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Wales is "Europe's booze capital"


A report in The Lancet claims that Welsh boozers are drinking themselves to death faster than those just about anywhere else in Western Europe.


The research shows that liver cirrhosis deaths are soaring in the UK while falling in other European countries

In the 1980s and 1990s, cirrhosis death rates for men more than doubled in Scotland, and rose by over two-thirds in England and Wales.

The figures compare with those for 12 other European countries - Austria, Finland, Germany, Ireland, Italy, France, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden and Denmark.

Although some still had high rates, these countries experienced a 20 to 30 per cent decline since the early 1970s.


And it seems that Cardiff is the capital city of Europe's booze capital, with an earlier report saying that "revellers in the Welsh capital spend £241m annually on alcohol - significantly higher than cities such as Bristol, Birmingham and Edinburgh."


Do you reckon the Welsh are exceptionally big boozers?
The amount spent in Cardiff is surely significantly boosted by the hordes of people who flood in from the surrounding areas on a weekend? Not that that means the Welsh aren't huge drinkers but it'd help boost it way beyond Bristol say which doesn't have the same number of fairly well populated areas surrounding it.
reckon wembley being shite and the millennium stadium being used for loads more things may have contibuted to those stats?

i personally think that we Welsh are heavy drinkers, u love a bit of quaffage don't ya ed :)
and the pubs in canton always seem to have a fair few peeps in them, whatever time of day
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