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Whitstable - things to do, photos, stories


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For a couple, a 7 year old boy and a dog.

Off on holiday, just got round to thinking wtf are we going to do when we get there :D

Any suggestions?
will you have a car?

If you do have a car - Dungeness is great to visit - it's about 30 miles away - they have a little train that goes around - perfect for a 7 yo
There's Wildwood nearby which I've never been to. And Farm World which children seem to like. We go to Wingham Wildlife Park a lot which is good - dunno how you'd get there on public transport (it's the other side of Canterbury).

There's Dickens World in Canterbury but that sounds v dull to me :D
Had a really nice day today just pottering about the seafront, eating oysters and jumping in the sea. Off to cycle to canterbury tomorrow.

Thinking of hiring a boat or jets or kayak on monday, any suggedtions?
My sister got married there last summer, it is indeed lovely (apart from that massive cement plantr towering over the harbour!)
I've got another load of photos to post up later. The only thing I didn't like about the place was how everything closed so blooming early!

Yes, I know. Me and my big city ways etc etc.
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