The Architecture of Matter
Here's the way I've heard it. [My son was a Physics major in college, and he sort of ... agrees, altho this explanation goes beyond his studies.] But, just for you guys to chew on.
>>HERE<< at Frequency Level One, we experience 1,2,3 & 4, Point, Line of Thought or Light, Location and Duration of Time.
This is the Objective Dimension, where Cause-and-Effect operates--the ONLY place where cause-and-effect is a reliable mechanism, suitable for study.
At the next higher frequency where particle size conveys less mass, the dimensions that Minds experience are 5,6,7,8:
5, the continuum between chaos and order;
6, the sidetrack of history
7, the Touch of God, which is Thought;
8, particularities of cosmic relationships.
This is the Kingdom of God, where there are miracles, healings, etc., that bear on cause-and-effect in the case of prayer. Wishing is a form of prayer.
At the next higher frequency where particle size conveys EVEN LESS mass, the dimensions that Minds experience are 9,10,11,12:
9, claire voyance;
10, claire audience;
11, telepathy
12, incarnation at will.
This is Heaven, wherein resident Minds instantly manifest their thoughts; so there is no literacy, no real data, only living by wishing.
This would imply that our planet is actually like an onion, with layered surfaces and atmosphere in between the layered surfaces, such that every surface is a complete ecosphere, and every inhabitant looks out at the same sky--only--from different physical characteristics and different mental abilities.
I hope you scientists don't find this cosmology too absurd to give thought to. It has taken many decades to realize and understand it, on my part. ... If I'm wrong, I'll find that out when I leave here.