The master plan that would have seen the trackbed built on has been rejected and the original terminus buildings are still there. It would no doubt be a pricey venture but it would be ruddy splendid to see trains running the full length of the branch and no doubt a huge boost to Ashburton's economy.
Friends of Ashburton Station
Friends of Ashburton Station | Preserving the heritage of Ashburton Station
In 2014/15, the planners within the Dartmoor National Park Authority (DPNA) working with Teignbridge District Council (TDC - the managing local government authority), recommended that the residual trackbed within the town, together with the area surrounding the station - a total of 3.5 hectares (8.6 acres) - be designated for redevelopment under the Chuley Road Masterplan.
In their final Masterplan, issued in 2015, the former trackbed up to and including land close to the former station site were proposed to be used for developing housing, a supermarket and light industrial units. The "Friends of Ashburton Station" (FoAS), backed by the South Devon Railway Trust (SDRT), successfully legally challenged the Masterplan, with the courts decreeing that the plan had to return to draft status, as it had not been fully consulted on by local residents.
FoAS and the SDRT are now working on a £20M proposal to eventually return heritage railway services to the unique station, whilst in the short term using the site for local arts, educational and training initiatives.[1] Following further investigations, DPNA and TDC have presently formally withdrawn the Masterplan, although they presently will consider individual planning applications within the designated Chuley Road site, on their individual basis and within the existing local planning map of TDC
Ashburton railway station - Wikipedia
Friends of Ashburton Station
Friends of Ashburton Station | Preserving the heritage of Ashburton Station