I got my youngest to weld up a hoop frame to fit on the back of the pick-up, covered it with heavy duty canvas and g-clamped it to the truck frame (we also have a removeable winter canopy/hood). Looks like an old wagon train and sleeps a couple of people in relative (and mobile) comfort...seeing as the horsebox is now stuck in the woods with a burnt-out clutch.
I have also discovered the main failing with canvas yurts - these trendy temporary dwellings are fine on an open steppe (or in a field) but utterly manky when huge clumps of dead leaves blow up against the canvas, staining the pristine cover a filthy, tannin coloured murk...when erected under trees.
I have also discovered the main failing with canvas yurts - these trendy temporary dwellings are fine on an open steppe (or in a field) but utterly manky when huge clumps of dead leaves blow up against the canvas, staining the pristine cover a filthy, tannin coloured murk...when erected under trees.