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Tory UK EU Exit Referendum

aren't the german & london exchanges merging? sure I heard that on the news the other day...

My first thought was that in the event of an exit vote, the London Stock Exchange would be declared German territory :)

(Not that that'd do anything at all to improve the conditions of life of anyone, anywhere, except two lawyers working for the Boerse & LSE.)
And if we do vote to leave, there is nothing to stop the EU from raising trade tariffs against our exports, or indeed barring financial transactions via the London markets. Frankfurt would probably be the main winner in that scenario.

Although the EU could legislatively bar financial transactions, money will always seek the point of greatest return. If transacting in London is more beneficial than transacting in Hamburg, then businesses and capital will find a way around legislation.
OOpps . not suspended (could have sworn I read that somewhere)Deutsche Börse timed LSE bid to exploit EU vote uncertainty - FT.com

Deutsche Börse deliberately launched its bid for the London Stock Exchange Group amid the political uncertainty surrounding Britain’s “Brexit” vote in order to steal a march on US rivals.

Some commentators have expressed surprise at the timing of the cross-border bid to create a regional trading champion only months before the UK could vote to leave the EU.
But people close to the negotiations told the Financial Times that the timing was deliberate, and designed to move while potential predators awaited the outcome of the June 23 UK referendum. “Brexit provided the camouflage,” said one person familiar with the discussions.

The exchanges are closing in on a deal to create an infrastructure that would serve as a connection between Europe’s pre-eminent financial centre and the rest of the EU, irrespective of the British vote.

“We are providing a wonderful bridge across regulatory regimes and use whatever outcome there is to the advantage of EU, UK or Germany,” the person said.

The combination has also been discussed with senior politicians in London and Berlin. It is understood from those close to the deal that Downing Street was kept informed about the possible merger of the two exchanges: David Cameron’s spokesman said Downing Street had no concerns about it.

The deal, which may come as early as next week, is set to outline an “all-share merger of equals” that creates a unified European entity able to fend off potential bids from US duo CME Group and Intercontinental Exchange (ICE).

A combined Deutsche Börse and LSE would have a market capitalisation of around $28bn, comparable to their US rivals. Xavier Rolet, chief executive of the LSE, and Carsten Kengeter, his German counterpart, also hope to exploit potential distractions at ICE, which last year spent $6bn on the purchases of Interactive Data Corp and Trayport.

Both ICE and the CME may also need to shift some assets from London into the eurozone in the event of a “leave” vote.

The transaction’s structure is also being designed to allay concerns among German politicians and employees that the deal will see further economic power ebbing to London. A formal deal is likely to reveal a London-based holding company with dual headquarters in the UK capital and Frankfurt.

Günter Isemeyer, spokesman for Verdi, the German services trade union, said it was a “matter of concern” that there would be only one board of the new London-based holding company.

He said it would have implications for “Mitbestimmung” or “co-determination” — the German system under which workers can elect trade union representatives to supervisory boards. However, few Deutsche Börse employees are Verdi members.

:confused:not a subscriber either killer b
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All murdoch media is pro-remain

They don't want to lose their favourite bogeyman.

Come to think of it, once the question is settled (assuming it will be, without some kind of fudge) what the fuck are they going to talk about on Question Time forever more? What the fuck will all the local paper website below-the-line commentator bores do with themselves if they can't blame the local wheelie bin crisis on the evil EU? Are those people going to take their sense of empowerment and start shuffling around in public like some zombie army demanding an end to political correctness and removal of VAT from Werthers originals?
Murdoch is a predictable addition to the biggest cacophony of cunts ever assembled in British politics.
Let's make this clear - what papers does he own and what are those papers positions on the referendum?

"the biggest cacophony of cunts ever assembled in British politics." was the yes to AV campaign btw. Where were you on that one?
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Like crime commissioner elections it passed me by. Wasn't the campaign just Nick Clegg? Point taken

The first part of the post:
Murdoch is a predictable addition to the biggest cacophony of cunts ever assembled in British politics.

Let's make this clear - what papers does he own and what are those papers positions on the referendum? What's the addition?
The first part of the post:

Let's make this clear - what papers does he own and what are those papers positions on the referendum? What's the addition?
The Sun is out and the Times is mainly out but steering a more liberal course. And Murdoch is an addition to a group featuring Ian Duncan-Smith, Boris Johnson, Farage, Iain Paisley Jr, Galloway, David Icke and Katie Hopkins.
The Sun is out and the Times is mainly out but steering a more liberal course. And Murdoch is an addition to a group featuring Ian Duncan-Smith, Boris Johnson, Farage, Iain Paisley Jr, Galloway, David Icke and Katie Hopkins.
There is no mainly in or out. So what do we really have? What are the actual sourced and evidenced positions of the murdoch owned papers?

This second bit doesn't follow then, does it?
Sorry, I'm not reading the whole thread so I expect the answer is here somewhere, but is there anywhere I can see the arguments for and against leaving the EU? I understand it's not really as clear cut as that but is there somewhere I can find some facts? I know I'm not the only one that would like to make a decision based on something more than the nothing I have right now.
The Sun is out and the Times is mainly out but steering a more liberal course. And Murdoch is an addition to a group featuring Ian Duncan-Smith, Boris Johnson, Farage, Iain Paisley Jr, Galloway, David Icke and Katie Hopkins.
Three factual errors and a smear of racism, loyalism, toryism, anti-semitism and fuck knows what else in two lines. Well done.

Have you just been hired from the AV campaign?
Sorry, I'm not reading the whole thread so I expect the answer is here somewhere, but is there anywhere I can see the arguments for and against leaving the EU? I understand it's not really as clear cut as that but is there somewhere I can find some facts? I know I'm not the only one that would like to make a decision based on something more than the nothing I have right now.
What facts are you interested in?

There are arguments for and against spread over a number of threads - this one,
Progressive arguments for staying in the EU, How will you vote in the EU Referendum, Brexit or Bremain.
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