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Things to look out for in Lidl and Aldi

Amazon don't charge me to put goods in my basket. My local hardware shop doesn't charge me to take goods from their shelves and hand it to me. My local chippy doesn't charge me to hand me fish and chips. The local electronics store doesn't charge me to fetch a TV from the store room and put it in my car. Should I continue?
You can if you like, but it won't make the slightest difference to the supermarkets who charge for click and collect.

Businesses factor in their level of service into their prices. I don't see why any company that is offering a new level of service shouldn't charge the customer for it, seeing as it is the choice of the customer whether or not to use it.
I've sampled a range of beers and ciders from Lidl recently so that you don't have to.


Go for the Hatherwood beers. IPA is very good, pleasingly bitter, as is the Ruby Red if you want a dark, malty beer. I didn't like their Golden Ale (tastes like lager), but then I don't much like golden ales. At £1.09 for half a litre, they're cheaper and better than the more expensive 'craft' offerings. Don't look any further than Hatherwood.

Woodgate Scrumpy. £2.49 for four cans. Clean and fresh and not too sweet. Why pay more?
drinking Hatherwood "plunged orange" IPA 6% now , 33oml for £1.25 ,almost £4 per litre .... Its nice ...but it should be effin brill for that money
Sistema egg poachers are on sale at the moment (well, last week when I was in). Works really well. Bought a steamer for veg too.

I was going to get one of those, but then. I saw it was £2 more for an electric one that also does boiled eggs. I've had eggs every day this week.
I've got an egg boiler already, but this is much quicker. I'm not precious about eggs as long as they're fully cooked and it does that OK.
My Greek housemate was very enthusiastic about the range of Greek food they have on Lidl at the moment, if anyone wants any Greek food or stuff?

Oh if it's Greek week I need to get there asap, they had retsina and octopus the year before last
Yep, still got octopus if that's your thing: Flavour of the Week: Greece from Thursday, 18.03. at

Also my housemate claims that they used to have a picture of a Greek church on the packaging of the Greek stuff, but people complained about it having religious symbolism so they photoshopped the cross off, and then other people complained about them having photoshopped the cross off so they changed it to a picture of a different idyllic Greek scene with no churches visible. I can't verify that, but that's my Greek Lidl product trivia for the day.
It's more than one week a year, isn't it? They just seem to rotate through Greek, French and Spanish.

I dunno, it's a bus ride away so it isn't where I do my weekly shop - and didn't go there at all most of last year due to Covid
Well I went to Lidl and they had run out of octopus, ouzo and retsina :(
Got a jar of green chillies stuffed with soft cheese from their Greek food range, 59p, bargain. Was tempted by a mahoosive jar of mahoosive green olives for £3 but it was quite heavy and it's a bit of a trek - and we have a very wide selection of olives locally (some of the independent shops around here are great for Mediterranean and Middle Eastern fare, one of them pretty much has an olive aisle). Lovely shaped large jar though, I'd have found a use for it once empty, which is always a bonus. Maybe next time they do Greek week. Regretting not getting one.

Got cheap beer, sweets, biscuits, crisps etc. :oops:
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