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Tony Mulhearn RIP

Ah bugger. Tony was a really sound bloke. He came to speak at meetings I'd organised a few times, miles from Liverpool, inevitably to a single figure audience in a social club back room and never complained. A proper fighter. RIP.

Organised an anti cuts demo through the trades council in my little hometown a few years ago, 2010 I think, and was well chuffed Tony was happy to come and speak. The local Labour types weren't chuffed at all, especially as the demo was pretty big, couple of thousand, making it one of the biggest ever there. They lent on trades council to push him down the running order, despite the fact he was the only big name there. I was mortified, couldn't apologise enough after, and tried to explain that the running order had been changed without our knowledge. He just said he could tell as soon as he got there that some people weren't happy about him speaking at all, and told me we'd organised a great demo and not to let a bunch of apologists for Blair get me down. Insisted on getting his round in too even though everyone wanted to buy him a drink. Never complained about anything, would make the most of any audience he was given, and one of the most concise and clear speakers I've ever heard. Never too busy to have a natter with anyone or give his advice if you asked for it.

Tony was a real life working class hero. Every Corbyn supporter who has any kind of aspiration for the LP to really fight for working class people should study his life, not just his politics but how he conducted himself. Feeling gutted today. RIP comrade.
RIP didn't really know him but met him a couple of times and always thought of him as one of the good uns
Despite political differences always admired his comittment and passion for the working class.Old school.

As well as a fighter for the working class. He was also working class himself. A rarity.

He was still a union steward in his 70’s, for the PCS I think.
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