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Why do people insist on showing you their apple products?

We've all been there. You're down the pub or in the office, some munchkin has got a new apple product and, before you know it, there they are - showing you it, shoving into your hands with strident imprecations to touch it, to look at it, to hear all about its wonderful features and how it makes them feel complete.

What is that about? Why does everybody with an iPad insist on "letting" you play with it? A tablet isn't something that is FROM THE FUTURE any more. "I got it for face time, so I can speak to my family". Eh? I had a phone with video calling on it in 2003! "I can update documents and then send them by e-mail!" "The keyboard is very easy to type on". What?!?

Seriously, get over yourselves. If I make my face into a kind of semi-sneering expression when you ask me if I want to look at it, then it means I don't.

This must be how people feel when I talk to them about my kids.

Because people lead empty shallow lives, and if you need that explaining, you're not much better than the apple fanbois :p

No can we keep the apple bashing to the tech thread, its so out of hand there its pathetic, I'd hate to see it spreading to the general thread too.
Because people lead empty shallow lives, and if you need that explaining, you're not much better than the apple fanbois :p

No can we keep the apple bashing to the tech thread, its so out of hand there its pathetic, I'd hate to see it spreading to the general thread too.
the Greeks have a saying; the fish rots from the head... ;)
Surely there must be a few Urbanites who are by now the proud owners of an iPhone 5...

Will you come out and identify yourselves now? Or do we have to start a witch-hunt?
Surely there must be a few Urbanites who are by now the proud owners of an iPhone 5...

Will you come out and identify yourselves now? Or do we have to start a witch-hunt?
it's the problem with iphones really you upgrade have a yay new tech new toy purchase joy then you synch it with itunes and it loads up all your old apps, games data etc and this is all seemlessly good and great but then you've got your old phone which is just a bit faster brighter, bigger, more of the same... and instantly that's it new purchase joy over... get on with it...

at least buying a new phone on another ecosystem means you have to learn the whole thing again each time... longer new tech joy... but after a few I product upgrades it's all a bit meh unless you're a dickless wonder with ego issues it's just more of the same, as it's supposed to be, which is equally why the fanaticism which new mac head converts have is all the more baffling. As a long term mac and pc owner the new tech joy last longer with windows only because they insist on moving every damn thing each time which requires you to relearn the same OS time in time out, which would be fine if it fixed the clusterfuck that is the botched UI but in fact often this just makes things harder to do and your previous sensible work around for the problem no longer work requiring you to lose that feature or find a new work around.... Apples refine M$ remake in essence... so after a few years with apple tech you just get on with it when it comes to upgrading, why discuss it, it's more of the same, only better than before...

something that some people should recognise as a mature tech blog writer... but because they don't' use the products or indeed know anything really about them they've no idea what living with them day in day out is like as functioning usable piece of tech in the same way that they do with windows so they make all these wild moronic assumptions..
Im just about to order my iphone5. However, I would be getting a replacement handset anyway after my friend decided to drop my phone on the floor.
An apple device is a bit like a trophy wife for the socially inept.

Judging by the amount I have, people must think I'm a proper weirdo :(
Surely there must be a few Urbanites who are by now the proud owners of an iPhone 5...

Will you come out and identify yourselves now? Or do we have to start a witch-hunt?

"That one in the spotlight he doesn't look right to me, get him up against the wall..."
I didn't find it funny myself. Most people realise right away it's a wind up and walk away from it.
There's been a slew of these kind of videos. They're completely wasteful and pointless.
One even shows some twat blasting away at an iPhone 5 with a rifle.
There's been a slew of these kind of videos. They're completely wasteful and pointless.
One even shows some twat blasting away at an iPhone 5 with a rifle.
so let me get this right you bang on and on about the commodity fetishisation of apple product but then when people act in a manner which is the inverse of this you can't stand them either...

face it you're one turtle neck away from turning into a high fiver aren't you...

Darley beloved, we are gathered here under the alter of Saint Jobs, to hear the apocryphal tale of the man who liked but didn't like the products of St Ives and the torment he suffered due to this...
so let me get this right you bang on and on about the commodity fetishisation of apple product but then when people act in a manner which is the inverse of this you can't stand them either...

face it you're one turtle neck away from turning into a high fiver aren't you...

Darley beloved, we are gathered here under the alter of Saint Jobs, to hear the apocryphal tale of the man who liked but didn't like the products of St Ives and the torment he suffered due to this...
Your argument is too bizarre to bother with, sorry, but thanks for all the effort again.
Surely there must be a few Urbanites who are by now the proud owners of an iPhone 5...

Will you come out and identify yourselves now? Or do we have to start a witch-hunt?
Pre-ordered one via t-mobile the Saturday before launch. But amn't expecting it until early October.

I'll re-identify myself then, if it helps!

3 mobile told me next week. They're blatantly lying aren't they?
Well, that's what they told me, but tbf it was part of a really long and drawn out conversation with an overly social, extraordinarily polite and barely comprehensible South African woman who was clearly pretty bored of iPhone orders.

She said early October at the outside. That doesn't necessarily relate to 3's supply chain.

3 mobile told me next week. They're blatantly lying aren't they?
simple fact is that most mobile operators are getting their stocks this time around from carphone warehouse who by and large have taken all the orders indrectly via the operators, they have this distribution deal sewn up. CPW aren't expecting apple to make further deliveries for another 21 days as of friday last week. There are plenty of white Iphone 5's out there because they ordered and made more of these available based on the expectation that these would be the ones largely people would want... suprisingingly because based on previous launches it's the white ones which have been nigh on impossible to get or were more popular.... this time round it's the black ones. there are still white ones available now via all the operators some on next day delivery basis (o2, voda, CPW direct) but if oyu've ordered a black one then like most of us you'll have to wait cos they just didn't ship as many and those they had are gone.

That's not to say these aren't sitting in a warehouse in the UK awaiting release of course... just embargoed by apple to create a scarcity hype...

So if you don't have one from last Friday or Saturday then there aren't any more being released until around the 12th of next month so you're not going to get one til then. basically...

Feel free to prove me wrong on my theory above... though I've done quite a bit of calling around the operators to see if I could get a black one... white ones no problems...
There are plenty of white Iphone 5's out there because they ordered and made more of these available based on the expectation that these would be the ones largely people would want...
I ordered white, 32gb.

Which should put me in one of the least popular categories :D

Probably would've gone with black, only Artichoke's white iPad (particuarly in a lime green iPad case) is, tbh, really quite good-looking.

I'll let you know if / as / when it arrives. And if / as / when I can make it down to Surrey, in order to pick it up. (I'm meant to be getting 2hrs' notice of a delivery. On a very good day, it's a 2hr drive.)
Why don't you get it delivered and save yourself a 4+ hour trip?
Because, for reasons that're a bit of a pain in the arse both financially and logistically, my contract's still registered to my parents' address. The contract's effectively been live since about 1992, but has passed through three branches of the family before ending up with me.

For very understandable reasons, t-mobile won't ship to an address other than the one they've got the phone registered to. This was even less of a problem when I didn't have a stable home address (until 2yrs ago).
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