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Universal Credit backdated payment


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For the past 18th months I've continually put messages on my journal stating my anxiety and depression and being unfit for work,finally I had a phone assessment last week and I had a letter saying I'm owed backdated universal credit.
I feel that UC discriminates when you have mental health issues and if I didn't pursue my health issues I wouldn't of got anything which I think is totally unfair,I've got documents proving my condition but they dont seem to want to help and I've got to do all the running and catching up.anyone else had a similar experience?
Good that you carried it through - congratulations on the backdate. Someone useful will I'm sure be along shortly :)
Not sure if this is the right thread but I didn't want to start a new one. I seem to have been paid £1k from them today with a request for an interview as well to review my job situation. I've not been on UC in over three years.

What the fuck should I do? I mean I know they're incompetent.... call them, tell them I'm not on UC, im not coming in for an interview and hope they don't notice they've paid me? (I will give half to my local food bank if they're too stupid to realise)
Not sure if this is the right thread but I didn't want to start a new one. I seem to have been paid £1k from them today with a request for an interview as well to review my job situation. I've not been on UC in over three years.

What the fuck should I do? I mean I know they're incompetent.... call them, tell them I'm not on UC, im not coming in for an interview and hope they don't notice they've paid me? (I will give half to my local food bank if they're too stupid to realise)


is it possible they have realised they underpaid you last time you were on UC or whatever? there were some additional payments due during the covid times.

although that would usually come with a letter explaining it rather that being summoned for an interview.

i'm inclined not to ignore it, as if it is a mistake, they will be after you sooner or later, and probably when you can afford it least, like if you have to sign on again some time in the future.

the other possible is that it's some sort of identity fraud, and whoever's doing the fraud bit has cocked it up.

i'm too out of touch with the benefits system to have any specific ideas.

is it possible they have realised they underpaid you last time you were on UC or whatever? there were some additional payments due during the covid times.

although that would usually come with a letter explaining it rather that being summoned for an interview.

i'm inclined not to ignore it, as if it is a mistake, they will be after you sooner or later, and probably when you can afford it least, like if you have to sign on again some time in the future.

the other possible is that it's some sort of identity fraud, and whoever's doing the fraud bit has cocked it up.

i'm too out of touch with the benefits system to have any specific ideas.

No, I dont think its fraud. They did call me the other day to ask if I wanted to update my situation. I told them I've not claimed it for three years and she said she'd fix it on the system. And then I get this. I could use the money tbh but it does feel pretty dishonest. I wasn't on UC for very long, well maybe a year actually, it was during the pandemic but I don't think I was being underpaid.
No, I dont think its fraud. They did call me the other day to ask if I wanted to update my situation. I told them I've not claimed it for three years and she said she'd fix it on the system. And then I get this. I could use the money tbh but it does feel pretty dishonest. I wasn't on UC for very long, well maybe a year actually, it was during the pandemic but I don't think I was being underpaid.
Put it in a savings account and see what develops.
Put it somewhere safe until you know what's going on, if it turns out you shouldn't have received it then they will demand it back and having spent it isn't a good enough reason.
Contact them and ask them why they have sent it to you, I wouldn't bother with going for an interview though.
It probably is legitimately yours but is best to be sure before you spend/donate it.
Put it somewhere safe until you know what's going on, if it turns out you shouldn't have received it then they will demand it back and having spent it isn't a good enough reason.
Contact them and ask them why they have sent it to you, I wouldn't bother with going for an interview though.
It probably is legitimately yours but is best to be sure before you spend/donate it.

I called them to cancel the appointment and the guy was equally bemused as to why I'd been summoned as I've not claimed UC in years. I didn't mention the payment. Just asked for my account to be closed on my journal thing which I already did all that time ago but apparently it never happened.

How would it legitimately be mine btw? I don't think I was underpaid. I could have used it when I was about to be turfed out coz I couldn't pay the rent 2 years ago of course. But yeh, I won't go on a shopping spree just yet.
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