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Welling United v Dulwich Hamlet - Pre-Season Friendly, Tues 18th July 2023


Well-Known Member
An away ground I can walk to, so I'm looking forward to this.

Looked like Welling were slipping down towards the drop at the end of last season but a decent run in saw them safe. Didn't think our squads were miles apart so it will be interesting to see the difference with all the turnover.
I'm in. I noticed last week they launched some new plan to build a ton of houses and redevelop the ground. Yes it's ramshackle and terracing is falling apart in places, but it does have a sort of charm. But end of life and needs investment.

The 0-0 there after the Carlisle game was one of the worst games I've been too though. Hoping for a few goals tonight.
Nice one, I thought it was a bit cheeky to charge £2 extra to sit in the stand so that offsets that! Goal-end terrace is even shallower than at our place.

I like Park View Road, although it clearly is in desperate need of repair. When I went last season they'd shut off the other end, looked like it was crumbling away. Sure it was open the previous time I was there. The wooden flooring in the Welling stand definitely has its charm though.

Can see why gonna knock it all down and start again though, just a bit of a shame they couldn't do the current place up and mix the development in with that. Keep the old wooden stand.
They were trying to fix the terraces at the far end last season which is why it was closed off.
If they had the same council safety officer that Dulwich has they would have been closed down ages ago.
I like Park View Road, although it clearly is in desperate need of repair. When I went last season they'd shut off the other end, looked like it was crumbling away. Sure it was open the previous time I was there. The wooden flooring in the Welling stand definitely has its charm though.

Can see why gonna knock it all down and start again though, just a bit of a shame they couldn't do the current place up and mix the development in with that. Keep the old wooden stand.
I think the old stand is beyond repair. It looks charming from outside but it's hopelessly impractical for accommodating a capacity crowd safely. The gangways are narrow with steep steps and inadequate legroom. Getting in and out will be difficult for anyone not fully mobile. (Contrast that with the brand new ground at Aveley, where someone on a mobility scooter was able to glide effortlessly up a ramp to a suitable viewing area at the rear of the seats, with easy access to the clubhouse and facilities behind.)

Welling also appear to have knocked emergency exits into the front, with concrete steps leading down in worrying proximity to the pitch bearing in mind the incident at Bath last season.

I don't mind the ground myself but if a wholesale redevelopment can be funded it's got to be the best long term option for the club. Frankly I'm surprised more parts of the ground haven't been closed before last season.
That was OK, thought the first half we deserved more and the second half maybe flattered but on balance fair result but should always be viewed through a pre season lens. i have seen a few things on the pitch in three games all against ‘higher’ oppo that are positive that I am happy to share when I see you at the next game. But off the pitch, there are a few more things that i think are really special and I think are going to make the difference.
I was a little bit concerned after we drew with Bromley's under 8s, but I think to play two NLS sides and get a draw and a win out of them, is pretty impressive, particularly considering that, bar 3 players, this is an entirely new squad.

I think only worry - and I do love a good worry - is that Ricketts is injured already. Hopefully it's just a standard muscle pull or something, but I wonder, given how important that role is going to be this season, whether we can get some cover for that midfield pivot/anchor man role.
Really enjoyed last night. First win I've seen in ages! Second half team looked good, but maybe by then Welling had replaced some of their first choice, hard to tell.

Will Wood played for them and got some abuse from the travelling rabble.

Pitch was in horrible condition, full of badly patched holes, and with the low fence so close to the pitch potentially dangerous for players too.

New ground plans look initially good but barmy on closer inspection. 7 story block of flats on the narrow terracing behind the goal surely can't work.
New ground plans look initially good but barmy on closer inspection. 7 story block of flats on the narrow terracing behind the goal surely can't work.
My impression is the pitch will be shunted southwards away from the main road, to make space for the residential development. The current Erith & Belvedere stand is entirely within the southern half of the pitch, so it will be realigned near the halfway line. The two ends and other side will be totally rebuilt. Apparently E&B will vacate for good and Welling will need to groundshare for a season. I've seen it suggested E&B may end up at the old Slade Green ground, but I'm not sure whether that's a serious proposition or just a few non-league boffins throwing a suggestion into the ring.
My impression is the pitch will be shunted southwards away from the main road, to make space for the residential development. The current Erith & Belvedere stand is entirely within the southern half of the pitch, so it will be realigned near the halfway line. The two ends and other side will be totally rebuilt. Apparently E&B will vacate for good and Welling will need to groundshare for a season. I've seen it suggested E&B may end up at the old Slade Green ground, but I'm not sure whether that's a serious proposition or just a few non-league boffins throwing a suggestion into the ring.
I forgot to take a photo of the plans but I couldn't see any bars mentioned on them.
This is the roadside view and pitch side looking towards the road. Not much room behind that goal.IMG_20230718_191739.jpgIMG_20230718_191731.jpg
That second image - the goal is right up against the flats? Not sure if they're aware of the talent levels they're dealing with, but I'd want to make sure glazing insurance is included in the service charge if I was moving in there.

Also, if they're shunting the pitch away from the road that would move it further into Danson Park - let's hope there's no risk of that disturbing any Kentish bats.
It looked to me on the drawing that the flats take up all of the terracing at that end and only the yellow hatched area is left.
It looked to me on the drawing that the flats take up all of the terracing at that end and only the yellow hatched area is left.
These drawings are only architect's impressions, they shouldn't be taken literally. They will often suggest things that simply wouldn't add up to the minimum criteria.
You could raise netting on match days and when in use or something…? It’s not just the balconies / windows behind the goal the ones to the side are in danger too. Especially if the pitch is 3G so hired for use during the week for smaller games kicking widthways.
Have to say it looks kind of fun though.
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