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What's this alert from Norton? Block or Allow?

Throbbing Angel

uncivilly servile
Evening all,

BT have switched their free security software from Macafee to Norton.

Installed Norton Security on my MacBook last night and keep getting these pop-ups (see below).

Who is 'the computer' at that IP? I have tried a few identify this IP things online and they don't return anything.

I was at the library earlier and got the same pop up with a different IP which was kinda similar to theirs - so assumed it was theirs.

I don't do anything with the pop up (because I ain't sure) and it disappears after a minute or so and comes back after 5 or so minutes, and is quite annoying.

It didn't appear at all last night :confused:

To check if it's your laptop. press Command and Space Bar.
type terminal to open the commandline terminal. In that type ifconfig and that should return your ip address if ifconfig does work type ip addr
Once done type exit to close the terminal.

ETA if your IP address matches the IP Address in the warning, it's your computer trying to access Chrome
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Even if your ISP is paying for it, I would uninstall Norton if I were you. Along with MacAfee it's pretty much just scamware these days, and the paltry protection offered just doesn't make sense considering how many system resources are used up by these kind of programs. At least that's my experience on Windows, but I've no reason to believe that third-party AV programs are any better on Macs.

For all their various other faults, security is not one of those things I've heard of Apple being frequently criticised for. One of those situations in which having a walled garden benefits the end user for once, I guess.

So personally, I would be looking into what security features are already present in your version of MacOS/OSX/whatever. They've had them built-in since 2009, so unless you've got a really ancient and un-updated Apple OS, you might have sufficient protection already.
Even if your ISP is paying for it, I would uninstall Norton if I were you. Along with MacAfee it's pretty much just scamware these days, and the paltry protection offered just doesn't make sense considering how many system resources are used up by these kind of programs. At least that's my experience on Windows, but I've no reason to believe that third-party AV programs are any better on Macs.

For all their various other faults, security is not one of those things I've heard of Apple being frequently criticised for. One of those situations in which having a walled garden benefits the end user for once, I guess.

So personally, I would be looking into what security features are already present in your version of MacOS/OSX/whatever. They've had them built-in since 2009, so unless you've got a really ancient and un-updated Apple OS, you might have sufficient protection already.
I'm beginning to think the same tbh.

The only software I need is the password manager for to memory issues. I think I'll be switching to BitWarden for that as discussed on the password manager thread.

I didn't use the macafee anti virus software from BT, just the password manager.

Cheers everyone. Uninstalling in 5,4,3,2....
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