach. An article in the Irish Times described the “massive interest” the documentary had attracted before lamenting, “One really wishes Zeitgeist was a masterful pastiche of 21st-century paranoia, a hilarious mockumentary to rival Spinal Tap.”

in fairness, I didn't notice in the third movie which I watched first, any anti-Semitism, arguments about a ruling cabal (it spoke about systemic problems), and though still wacky it was nowhere near as wacky as the first movie which people like you fell for. :-p as many less emotional writers have noticed, there is much that the left and liberals would agree with.

at the end of the day, the question with a modicum of reasonableness remains, why can they get such a massive audience for ideas that are "utter shit" whilst ideas such as socialism and anarchism can't?

no ofeence but anarchists are so full of mad dogs shite
errrr, in fairness, dont pin this statement on anarchists because of what I have said.

And to be fair to the "resource-based economy" people, I think the idea is a bit more complicated than represented in that sentence.

At the end of the day I don't feel the need to abuse people, who basically, think the system we live in is stopping us from reaching our potential. however many things they get wrong, they are making an important point which is so lost in the "commonsense consciousness" of capitalism. That, if we invented a robot tomorrow that could do everything a human being could do and replace the entire workforce, we couldn't actually utilise that in capitalism because nobody would then have any money to buy the products.
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