What was the fuss about?... All these goverment haters needing a big friendly government to keep them employed even if the industry they were in was losing millions? Mining, steel and any other British 'industry' were on their last legs when Thatcher came to power.
Care to present any evidence that proves your claim (besides headlines from Tory papers, obviously)?
The mines most certainly
weren't on their "last legs", that's for certain. Are you aware that it actually cost
more for coal to be shipped in from Chile and Convictland for power generation, than it did to mine it here?
See, it's not as simple as a profit/loss account, you have to reveal all the hidden costs too
The 3 day week and all that malarky
Who caused the three-day week, hmmm?
All Maggie did was close those antiquated practices and drag this country kicking and screaming into the modern age.
No, that's not "all she did", as anyone who is familiar with the era knows. She and her cronies engineered the destruction of our manufacturing base which, granted, had some holes in it, but which could have on the whole remained profitable. What Thatcher did was destroy it in order to create the conditions for a service economy with as little transition as possible, to minimise the effect on
capital. Not on people, but on
So people lost jobs? Shit happens. We used to have over 500,000 blacksmiths in this country...but guess what? We don't travel on horses anymore. Are you upset about their demise? Thought not. So work it out...Would you shut the internet down to keep libraries open?
Did all the blacksmiths get thrown out of employment at once, or was it actually a progressive diminution of numbers over the course of 3-4 decades?
Your comparison of what Thatcher was responsible for over a decade with the gradual reduction in numbers of blacksmiths is irrelevant.
The miners were holding every working man and his family to ransom every year demanding above-inflation wage rises, which of course was ramping inflation and alternative fuel prices up, and leaving old people unable to keep themselves warm. Thatcher was forced to choose the lesser of the 2 evils by importing coal at 1/5th of the price from Australia. They got what they deserved the f*cking smug, blackmailing greedy c*nts
You understand economic processes so poorly I'm tempted to ask whether you have a B.A. in Economics. You also appear to have missed several external factors that influenced inflation far more heavily than pay claims.
By the way, have a hunt around the net and compare the gross and net price of Aussie and Chilean coal, i.e. at the mine head and as delivered. The facts kind of burn a hole in the "cheaper foreign coal" myth.
Thatcher was a visionary. Closed down 100's of polluting coal mines in the 80's despite protests and violent demonstrations. Now the descendents of those 'liberals' that protested against pit closures are now protesting against coal. 'Coal not Dole' the badges said back then. I just saw a sticker on a lampost that said 'Say no to Coal'. F*cking idiots. One day all will understand that Thatcher was the greatest leader this nation, if not Europe, has ever seen.
Won't happen, because most people aren't idiots.