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Wind-up radios, battery packs and other prepper tech necessary for the apocalypse


Changing the facts
So with the possibility of power cuts looming this winter * I thought I’d pull my finger out and buy a wind up/solar powered radio. Also a battery pack for recharging stuff like my phone and iPad.

I thought we could all use a thread where we share tips for good kit and scare each other with worry about The Future.

Has anyone got any of the radios suggested here?

As is normal, I look, then I check the reviews and see that there are lots of complaints about even the highest rated ones.

Some of them offer all sorts of whistles and bells not necessary for an urban power cut, better suited to overnight hikes and mountain camping.

I had a great power pack but it got left behind in a car that went to scrap :facepalm::facepalm: and now I can’t find the same model to buy again, so I’m back to square one for that.

I don’t have a kindle but reading by candlelight is a bit shit so I’m now considering getting one.

I do have a head torch. Again, there were so many options though! In the end I decided I didn’t need the kind that make it safe to go jogging in a woodland in the middle of the night, and then rejected the ones that everyone said was shit and found myself with a choice of about 4, which made it much easier to choose.

(* yes, I know that presently they’re saying it’s unlikely but I don’t want to wait til I’m plunged into darkness to find out if they’re right..l)
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I've got a wind up radio with a built in power pack. It's great. Number 10 on your list there. No complaints here

How long have you had it for?

The last wind up radio I had seemed to lose battery capacity pretty fast. Lasted me about a yea.

Why doesn’t Robert’s do a wind up radio? :mad::(
Camping gas stove and lots of canisters.

My dad just bought a wok burner and bottle of gas for potential power cuts in Ireland, they do have a garden though. I wouldn't be so sure of using it inside.

I have about 83 torches of various types, a machete and some paracord so I'm well equipped for zombie's etc.

eta: I do have some other things but I'm not telling you lot, you'll think I'm a weirdo. :hmm:
I don’t have a kindle but reading by candlelight is a bit shit so I’m now considering getting one.

My kindle is an older one, but it's not backlit (the point being that is easier on the eyes than a lit screen like on a mobile phone) - you'd still want a clip on light for it if it is that sort - not sure what bells and whistles modern ones have, but check before buying.
One of the (few!) benefits of being an ultra-distance cyclist is that I have bike lights that can last through many nights.

Not that that helps anyone else on here, mind.
In Greece it’s perfectly normal to use little camping gas cookers indoors for making coffee etc. They’re not on for long and tbf they have all the windows open (in the summer) so it’s not a direct comparison, but I think it’s similar to how we Brits use electric kettles and on the whole Americans think it’s bonkers to use an electric gadget to boil water (water +. electricity = disaster).
I got a wind up radio. Though TBH can't think of a station I'd be that arsed to try listening to if I have to wind this thing up for half an hour. Got various powerbanks for phone. I could eat cold beans in the silent cold darkness if it came down to it but would be wearing very quickly.

Maybe I should stock up on single malt.
I got a wind up radio. Though TBH can't think of a station I'd be that arsed to try listening to if I have to wind this thing up for half an hour. Got various powerbanks for phone. I could eat cold beans in the silent cold darkness if it came down to it but would be wearing very quickly.

Maybe I should stock up on single malt.

What power banks do you have xenon ? And what would you advise re: things to avoid or ensure when choosing one?
What power banks do you have xenon ? And what would you advise re: things to avoid or ensure when choosing one?

nothing fancy really. The largest is an Anker (SP) half a brick sized thing with 2 usb outlets. I forget exactly how large it is MA capacity wise.

The one I use most is a Zenzure one as it's smaller and daft as it sounds, has a really nice feeling construction, I like holding it or balancing my phone on it if it's charging when I'm out.

oh and a Samson (not Samsung IIRC) which I'm suspicious of using as it has a dent in it.

Thought about getting one of the large heavy duty ones with a 3 PIN UK plug outlet but decided it was a bit rediculous....

TL;DR get a reputable branded one. Anker etc. If you don't intend to carry it around, get the largest capacity you can afford. Look at how long they retain their charge.
How long have you had it for?

The last wind up radio I had seemed to lose battery capacity pretty fast. Lasted me about a yea.

Why doesn’t Robert’s do a wind up radio? :mad::(
Bout 18 months, haven't noticed a battery drop off yet, spends most of its time on a sunny windowsill, which won't be that sunny come winter obvs
This thread has reminded me to see if I can get the display on my radio fixed. It's got a rechargeable power pack so may come in handy. At the moment I can't tell what station I'm tuning into. It's stuck on Heart, I think.

Also, I've been working in the loft so bought one of those rechargeable LED work lights which may also be useful in a power cut.
Camping gas stove and lots of canisters.

My dad just bought a wok burner and bottle of gas for potential power cuts in Ireland, they do have a garden though. I wouldn't be so sure of using it inside.

I have about 83 torches of various types, a machete and some paracord so I'm well equipped for zombie's etc.

eta: I do have some other things but I'm not telling you lot, you'll think I'm a weirdo. :hmm:
I bought a camping stove and canisters for Brexit, everyone mocked me - they're not laughing now !!
I’m going to get a toast attachment for my camping gas stove.

I am NOT doing the apocalypse without toast. Yes bread may be a problem but I’ll cross that bridge when I get to it.
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