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Why do people insist on showing you their apple products?

Christ what an unusual thread.....anyway having owned Apple products for YEARS before they were hip..skipped the first gen iphone as I thought it was crap and hate ITUNES with a vengence as I want to keep my music on my folders in my order and on a shared storage volume....I hate several things both Apple and its cult of hating those whom own them.

1: Spotty lego builders whom lego assemble PCs and think they are the dogs bollox in all things technical especially computers and sneer when I simply cannot be arsed to build one myself or pick a crap substandard set of components such as a Dell. As I use a Mac so Im fierce think so I am ted...,:)
2: Apple shinny models for fucking everything now even though I own such a laptop. ..looked about and the only model close to what I wanted was the lenovo W520...which came in at 700 pounds more expensive so f that ... heavier and less battery life...AGH...surely there is a niche market for high end laptop which dont weight at several bricks and a battery life of 1 hour...if luckly..
3: Spotty Apple sneery gits whom think that anything Android is crap... and the Android crew rant back of Apple controls your life with its eco system...really have you looked closely at Google ..google apps drive etc..... Note to Google make some more apps and create some gift card for Android store... ..its a good idea honest
4: Clearly the fact that there is so many people with little to know problems whom need to rant either for or against...heres an idea....pick and mix as you see fit ..you don't have to choose some self imposed side and beat your chest......
5: Google...wtf were you thinking with a chromebook at that price....and partnering with PC World....eh what ????
Ditch the price drop to around 100 quid and up the apps what the things shift.
6:F off Apple and sort out the optical drive without ditching entirely on the pro range... taking the style too far...

Its not personal I just hate everyone....

FINALLY people whom assume that they must sneer if I have an Apple product...when a lot simply cannot afford them but disguise this fact with saying they hate their company ethics... eh what it a fucking business no different than microsoft at the height of shoving its OS down your throat weither you liked it or not...although many may not remember that...

Ah..the days of variety... Acorn Amiga IBM etc....

PSS no I don't bring the items out at every opportunity... some people just use stuff
We've all been there. You're down the pub or in the office, some munchkin has got a new apple product and, before you know it, there they are - showing you it, shoving into your hands with strident imprecations to touch it, to look at it, to hear all about its wonderful features and how it makes them feel complete.

What is that about? Why does everybody with an iPad insist on "letting" you play with it? A tablet isn't something that is FROM THE FUTURE any more. "I got it for face time, so I can speak to my family". Eh? I had a phone with video calling on it in 2003! "I can update documents and then send them by e-mail!" "The keyboard is very easy to type on". What?!?

Seriously, get over yourselves. If I make my face into a kind of semi-sneering expression when you ask me if I want to look at it, then it means I don't.

This must be how people feel when I talk to them about my kids.

Maybe you're mixing with the wrong crowd. No one I associate with even has an Apple product nevermind shoving it down my throat.

Carl, there, somehow managing to get through the heaving crowds to be the first person to get an iPhone 5 in Birmingham!
I can't say I have ever experienced people shoving their apple products in my face at any social occasion. Frankly I have more interesting things to discuss with my friends than what phone they own.
Although it has to be said that iPad-waving has become much more commonplace, usually at concerts or public events where some fucking dickhead is blocking out the view for others when they try and take pictures on the things.

Cameras, too :(
You've just posted pics of people high fiving and coming out of stores... why can't Quoad take the piss too? Is it only you that are allowed?? :confused:
He mentioned the name Carl so I assumed he knew who he was. So calm down, Mr Stroppy.
He mentioned the name Carl so I assumed he knew who he was. So calm down, Mr Stroppy.

I'm not being stroppy, simply pointing out your stroppy response... Karl is from the article linked above!

It's Apple launch day, forget it, there will be no sense made of much today... :D:D
You've just posted pics of people high fiving and coming out of stores... why can't Quoad take the piss too? Is it only you that are allowed?? :confused:

Pretty much. You can't post humour on Google threads but you're allowed to piss all over any Apple thread with 'humor' as much as you want. Classic trolling tactic that.
I think that carls problem

If someone wanted to touch it

He would not have to fill the gaping void in his life with bacon and electronic consumables

Imagine if some homeless people tried to set up a bed in the middle of Regent Street...


Good point. Maybe they need to start taking that approach. For a number of nights a year at least (the Sales, technology product launches, Hollywood blockbuster premieres, etc) they'd be allowed to sleep on prime retail locations across the capital and elsewhere.
Westminster has long had a very aggressive attitude towards homeless sleepers, even when they're trying to get some shuteye in out of the way places, so it seems odd how this lot are allowed to hog a large chunk of payment space for days on end.
Good point. Maybe they need to start taking that approach. For a number of nights a year at least (the Sales, technology product launches, Hollywood blockbuster premieres, etc) they'd be allowed to sleep on prime retail locations across the capital and elsewhere.

No they shouldn't, anyone should be able to stay out overnight on the streets through circumstance or choice. Curfews are bad.

Made me laugh to see occupy protesters camped out with ipads, and laptops though. They should be moved on. Then shot.
When Naomi Campbell was involved in that blood-diamond debacle it caused a scandal yet when Stephen Fry probably camps out overnight outside the apple shop to get the latest Jeff Stryker dildo app or whatever, fuck all gets said. It's one law for supermodels and another one for bloated windbag sacs of shit.

Wood effect vinyl looks pretty good as a kitchen wall covering though.
When Naomi Campbell was involved in that blood-diamond debacle it caused a scandal yet when Stephen Fry probably camps out overnight outside the apple shop to get the latest Jeff Stryker dildo app or whatever, fuck all gets said. It's one law for supermodels and another one for bloated windbag sacs of shit.

Wood effect vinyl looks pretty good as a kitchen wall covering though.
least coherent argument of the day :D
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