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Trouble at the BBC

danny la rouge

More like *fanny* la rouge!
So the chair has finally resigned.

Of interest too, is that the BBC, while reporting on the horrendous CBI scandals, including reporting on all the organisations ending their membership, has failed to mention that the BBC is also a member. (Something it has never once declared all the times it has had CBI spokespeople on the news to comment on industrial action or anything).

What are the BBC’s intentions regarding its membership?

CBI business lobby group is finished, says City boss CBI business lobby group is finished, says City boss
So the chair has finally resigned.

Of interest too, is that the BBC, while reporting on the horrendous CBI scandals, including reporting on all the organisations ending their membership, has failed to mention that the BBC is also a member. (Something it has never once declared all the times it has had CBI spokespeople on the news to comment on industrial action or anything).

What are the BBC’s intentions regarding its membership?

CBI business lobby group is finished, says City boss CBI business lobby group is finished, says City boss
Fuck the Tory piece of shit.

So the chair has finally resigned.

Of interest too, is that the BBC, while reporting on the horrendous CBI scandals, including reporting on all the organisations ending their membership, has failed to mention that the BBC is also a member. (Something it has never once declared all the times it has had CBI spokespeople on the news to comment on industrial action or anything).

What are the BBC’s intentions regarding its membership?

CBI business lobby group is finished, says City boss CBI business lobby group is finished, says City boss
Time for a spot of rebranding for CBI. Management consultants will be all over that like a rash
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