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World of Darkness demo'ed at Eve Fanfest 2013

I must admit to being fascinated to see whether they can pull off a true sandbox game with all the brutality and intrigue of Eve plus perma-death, without alienating a great number of the people who might want to play vampires ...

I mean you're bound to have a whole bunch of griefers, evil clowns, scammers and whatnot from Eve trying it out for a start. "Hehe, let's go fuck with the emo-kids!"
I must admit to being fascinated to see whether they can pull off a true sandbox game with all the brutality and intrigue of Eve plus perma-death, without alienating a great number of the people who might want to play vampires ...

I mean you're bound to have a whole bunch of griefers, evil clowns, scammers and whatnot from Eve trying it out for a start. "Hehe, let's go fuck with the emo-kids!"

I know guys from my Alliance are well up for the griefing in WoD as are the Goons, Goons though is pretty petty griefing whereas PL are more in it for the power and dominance.

And the ISK of course.;)
loved the masquerade pc game and its predecessor

actually, how can a vampire MMO work?, they, MMO's are not generally known for their subtlety and nuance, you can imagine 14 years old say interrupting a important Camorro meeting by trying to snog one of the female participants
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