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What happened to the egg timer?


Power User
So when I upgraded to Windows 7 I noticed the egg timer had been replaced by a circle.

Then I realised that had happened everywhere else. But why?

I like egg timers :(

So when I upgraded to Windows 7 I noticed the egg timer had been replaced by a circle.

Windows never used egg timers.

It used Hour Glasses. An egg timer times eggs, hence the name. So unless you you playing SimEgg the hour glass wouldn't have been timing an egg now would it.

Why get rid of it? Because it doesn't represent anything to anyone any more. No one uses hour glasses any more as they have clocks and watches. Even cookers and microwaves and xboxes and phones and dildos can tell the time these days.
No one uses hour glasses any more
I do. I've got a three minute one and a four minute one (for timing boiled eggs). They're also widely used in primary schools to help kids understand the passage of time and I've used them a lot to help antsy kids learn to focus for ever increasing minutes with a little sand timer (silent in a classroom and you can see progress as the sand runs through).
I do. I've got a three minute one and a four minute one (for timing boiled eggs). They're also widely used in primary schools to help kids understand the passage of time and I've used them a lot to help antsy kids learn to focus for ever increasing minutes with a little sand timer (silent in a classroom and you can see progress as the sand runs through).

I'm guessing the passage of time thing is why the hour glass was dropped. It also represents the past and old technology.
Those are called spinners, and they've been standard on the web since about 1998.

Well I've only noticed them recently, especially since Windows 7 ditched the egg timer for a circle and there's even one on my fucking phone and on iPlayer.

They annoy me and should be replaced with egg times which are much more suitable than circles, if a little twee.
They still use them in most saunas I've been in.

I'll grant you that one single solitary practical use where it is superior to a clock or a watch or mobile phone readout due to the hostile environment of heat and vapour.
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