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The Undertones

Always play the best song 2nd and don't post a string of posts that no-ooone can decipher before.
I used to work with Feargal Sharkey, back in the early 2000s. He's a very lovely man indeed, and I'm loving the fact he's now taking the water companies to task very publicly for polluting rivers.
Given that he has spent several decades fishing in those same rivers, I'm not altogether surprised but who would have guessed.
I used to work with Feargal Sharkey, back in the early 2000s. He's a very lovely man indeed, and I'm loving the fact he's now taking the water companies to task very publicly for polluting rivers.
Given that he has spent several decades fishing in those same rivers, I'm not altogether surprised but who would have guessed.
He comes across as a good bloke so glad to hear that he is IRL. And yes, he's great on the water pollution stuff.
I used to work with Feargal Sharkey, back in the early 2000s. He's a very lovely man indeed, and I'm loving the fact he's now taking the water companies to task very publicly for polluting rivers.
Given that he has spent several decades fishing in those same rivers, I'm not altogether surprised but who would have guessed.
he was out campaigning for the one decent MP in Sheffield yesterday. Good chap.
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