I've spent the summer pootling around in very untrendy trainers and barefeet but on Monday I start my MA at an college where I know I shall be surrounded by stylish people (it goes with the courses iyswim) and I've belatedly realised I need foot wear.
I used to live in DMs but since developing plantar fascities and general middleagedachyfoot shit, they aren't comfortable.
I want something flat, which laces up, with a cushioned/flexible sole, sort oflike a boxing boot but more substantial.
I am such a dunce when it comes to buying shoes I have no idea where to start. Anyideas gratefully received.
I used to live in DMs but since developing plantar fascities and general middleagedachyfoot shit, they aren't comfortable.
I want something flat, which laces up, with a cushioned/flexible sole, sort oflike a boxing boot but more substantial.
I am such a dunce when it comes to buying shoes I have no idea where to start. Anyideas gratefully received.