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Why do people insist on showing you their apple products?


Fuck it, it's fine.
We've all been there. You're down the pub or in the office, some munchkin has got a new apple product and, before you know it, there they are - showing you it, shoving into your hands with strident imprecations to touch it, to look at it, to hear all about its wonderful features and how it makes them feel complete.

What is that about? Why does everybody with an iPad insist on "letting" you play with it? A tablet isn't something that is FROM THE FUTURE any more. "I got it for face time, so I can speak to my family". Eh? I had a phone with video calling on it in 2003! "I can update documents and then send them by e-mail!" "The keyboard is very easy to type on". What?!?

Seriously, get over yourselves. If I make my face into a kind of semi-sneering expression when you ask me if I want to look at it, then it means I don't.

This must be how people feel when I talk to them about my kids.
Yeah, long gone are the days when you pulled out a smart phone they were something unusual enough that people wanted to look at it.
Do you wanna see my iPhone home screen? Oh go on then


I haven't. Maybe it's a down south thing but people I know don't show off their mobiles/gadgets, etc. I don't know many office workers though.

This, I can't think of many times anyone I know has shown-off a gadget unless asked about it.
Do they re
shoving into your hands with strident imprecations to touch it, to look at it,


This must be how people feel when I talk to them about my kids.

I don't let anyone touch my Apple products. They can't be trusted with them unless they have one of their own, in which case they can touch their's and not mine.

p.s. You invite people to touch your kids? :(
Me neither. One might almost suspect a slight level of exaggeration here :hmm:

Well it has happened occasionally, so there are some sad sooks out there who do live to wax lyrical about their gadgets but I've more taken it as someone just looking for a reason to talk to someone/anyone.
I still think my HTC tattoo is spacey. I told someone at work that I watched films on it sometimes and they laughed at me.

I don't even use it as a phone. It's shit as a phone, I have nokia wotsit.
Yes, it's really a bit strange. My apple fan friend says that when an apple product person sitting in a cafe or similar place sees another apple person, they give each other a happy smile.
Not that I have anything against smiling but just because someone has an apple??
Yes, it's really a bit strange. My apple fan friend says that when an apple product person sitting in a cafe or similar place sees another apple person, they give each other a happy smile.
Not that I have anything against smiling but just because someone has an apple??

No! Seriously? I've never seen this before. I must get out more;)
Work with a loud Jamaican apple fanboy currently

Don't need him to show you the merits of his apple products you can hear him from the other end of the building..

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