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US defence firm Lockheed Martin has developed a laser that can knock out the engine of a small truck

There was something in the papers yesterday about a company selling hover boards next year.

The future, were finally there :thumbs :
Er,surely a silver backed mirror is going to defeat this and possibly take out some citizen passing by in there Toyota.
Also, said truck will have to keep still while the laser 'penetrates engine components in seconds'.
Er,surely a silver backed mirror is going to defeat this and possibly take out some citizen passing by in there Toyota.
There may be a few practical issues with plastering a vehicle with mirrors... not least of which would be keeping them spotlessly clean! Besides which, no mirror is a perfect reflector, some of the incident energy would be absorbed by the reflective surface - a powerful enough beam would still destroy the reflective material, after which its full power would then be absorbed by the target. TBF, you'd be better off with any kind of dense ablative armour, which would just burn away slowly, allowing the vehicle time to hide somewhere out of line of sight.
The easiest way to avoid having your car zapped by lasers is to only go out driving when it's raining heavily or there's a lot of fog. Drivers in Scotland have near year round invulnerability.
I think lazer weapons have become a self fulfilling prophecy. You've got people working at daarpa who grew up with star wars and trek's trusty phasers.

never mind that projectile weapons are tried, tested, more effective and have several hundred years of design refinements. They want lazers.

In 2020 they'll make a working lightsabre
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