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Undercut With Long Hair

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worked it out now!
I have long hair probably down to my bra line & when I was a festival recently I just wanted to shave it off. Since I have been toying with an undercut & I’m surprised I have have never had one.

Please share your experiences with an undercut , if I decide to grow it out will that be an arse for years?
I've got one and I love it, not grown it out, just had it redone with silly pattern shaved in, can wear hair down and not noticeable :) Love the fuzzy feeling of shaved hair too.
I have had one when I was very young. It wasn’t a proper hair cut, more a lady shave job at home. 😄

I grew it out pretty quickly and it was a bit of a pain tbh when it started to grow.

If I’d had the face for it, I’d have had it cut short and grew it all evenly but it wouldn’t have suited me so I waited until it was bob length and did it then.

I used to gel/clip the regrowth underneath. I had shitloads of hair then so it was easier but I wouldn’t have got away with that with thinner hair.
If you have straight hair you'll be fine growing it out.

If you have a mop of curls (as did I at 16) it is not easy to grow it out. It literally sticks out.
If you have fine/thin hair, obvs it emphasises that, as you have less left to play with. And yes, it will be a bit odd whilst it's growing out - you may have to have the rest cut at some point to blend it in better.
But it's only hair - do it!! :D
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