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"You're my victim" - really hopeless attempt at phishing


Took a peek in my span folder and found this gem:

Yоu'rе my viсtim


Hi, victim.
I writе yоu because I рut а malwarе оn thе web pаgе with роrn whiсh yоu have visitеd.
My virus grаbbеd all your pеrsonаl info аnd turned оn yоur сamеrа which сaрtured thе proсess of yоur оnanism. Just after thаt thе sоft sаvеd your contaсt list.
I will dеlеtе the cоmрrоmising video аnd infо if you pay me 300 EURO in bitcоin. This is addrеss for payment : ***

I give you 30 hоurs aftеr you оpen my mеssаge fоr making thе trаnsасtion.
Аs sооn as yоu rеad thе mеssаge I'll sеe it right awаy.
It is not nесеssary tо tell me that yоu hаve sеnt mоnеy tо mе. This address is соnnected tо yоu, my systеm will delеte еverything аutomаtically аfter transfеr сonfirmation.
If you need 48 h just rерly on this lеtter with +.
Yоu саn visit thе рoliсe stаtion but nobоdy cаn helр yоu.
If you try to dеceivе mе , I'll sее it right away !
I dont live in your соuntry. Sо they cаn nоt track my loсаtiоn еven for 9 mоnths.
Gоodbye. Dont fоrget аbоut the shаme and to ignorе, Your life cаn bе ruinеd.
Inbox full of these.

I should probably stop paying the ransoms, it seems to encourage them :(

Good day...
Dont pay attention on my illiteracy, I am from Belgium.

We put the malicious program on your OS.

Now I stole all confidential info from your OS. In addition I got slightly more compromising.
The most amusing evidence that I received- its a video with your masturbation.
I put malware on a porn page and then you installed it. The moment you decided with the video and tapped on a play, my malicious software instantly downloaded on your OS.
After loading, your camera made the video with you masturbating, additionally software captured the video you wanked on. In next few days my malware found all your social and email contacts.

If you wish to destroy the records- pay me 290 euro in Bitcoins.
I provide you my Btc address - 14NMUnxqbNefSq3w7vifNsbQK2UKZKKTF8
You have 24 h. to go since now. As soon as I see transaction I will eliminate the videotape forever. Other way I will forward the video to all your contacts.

Your device is affected by the detrimental software .

Why, whats the matter?

I placed the corruptive program on a soft porn website, you clicked on that record and straightaway adjusted the malicious software to your laptop .

That malicious software made your front camera filming in such a way I receive the video record with you chaturbating.

In next 5 hours that malicious software owned all the contacts.

Right now, I own all your contacts and videotape with you burp the worm, so in a case if you have a desire me to destroy all the contact information forward me 379 USD in BTC cryptocurrency.

In other circumstances I will forward the video to all your friends .

I forward you mine Bitcoin code - 1Cex6SgkyjDSEGkNsKhgWVGvgvoyFf2Boh You have 24 hours after reading. If I receive this money I would crush the video forever.

I ask pardon for my mistakes- I'm Chineeze .
P.S. this postal address, I have pilfered it.
Do not answer to this message. This is temporary address!

Your system was controlled by my virus.
I loaded my malware on a porn site, you tapped on the videotape and immediatly loaded the malware to your system.
The virus started your web camera working so I have the video with you masturbating. In next 6 hours my malware collected all your contacts.
As a result, I have all your private data and tape with you wanking, so if you want me to erase all the evidence - pay me 309 united states dollar in bitcoin. Differently I will send the record to all your contacts.

Its my Btc number - 1De9teZKxPHrEcHJajmNC8HL4mePRbDkNJ

You have 28 h. after reading. As soon as I see transfer I will destroy the privy info evermore.
I am apologize for my illiteracy- I am from Romania.
this e-mail, I have stolen it.
Had emails which had almost identical text to each other with about 5 phrase changes in each, e.g.
english language grammar -> language sentence structure -> english sentence structure
toxified -> infected
hand fucking -> soloing -> fapping

Different amounts, different bitcoin accounts and different currencies, different senders (do lots of people have the first name "Gravel" or "Beard"?)
unsurprisingly, none of the wallet addresses people have posted have ever had any bc in or out.
If these e-mails all start with "Hi, victim" why haven't the isp's cottoned on and marked them all as spam? :eek:

I have had something similar this evening.

Would normally delete without a thought, but it quoted a password at me, which is one I have used with the e-mail account it's been sent to - their e-mail started "I am aware [password] one of your passphrase."

They are asking for 3,000 dollars in shitcoin or whatever the heck it's called. (I seem to be considered worth more than editor :p )

Obviously it's bollocks, and they can fuck right off - quite apart from anything else I have never had a webcam attached to my computer, and I'm fairly sure the security software I have is OK.

From my records (I do have a system for passwords and do write them down - albeit nothing like in full) the only thing I have used that exact password for was a 'get points towards something useless for recycling stuff' scheme (Recyclebank) that my local council used until about 6 years ago.

Is there somewhere I should report this sort of shit?

Should I contact the US company (who are still in business but no longer working with my local council)? Obviously UK data protection law doesn't cover them, and it's going to be damned hard to prove it was them.

Or just delete the whole darn thing and forget about it?

I have had something similar this evening.

Would normally delete without a thought, but it quoted a password at me, which is one I have used with the e-mail account it's been sent to - their e-mail started "I am aware [password] one of your passphrase."

They are asking for 3,000 dollars in shitcoin or whatever the heck it's called. (I seem to be considered worth more than editor :p )

Obviously it's bollocks, and they can fuck right off - quite apart from anything else I have never had a webcam attached to my computer, and I'm fairly sure the security software I have is OK.

From my records (I do have a system for passwords and do write them down - albeit nothing like in full) the only thing I have used that exact password for was a 'get points towards something useless for recycling stuff' scheme (Recyclebank) that my local council used until about 6 years ago.

Is there somewhere I should report this sort of shit?

Should I contact the US company (who are still in business but no longer working with my local council)? Obviously UK data protection law doesn't cover them, and it's going to be damned hard to prove it was them.

Or just delete the whole darn thing and forget about it?
There's been loads of major password breaches by big companies that should know better, so that's where they've most likely picked it up. Just make sure you've changed the password (in fact, try and change it regularly) and you can ignore the shit head scammer.
There's been loads of major password breaches by big companies that should know better, so that's where they've most likely picked it up. Just make sure you've changed the password (in fact, try and change it regularly) and you can ignore the shit head scammer.

I don't have anything to do with that company now, and I don't use that exact password for anything else (and will make an effort not to use that combination of e-mail address / password for anything else in case someone out there is trying it for other things)

I have had something similar this evening.

Would normally delete without a thought, but it quoted a password at me, which is one I have used with the e-mail account it's been sent to - their e-mail started "I am aware [password] one of your passphrase."

They are asking for 3,000 dollars in shitcoin or whatever the heck it's called. (I seem to be considered worth more than editor :p )

Obviously it's bollocks, and they can fuck right off - quite apart from anything else I have never had a webcam attached to my computer, and I'm fairly sure the security software I have is OK.

From my records (I do have a system for passwords and do write them down - albeit nothing like in full) the only thing I have used that exact password for was a 'get points towards something useless for recycling stuff' scheme (Recyclebank) that my local council used until about 6 years ago.

Is there somewhere I should report this sort of shit?

Should I contact the US company (who are still in business but no longer working with my local council)? Obviously UK data protection law doesn't cover them, and it's going to be damned hard to prove it was them.

Or just delete the whole darn thing and forget about it?

A useful site:
Have I Been Pwned: Check if your email has been compromised in a data breach
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