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Why the Irish Times is going down the pan?


canadian girlfriend
A thread for all things related to the Irish Times newspaper, the flagship if Irish liberal opinion that is rapidly going down the pan.

Or is it? It still has Fintan O'Toole, a genuine intellectual who has no equivalent in Fleet Street.

I'm thinking aloud here, and I'm also on my phone, so bear with me.
Don't really read it much these days. A lot of it is subscription based.

FOT is an interesting journalist, probably far too liberal for some.
it’s a pretty terrible paper always has been. It’s always been on the right but it’s inched further to the right. There are some truly good writers and then there are one’s like Finn McRedmind who is utter dross. As for Fintan O’Toole he does seem to take the role of public intellectual seriously but I think rather than raise the level of debate he reinforces the idea that politics and culture are for our betters. In many ways he’s an older version of blind boy. Like Blindboy he talks some shit but has the time to read, digest and surmise so he’s considered smart.

Actually IT reflects the malaise the country finds itself in. Very self congratulatory.

ETA for spelling of time which was originally more like toile.
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Over the weekend, the IT had an obituary for Gerald Dawe, who was probably the most important contemporary Irish poet you've never heard of (but you should have heard of him).

Gerry was one of the good guys, and that comes through very strongly in this obit. But it was also an obit the IT bought in from the Guardian, and they left the author's name off it, which I'm told is considered poor show.
Too expensive..
We stopped buying all newspapers over covid ... the crossword was the best part of the IT. Not that we bought it. The Indo or years ago, The Press, were the house papers growing up. But now..we don't get any newspapers.
Too expensive..
We stopped buying all newspapers over covid ... the crossword was the best part of the IT. Not that we bought it. The Indo or years ago, The Press, were the house papers growing up. But now..we don't get any newspapers.
I get the Irish News sometimes, that's about 1.80, usually. And it has a very good puzzles and crosswords page.

Of course, as someone said to me, it's a northern paper, so there's little or no southern news. Which makes it even better.

US destroyer named after Mayo man Patrick Gallagher killed in Vietnam in 1967​

USS Patrick Gallagher was christened in Maine on Saturday with ceremony attended by family and Minister of State Seán Fleming​

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